# [Environments](https://smpybandits.github.io/docs/Environment.html) > See here the documentation: [docs/Environment](https://smpybandits.github.io/docs/Environment.html) - [`MAB`](MAB.py), [`MarkovianMAB`](MarkovianMAB.py), [`DynamicMAB`](DynamicMAB.py) and [`IncreasingMAB`](IncreasingMAB.py) objects, used to wrap the problems (list of arms). - [`Result`](Result.py) and [`ResultMultiPlayers`](ResultMultiPlayers.py) objects, used to wrap simulation results (list of decisions and rewards). - [`Evaluator`](Evaluator.py) environment, used to wrap simulation, for the single player case. - [`EvaluatorMultiPlayers`](EvaluatorMultiPlayers.py) environment, used to wrap simulation, for the multi-players case. - [`EvaluatorSparseMultiPlayers`](EvaluatorSparseMultiPlayers.py) environment, used to wrap simulation, for the multi-players case with sparse activated players. - [`CollisionModels`](CollisionModels.py) implements different collision models. And useful constants and functions for the plotting and stuff are in the [`__init__.py`](__init__.py) file: - `DPI`, `signature`, `maximizeWindow`, `palette`, `makemarkers`, `wraptext`: for plotting - `notify`: send a desktop notification - `Parallel`, `delayed`: joblib related - `tqdm`: pretty range() loops - `sortedDistance`, `fairnessMeasures`: science related