#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Server to play multi-armed bandits problem against.
policy_server.py [--port=<PORT>] [--host=<HOST>] [--means=<MEANS>] <json_configuration>
policy_server.py (-h|--help)
policy_server.py --version
-h --help Show this screen.
--version Show version.
--port=<PORT> Port to use for the TCP connection [default: 10000].
--host=<HOST> Address to use for the TCP connection [default:].
--means=<MEANS> Means of arms used by the environment, to print regret [default: None].
from __future__ import division, print_function # Python 2 compatibility
__author__ = "Lilian Besson"
__version__ = "0.9"
version = "SMPyBandits MAB policy server v{}".format(__version__)
import json
import socket
import numpy as np
from docopt import docopt
except ImportError:
print("ERROR: the 'docopt' module is needed for this script 'policy_server.py'.\nPlease install it with 'sudo pip install docopt' (or pip3), and try again!\nIf the issue persists, please fill a ticket here: https://github.com/SMPyBandits/SMPyBandits/issues/new") # DEBUG
from Policies import *
#: Example of configuration to pass from the command line.
#: ``'{"nbArms": 3, "archtype": "UCBalpha", "params": { "alpha": 0.5 }}'``
default_configuration = {
"nbArms": 10,
"archtype": "UCBalpha", # This basic UCB is very worse than the other
"params": {
"alpha": 1,
[docs]def read_configuration_policy(a_string):
""" Return a valid configuration dictionary to initialize a policy, from the input string."""
obj = json.loads(a_string)
assert isinstance(obj, dict) and "nbArms" in obj and "archtype" in obj and "params" in obj, "Error: invalid string to be converted to a configuration object for a policy."
return obj
[docs]def server(policy, host, port, means=None):
Launch a server that:
- uses sockets to listen to input and reply
- create a learning algorithm from a JSON configuration (exactly like ``main.py`` when it reads ``configuration.py``)
- then receives feedback ``(arm, reward)`` from the network, pass it to the algorithm, listens to his ``arm = choice()`` suggestion, and sends this back to the network.
has_index = hasattr(policy, "index")
# Create a TCP/IP socket
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# Bind the socket to the port
server_address = (host, port)
print("starting up on {} port {}".format(*server_address))
# Listen for incoming connections
chosen_arm = None
if means is not None:
max_mean = np.max(means)
max_regret_by_logt = float('-inf')
max_estregret_by_logt = float('-inf')
while True:
# Wait for a connection
print("Waiting for a connection...")
connection, client_address = sock.accept()
print("(New) connection from", client_address)
# Receive the data in small chunks and react to it
while True:
print("Learning algorithm = {} and chosen_arm = {}, at time t = {}:".format(policy, chosen_arm, policy.t))
print("\n Its pulls = {}...\n Its rewards = {}...\n ==> means = {}...".format(policy.pulls, policy.rewards, policy.rewards / (1 + policy.pulls)))
if has_index:
print(" And internal indexes =", policy.index)
# print regret
if means is not None and policy.t > 1:
cumulated_rewards = np.sum(policy.rewards)
instant_regret = (max_mean * policy.t) - cumulated_rewards
instant_regret_by_logt = instant_regret / np.log(policy.t)
max_regret_by_logt = max(max_regret_by_logt, instant_regret_by_logt)
print("\n- Current instantaneous regret at time t = {} is = {:.3g}, and regret / log(t) = {:.3g}\n and total max regret / log(t) already seen = {:.3g}...".format(policy.t, instant_regret, instant_regret_by_logt, max_regret_by_logt)) # DEBUG
estimated_rewards = np.sum(np.dot(means, policy.pulls))
estimated_regret = (max_mean * policy.t) - estimated_rewards
instant_estregret_by_logt = estimated_regret / np.log(policy.t)
max_estregret_by_logt = max(max_estregret_by_logt, instant_estregret_by_logt)
print("- Current estimated regret at time t = {} is = {:.3g}, and estimated regret / log(t) = {:.3g}.\n and total max estimated regret / log(t) already seen = {:.3g} (based on pulls and means, not actual rewards)...".format(policy.t, estimated_regret, instant_estregret_by_logt, max_estregret_by_logt)) # DEBUG
data = connection.recv(16)
message = data.decode()
print("\nData received: {!r}".format(message))
reward = float(message)
if chosen_arm is not None:
print("Passing reward {} on arm {} to the policy...".format(reward, chosen_arm))
policy.getReward(chosen_arm, reward)
except ValueError:
print("Unable to convert message = '{!r}' to a float reward...".format(message)) # DEBUG
chosen_arm = policy.choice()
except ValueError:
chosen_arm = (policy.t + 1) % policy.nbArms
print("Unable to use policy's choice() method... playing the (t+1)%K-th = {} arm...".format(chosen_arm)) # DEBUG
message = str(chosen_arm)
print("Sending: '{!r}'...".format(message))
except ConnectionResetError:
print("Remote connection was not found... waiting for the next one!")
# Clean up the connection
print("Closing connection...")
# Clean up the socket
print("Closing socket...")
[docs]def main(args):
Take args, construct the learning policy and starts the server.
host = str(args['--host'])
port = int(args['--port'])
means = str(args['--means'])
means = means.replace('[', '').replace(']', '')
means = [ float(m) for m in means.split(',') ]
means = np.asarray(means, dtype=float)
except ValueError:
means = None
json_configuration = args['<json_configuration>']
configuration = read_configuration_policy(json_configuration)
nbArms = int(configuration['nbArms'])
# try to map strings in the dictionary to variables, e.g., policies
params = configuration['params']
print("Params =", params)
policy = globals()[configuration['archtype']](nbArms, **params)
print("Using the policy", policy)
return server(policy, host, port, means=means)
if __name__ == '__main__':
arguments = docopt(__doc__, version=version)
# print("arguments =", arguments) # DEBUG