Source code for configuration_comparing_aggregation_algorithms

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Configuration for the simulations, for the single-player case, for comparing Aggregation algorithms.
from __future__ import division, print_function  # Python 2 compatibility

__author__ = "Lilian Besson"
__version__ = "0.7"

# Tries to know number of CPU
    from multiprocessing import cpu_count
    CPU_COUNT = cpu_count()
except ImportError:
    CPU_COUNT = 1

from os import getenv

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print("Warning: this script '' is NOT executable. Use ' configuration_comparing_aggregation_algorithms' or 'make comparing_aggregation_algorithms' ...")  # DEBUG

# Import arms and algorithms
    from Arms import *
    from Policies import *
except ImportError:
    from SMPyBandits.Arms import *
    from SMPyBandits.Policies import *

#: HORIZON : number of time steps of the experiments.
#: Warning Should be >= 10000 to be interesting "asymptotically".
HORIZON = 2000
HORIZON = 3000
HORIZON = 5000
HORIZON = 10000
# HORIZON = 20000
# HORIZON = 30000
# # # HORIZON = 40000
# HORIZON = 100000
HORIZON = int(getenv('T', HORIZON))

#: REPETITIONS : number of repetitions of the experiments.
#: Warning: Should be >= 10 to be statistically trustworthy.
REPETITIONS = 1  # XXX To profile the code, turn down parallel computing
REPETITIONS = 4  # Nb of cores, to have exactly one repetition process by cores

#: To profile the code, turn down parallel computing
DO_PARALLEL = False  # XXX do not let this = False  # To profile the code, turn down parallel computing

#: Number of jobs to use for the parallel computations. -1 means all the CPU cores, 1 means no parallelization.
N_JOBS = -1 if DO_PARALLEL else 1
if CPU_COUNT > 4:  # We are on a server, let's be nice and not use all cores
    N_JOBS = min(CPU_COUNT, max(int(CPU_COUNT / 3), CPU_COUNT - 8))
N_JOBS = int(getenv('N_JOBS', N_JOBS))

#: Number of arms for non-hard-coded problems (Bayesian problems)
NB_ARMS = int(getenv('K', NB_ARMS))
NB_ARMS = int(getenv('NB_ARMS', NB_ARMS))

# Random events
RANDOM_SHUFFLE = False  #: The arms are shuffled (``shuffle(arms)``).
RANDOM_INVERT = False  #: The arms are inverted (``arms = arms[::-1]``).
NB_RANDOM_EVENTS = 5  #: Number of random events. They are uniformly spaced in time steps.

TEST_Aggregator = False  # XXX do not let this = False if you want to test my Aggregator policy
TEST_Aggregator = True

TEST_CORRAL = False  # XXX do not let this = False if you want to test the CORRAL policy

TEST_LEARNEXP = False  # XXX do not let this = False if you want to test the LearnExp policy

TEST_HEDGE = False  # XXX do not let this = False if you want to test the Hedge policy

#: Should we cache rewards? The random rewards will be the same for all the REPETITIONS simulations for each algorithms.
CACHE_REWARDS = False  # XXX to disable manually this feature

#: Should the Aggregator policy update the trusts in each child or just the one trusted for last decision?
UPDATE_ALL_CHILDREN = False  # XXX do not let this = False

#: Should the rewards for Aggregator policy use as biased estimator, ie just ``r_t``, or unbiased estimators, ``r_t / p_t``

#: Should we update the trusts proba like in Exp4 or like in my initial Aggregator proposal
UPDATE_LIKE_EXP4 = True     # trusts^(t+1) = exp(rate_t * estimated rewards upto time t)
UPDATE_LIKE_EXP4 = False    # trusts^(t+1) <-- trusts^t * exp(rate_t * estimate reward at time t)

# Parameters for the arms
TRUNC = 1  #: Trunc parameter, ie amplitude, for Exponential arms

VARIANCE = 0.05   #: Variance of Gaussian arms
# VARIANCE = 0.25   #: Variance of Gaussian arms
MINI = 0  #: lower bound on rewards from Gaussian arms
MAXI = 1  #: upper bound on rewards from Gaussian arms, ie amplitude = 1

SCALE = 1   #: Scale of Gamma arms

#: Type of arms for non-hard-coded problems (Bayesian problems)
ARM_TYPE = "Bernoulli"
ARM_TYPE = str(getenv('ARM_TYPE', ARM_TYPE))

#: This dictionary configures the experiments
configuration = {
    # --- Duration of the experiment
    "horizon": HORIZON,
    # --- Number of repetition of the experiment (to have an average)
    "repetitions": REPETITIONS,
    # --- Parameters for the use of joblib.Parallel
    "n_jobs": N_JOBS,    # = nb of CPU cores
    "verbosity": 6,      # Max joblib verbosity
    # --- Random events
    "random_shuffle": RANDOM_SHUFFLE,
    "random_invert": RANDOM_INVERT,
    "nb_random_events": NB_RANDOM_EVENTS,
    # --- Cache rewards: use the same random rewards for the Aggregator[..] and the algorithms
    "cache_rewards": CACHE_REWARDS,
    # --- Arms
    "environment": [  # 1)  Bernoulli arms
        # {   # A very easy problem, but it is used in a lot of articles
        #     "arm_type": Bernoulli,
        #     "params": [0.1, 0.5, 0.9]
        # },
        # {   # A easy problem, but it is used in a lot of articles
        #     "arm_type": Bernoulli,
        #     "params": [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9]
        # },
        # {   # An other problem, best arm = last, with three groups: very bad arms (0.01, 0.02), middle arms (0.3 - 0.6) and very good arms (0.78, 0.8, 0.82)
        #     "arm_type": Bernoulli,
        #     "params": [0.01, 0.02, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.795, 0.8, 0.805]
        # },
        # {   # A very hard problem, as used in [Cappé et al, 2012]
        #     "arm_type": Bernoulli,
        #     "params": [0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.05, 0.05, 0.1]
        # },
        # XXX Default!
        {   # A very easy problem (X arms), but it is used in a lot of articles
            "arm_type": ARM_TYPE,
            "params": uniformMeans(NB_ARMS, 1 / (1. + NB_ARMS))
    # ],
    # # "environment": [  # 2)  Exponential arms
    #     {   # An example problem with 9 arms
    #         "arm_type": Exponential,
    #         "params": [(2, TRUNC), (3, TRUNC), (4, TRUNC), (5, TRUNC), (6, TRUNC), (7, TRUNC), (8, TRUNC), (9, TRUNC), (10, TRUNC)]
    #     },
    # # ],
    # # "environment": [  # 3)  Gaussian arms
    #     {   # An example problem with 3 or 9 arms
    #         "arm_type": Gaussian,
    #         # "params": [(mean, VARIANCE, MINI, MAXI) for mean in list(range(-8, 10, 2))]
    #         "params": [(mean, VARIANCE) for mean in [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9]]
    #         # "params": [(mean, VARIANCE) for mean in [0.1, 0.5, 0.9]]
    #     },
    # # # "environment": [  # 4)  Mix between Bernoulli and Gaussian and Exponential arms
    #     [
    #         arm_type(mean)
    #         for mean in [0.1, 0.5, 0.9]
    #         for arm_type in [Bernoulli, lambda mean: Gaussian(mean, VARIANCE), ExponentialFromMean]
    #     ],
    # # "environment": [  # 5)  Mix between Bernoulli and Gaussian and Exponential arms
    #     [
    #         arm_type(mean)
    #         for mean in [0.01, 0.02, 0.09]
    #         for arm_type in [Bernoulli, lambda mean: Gaussian(mean, VARIANCE), ExponentialFromMean]
    #     ],
    # # ],
    # # "environment": [  # XXX Gamma arms
    # #     {   # An example problem with 3 arms
    # #         "arm_type": GammaFromMean,
    # #         "params": [(shape, SCALE, 0, 10) for shape in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]
    # #     },
    # # ],

# if len(configuration['environment']) > 1:
#     raise ValueError("WARNING do not use this hack if you try to use more than one environment.")
#     # Note: I dropped the support for more than one environments, for this part of the configuration, but not the simulation code

#: And get LOWER, AMPLITUDE values
    for env in configuration['environment']:
        if isinstance(env, dict) and 'params' in env and 'arm_type' in env:
            nbArms = len(env['params'])
            arm_type = env['arm_type']
            for param in env['params']:
                arm = arm_type(*param) if isinstance(param, (dict, tuple, list)) else arm_type(param)
                l, a = arm.lower_amplitude
                LOWER = min(LOWER, l)
                AMPLITUDE = max(AMPLITUDE, a)
        else:  # the env must be a list of arm, already created
            for arm in env:
                l, a = arm.lower_amplitude
                LOWER = min(LOWER, l)
                AMPLITUDE = max(AMPLITUDE, a)
    mini, maxi = LOWER, LOWER + AMPLITUDE
    print("Apparently, the arms have rewards in [{}, {}] (lower = {}, amplitude = {})".format(LOWER, LOWER + AMPLITUDE, LOWER, AMPLITUDE))
except Exception as e:
    print("Warning: Possibly wrong estimate of lower, amplitude ....")

# Custom klucb function
_klucbGauss = klucbGauss

[docs]def klucbGauss(x, d, precision=0.): """klucbGauss(x, d, sig2x) with the good variance (= 0.05).""" return _klucbGauss(x, d, 0.25)
# return _klucbGauss(x, d, VARIANCE) _klucbGamma = klucbGamma
[docs]def klucbGamma(x, d, precision=0.): """klucbGamma(x, d, sig2x) with the good scale (= 1).""" return _klucbGamma(x, d, SCALE)
configuration.update({ "policies": [ # { # "archtype": Uniform, # The stupidest policy, fully uniform # "params": {} # }, # --- UCBalpha algorithm # { # "archtype": UCBalpha, # "params": { # "alpha": 4, # "lower": LOWER, "amplitude": AMPLITUDE, # } # }, { "archtype": UCBalpha, "params": { "alpha": 1, "lower": LOWER, "amplitude": AMPLITUDE, } }, # { # "archtype": UCBalpha, # "params": { # "alpha": 0.5, # "lower": LOWER, "amplitude": AMPLITUDE, # } # }, # --- Thompson algorithm { "archtype": Thompson, "params": { "lower": LOWER, "amplitude": AMPLITUDE, } }, # --- KL algorithms, here only klUCBPlus with different klucb functions { "archtype": klUCB, "params": { "lower": LOWER, "amplitude": AMPLITUDE, "klucb": klucbBern, # "horizon": HORIZON, } }, { "archtype": klUCB, "params": { "lower": LOWER, "amplitude": AMPLITUDE, "klucb": klucbExp, # "horizon": HORIZON, } }, { "archtype": klUCB, "params": { "lower": LOWER, "amplitude": AMPLITUDE, "klucb": klucbGauss, # "horizon": HORIZON, } }, # { # "archtype": klUCB, # "params": { # "lower": LOWER, "amplitude": AMPLITUDE, # "klucb": klucbGamma, # "horizon": HORIZON, # } # }, # --- BayesUCB algorithm { "archtype": BayesUCB, "params": { "lower": LOWER, "amplitude": AMPLITUDE, } }, # # --- Finite-Horizon Gittins index # { # "archtype": ApproximatedFHGittins, # "params": { # "horizon": 1.1 * HORIZON, # "alpha": 2, # } # }, # { # "archtype": ApproximatedFHGittins, # "params": { # "horizon": 1.1 * HORIZON, # "alpha": 1, # } # }, # { # "archtype": ApproximatedFHGittins, # "params": { # "horizon": 1.1 * HORIZON, # "alpha": 0.5, # } # }, ] }) from itertools import product # XXX If needed! NON_AGGR_POLICIES = configuration["policies"] # NON_AGGR_POLICIES += [{ # "archtype": Uniform, # The stupidest policy, fully uniform # "params": {} # }] # Dynamic hack to force the LearnExp (policies aggregator) to use all the policies previously/already defined if TEST_LEARNEXP: # ETA_VALUES = [0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8] ETA_VALUES = [0.9] # UNBIASED_VALUES = [False, True] UNBIASED_VALUES = [True] for ETA in ETA_VALUES: for UNBIASED in UNBIASED_VALUES: CURRENT_POLICIES = configuration["policies"] # Add one LearnExp policy configuration["policies"] = [{ "archtype": LearnExp, "params": { "children": NON_AGGR_POLICIES, "unbiased": UNBIASED, "eta": ETA, }, }] + CURRENT_POLICIES # Dynamic hack to force the CORRAL (policies aggregator) to use all the policies previously/already defined if TEST_CORRAL: # UNBIASED_VALUES = [False, True] UNBIASED_VALUES = [True] # BROADCAST_ALL_VALUES = [False, True] BROADCAST_ALL_VALUES = [True] for UNBIASED in UNBIASED_VALUES: for BROADCAST_ALL in BROADCAST_ALL_VALUES: CURRENT_POLICIES = configuration["policies"] # Add one CORRAL policy configuration["policies"] = [{ "archtype": CORRAL, "params": { "children": NON_AGGR_POLICIES, "horizon": HORIZON, "unbiased": UNBIASED, "broadcast_all": BROADCAST_ALL, }, }] + CURRENT_POLICIES # Dynamic hack to force the Aggregator (policies aggregator) to use all the policies previously/already defined if TEST_Aggregator: UPDATE_LIKE_EXP4_VALUES = [False, True] # UPDATE_LIKE_EXP4_VALUES = [True] # UPDATE_ALL_CHILDREN_VALUES = [False, True] UPDATE_ALL_CHILDREN_VALUES = [True] # for UPDATE_LIKE_EXP4 in UPDATE_LIKE_EXP4_VALUES: # for UPDATE_ALL_CHILDREN in UPDATE_ALL_CHILDREN_VALUES: # for (UPDATE_LIKE_EXP4, UPDATE_ALL_CHILDREN) in [(True, False), (False, True), (False, False)]: for (UPDATE_LIKE_EXP4, UPDATE_ALL_CHILDREN) in [(True, False), (False, False)]: CURRENT_POLICIES = configuration["policies"] # Add one Aggregator policy configuration["policies"] = [{ "archtype": Aggregator, "params": { "children": NON_AGGR_POLICIES, "unbiased": UNBIASED, "update_all_children": UPDATE_ALL_CHILDREN, "decreaseRate": "auto", "update_like_exp4": UPDATE_LIKE_EXP4 }, }] + CURRENT_POLICIES print("Loaded experiments configuration from '' :") print("configuration['policies'] =", configuration["policies"]) # DEBUG