#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: python -*-
r""" Experimental code to perform complete tree exploration for Multi-Player bandits.
- Support Selfish 0-greedy, UCB, and klUCB in 3 different variants.
- Support also RhoRand, RandTopM and MCTopM, even though they are *not* memory-less, by using another state representation (inlining the memory of each player, eg the ranks for RhoRand).
- For the means of each arm, :math:`\mu_1, \dots, \mu_K`, this script can use exact formal computations with sympy, or fractions with Fraction, or float number.
- The graph can contain all nodes from root to leafs, or only leafs (with summed probabilities), and possibly only the absorbing nodes are showed.
- Support export of the tree to a GraphViz dot graph, and can save it to SVG/PNG and LaTeX (with Tikz) and PDF etc.
- By default, the root is highlighted in green and the absorbing nodes are in red.
.. warning:: I still have to fix these issues:
- TODO : right now, it is not so efficient, could it be improved? I don't think I can do anything in a smarter way, in pure Python.
- 'sympy' module to use formal means :math:`\mu_1, \dots, \mu_K` instead of numbers,
- 'numpy' module for computations on indexes (e.g., ``np.where``),
- 'graphviz' module to generate the graph and save it,
- 'dot2tex' module to generate nice LaTeX (with Tikz) graph and save it to PDF.
.. note::
To use the 'dot2tex' module, only Python2 is supported.
However, I maintain an unpublished port of 'dot2tex' for Python3, see
[here](https://github.com/Naereen/dot2tex), that you can download, and install
manually (sudo python3 setup.py install) to have 'dot2tex' for Python3 also.
- *Date:* 16/09/2017.
- *Author:* Lilian Besson, (C) 2017
- *Licence:* MIT Licence (http://lbesson.mit-license.org).
from __future__ import division, print_function # Python 2 compatibility
__author__ = "Lilian Besson"
__version__ = "0.7"
from collections import Counter, deque
from fractions import Fraction
from itertools import product
from os import getenv, chdir, getcwd
from os.path import join as os_path_join
from os.path import dirname, basename
from re import sub as re_sub
from textwrap import wrap
import subprocess
import numpy as np
except ImportError as e:
print("Warning: the 'numpy' module was not found...\nInstall it with 'sudo pip2/pip3 install numpy' or your system packet manager (eg. 'sudo apt install python3-numpy')") # XXX
raise e
import sympy
except ImportError:
print("Warning: the 'sympy' module was not found...\nSymbolic computations cannot be performed without sympy.\nInstall it with 'sudo pip2/pip3 install sympy' or your system packet manager (eg. 'sudo apt install python3-sympy')") # XXX
from graphviz import Digraph
except ImportError:
print("Warning: the 'graphviz' module was not found...\nTrees cannot be saved or displayed without graphviz.\nInstall it with 'sudo pip2/pip3 install graphviz'") # XXX
# if version_info.major < 3:
from dot2tex import dot2tex
except ImportError:
print("Warning: the 'dot2tex' module was not found...\nTrees cannot be saved to LaTeX and PDF formats.\nInstall it with 'sudo pip2 install dot2tex' (require Python 2)\nOr install it from https://github.com/Naereen/dot2tex for Python 3.") # XXX
oo = float('+inf') #: Shortcut for float('+inf').
from sys import version_info
if version_info.major < 3: # Python 2 compatibility if needed
input = raw_input
import codecs
def open(filename, mode): # https://docs.python.org/3/library/codecs.html#standard-encodings
return codecs.open(filename, mode=mode, encoding='utf_8')
PLOT_DIR = os_path_join("plots", "trees") #: Directory for the plots
from Arms.usenumba import jit
[docs]def tupleit1(anarray):
"""Convert a non-hashable 1D numpy array to a hashable tuple."""
return tuple(list(anarray))
[docs]def tupleit2(anarray):
"""Convert a non-hashable 2D numpy array to a hashable tuple-of-tuples."""
return tuple([tuple(r) for r in list(anarray)])
[docs]def prod(iterator):
"""Product of the values in this iterator."""
p = 1
for v in iterator:
p *= v
return p
WIDTH = 200 #: Default value for the ``width`` parameter for :func:`wraptext` and :func:`wraplatex`.
[docs]def wraptext(text, width=WIDTH):
""" Wrap the text, using ``textwrap`` module, and ``width``."""
return '\n'.join(wrap(text, width=width))
[docs]def mybool(s):
return False if s == 'False' else bool(s)
ONLYLEAFS = True #: By default, aim at the most concise graph representation by only showing the leafs.
ONLYABSORBING = False #: By default, don't aim at the most concise graph representation by only showing the absorbing leafs.
CONCISE = True #: By default, only show :math:`\tilde{S}` and :math:`N` in the graph representations, not all the 4 vectors.
CONCISE = mybool(getenv('CONCISE', CONCISE))
FULLHASH = not CONCISE #: Use only Stilde, N for hashing the states.
# FORMAT = "pdf" #: Format used to save the graphs.
FORMAT = "svg" #: Format used to save the graphs.
# --- Implement the bandit algorithms in a purely functional and memory-less flavor
def FixedArm(j, state):
"""Fake player j that always targets at arm j."""
return [j]
def ConstantRank(j, state, decision, collision):
"""Constant rank no matter what."""
return [state.memories[j]]
def choices_from_indexes(indexes):
"""For deterministic index policies, if more than one index is maximum, return the list of positions attaining this maximum (ties), or only one position."""
return np.where(indexes == np.max(indexes))[0]
# --- Selfish 0-greedy variants
def Selfish_0Greedy_U(j, state):
"""Selfish policy + 0-Greedy index + U feedback."""
indexes = state.S[j] / state.N[j]
indexes[state.N[j] < 1] = +oo
return choices_from_indexes(indexes)
def Selfish_0Greedy_Utilde(j, state):
"""Selfish policy + 0-Greedy index + Utilde feedback."""
indexes = state.Stilde[j] / state.N[j]
indexes[state.N[j] < 1] = +oo
return choices_from_indexes(indexes)
def Selfish_0Greedy_Ubar(j, state):
"""Selfish policy + 0-Greedy index + Ubar feedback."""
indexes = (state.Ntilde[j] / state.N[j]) * (state.S[j] / state.N[j])
indexes[state.N[j] < 1] = +oo
return choices_from_indexes(indexes)
default_policy = Selfish_0Greedy_Ubar
# --- Selfish UCB variants
alpha = 0.5
def Selfish_UCB_U(j, state):
"""Selfish policy + UCB_0.5 index + U feedback."""
indexes = (state.S[j] / state.N[j]) + np.sqrt(alpha * np.log(state.t) / state.N[j])
indexes[state.N[j] < 1] = +oo
return choices_from_indexes(indexes)
def Selfish_UCB(j, state):
"""Selfish policy + UCB_0.5 index + Utilde feedback."""
indexes = (state.Stilde[j] / state.N[j]) + np.sqrt(alpha * np.log(state.t) / state.N[j])
indexes[state.N[j] < 1] = +oo
return choices_from_indexes(indexes)
Selfish_UCB_Utilde = Selfish_UCB
def Selfish_UCB_Ubar(j, state):
"""Selfish policy + UCB_0.5 index + Ubar feedback."""
indexes = (state.Ntilde[j] / state.N[j]) * (state.S[j] / state.N[j]) + np.sqrt(alpha * np.log(state.t) / state.N[j])
indexes[state.N[j] < 1] = +oo
return choices_from_indexes(indexes)
# default_policy = Selfish_UCB_Ubar
# --- Selfish kl UCB variants
from Policies import klucbBern
tolerance = 1e-6
klucb = np.vectorize(klucbBern)
c = 1
def Selfish_KLUCB_U(j, state):
"""Selfish policy + Bernoulli KL-UCB index + U feedback."""
indexes = klucb(state.S[j] / state.N[j], c * np.log(state.t) / state.N[j], tolerance)
indexes[state.N[j] < 1] = +oo
return choices_from_indexes(indexes)
def Selfish_KLUCB(j, state):
"""Selfish policy + Bernoulli KL-UCB index + Utilde feedback."""
indexes = klucb(state.Stilde[j] / state.N[j], c * np.log(state.t) / state.N[j], tolerance)
indexes[state.N[j] < 1] = +oo
return choices_from_indexes(indexes)
Selfish_KLUCB_Utilde = Selfish_KLUCB
def Selfish_KLUCB_Ubar(j, state):
"""Selfish policy + Bernoulli KL-UCB index + Ubar feedback."""
indexes = klucb((state.Ntilde[j] / state.N[j]) * (state.S[j] / state.N[j]), c * np.log(state.t) / state.N[j], tolerance)
indexes[state.N[j] < 1] = +oo
return choices_from_indexes(indexes)
# default_policy = Selfish_KLUCB_Ubar
# --- RhoRand UCB variants
def choices_from_indexes_with_rank(indexes, rank=1):
"""For deterministic index policies, if more than one index is maximum, return the list of positions attaining the rank-th largest index (with more than one if ties, or only one position)."""
return np.where(indexes == np.sort(indexes)[-rank])[0]
alpha = 0.5
def RhoRand_UCB_U(j, state):
"""RhoRand policy + UCB_0.5 index + U feedback."""
rank = state.memories[j]
indexes = (state.S[j] / state.N[j]) + np.sqrt(alpha * np.log(state.t) / state.N[j])
indexes[state.N[j] < 1] = +oo
return choices_from_indexes_with_rank(indexes, rank=rank)
def RhoRand_UCB_Utilde(j, state):
"""RhoRand policy + UCB_0.5 index + Utilde feedback."""
rank = state.memories[j]
indexes = (state.Stilde[j] / state.N[j]) + np.sqrt(alpha * np.log(state.t) / state.N[j])
indexes[state.N[j] < 1] = +oo
return choices_from_indexes_with_rank(indexes, rank=rank)
def RhoRand_UCB_Ubar(j, state):
"""RhoRand policy + UCB_0.5 index + Ubar feedback."""
rank = state.memories[j]
indexes = (state.Ntilde[j] / state.N[j]) * (state.S[j] / state.N[j]) + np.sqrt(alpha * np.log(state.t) / state.N[j])
indexes[state.N[j] < 1] = +oo
return choices_from_indexes_with_rank(indexes, rank=rank)
def RhoRand_KLUCB_U(j, state):
"""RhoRand policy + Bernoulli KL-UCB index + U feedback."""
rank = state.memories[j]
indexes = klucb(state.S[j] / state.N[j], c * np.log(state.t) / state.N[j], tolerance)
indexes[state.N[j] < 1] = +oo
return choices_from_indexes_with_rank(indexes, rank=rank)
def RhoRand_KLUCB_Utilde(j, state):
"""RhoRand policy + Bernoulli KL-UCB index + Utilde feedback."""
rank = state.memories[j]
indexes = klucb(state.Stilde[j] / state.N[j], c * np.log(state.t) / state.N[j], tolerance)
indexes[state.N[j] < 1] = +oo
return choices_from_indexes_with_rank(indexes, rank=rank)
def RhoRand_KLUCB_Ubar(j, state):
"""RhoRand policy + Bernoulli KL-UCB index + Ubar feedback."""
rank = state.memories[j]
indexes = klucb((state.Ntilde[j] / state.N[j]) * (state.S[j] / state.N[j]), c * np.log(state.t) / state.N[j], tolerance)
indexes[state.N[j] < 1] = +oo
return choices_from_indexes_with_rank(indexes, rank=rank)
# So we need tow functions: one takes the decision, one updates the rank after all the decisions are taken
def RandomNewRank(j, state, decision, collision):
"""RhoRand chooses a new uniform rank in {1,..,M} in case of collision, or keep the same."""
if collision: # new random rank
return list(np.arange(1, 1 + state.M))
else: # keep the same rank
return [state.memories[j]]
default_policy, default_update_memory = RhoRand_UCB_U, RandomNewRank
# default_policy, default_update_memory = RhoRand_KLUCB_U, RandomNewRank
# --- RandTopM, MCTopM variants
def RandTopM_UCB_U(j, state, collision=False):
"""RandTopM policy + UCB_0.5 index + U feedback."""
chosen_arm = state.memories[j]
indexes = (state.S[j] / state.N[j]) + np.sqrt(alpha * np.log(state.t) / state.N[j])
indexes[state.N[j] < 1] = +oo
estimatedBestArms = np.argsort(indexes)[-state.M:]
if collision or chosen_arm not in estimatedBestArms:
return estimatedBestArms
return [chosen_arm]
def RandTopM_UCB_Utilde(j, state, collision=False):
"""RandTopM policy + UCB_0.5 index + Utilde feedback."""
chosen_arm = state.memories[j]
indexes = (state.Stilde[j] / state.N[j]) + np.sqrt(alpha * np.log(state.t) / state.N[j])
indexes[state.N[j] < 1] = +oo
estimatedBestArms = np.argsort(indexes)[-state.M:]
if collision or chosen_arm not in estimatedBestArms:
return estimatedBestArms
return [chosen_arm]
def RandTopM_UCB_Ubar(j, state, collision=False):
"""RandTopM policy + UCB_0.5 index + Ubar feedback."""
chosen_arm = state.memories[j]
indexes = (state.Ntilde[j] / state.N[j]) * (state.S[j] / state.N[j]) + np.sqrt(alpha * np.log(state.t) / state.N[j])
indexes[state.N[j] < 1] = +oo
estimatedBestArms = np.argsort(indexes)[-state.M:]
if collision or chosen_arm not in estimatedBestArms:
return estimatedBestArms
return [chosen_arm]
def RandTopM_KLUCB_U(j, state, collision=False):
"""RandTopM policy + Bernoulli KL-UCB index + U feedback."""
chosen_arm = state.memories[j]
indexes = klucb(state.S[j] / state.N[j], c * np.log(state.t) / state.N[j], tolerance)
indexes[state.N[j] < 1] = +oo
estimatedBestArms = np.argsort(indexes)[-state.M:]
if collision or chosen_arm not in estimatedBestArms:
return estimatedBestArms
return [chosen_arm]
def RandTopM_KLUCB_Utilde(j, state, collision=False):
"""RandTopM policy + Bernoulli KL-UCB index + Utilde feedback."""
chosen_arm = state.memories[j]
indexes = klucb(state.Stilde[j] / state.N[j], c * np.log(state.t) / state.N[j], tolerance)
indexes[state.N[j] < 1] = +oo
estimatedBestArms = np.argsort(indexes)[-state.M:]
if collision or chosen_arm not in estimatedBestArms:
return estimatedBestArms
return [chosen_arm]
def RandTopM_KLUCB_Ubar(j, state, collision=False):
"""RandTopM policy + Bernoulli KL-UCB index + Ubar feedback."""
chosen_arm = state.memories[j]
indexes = klucb((state.Ntilde[j] / state.N[j]) * (state.S[j] / state.N[j]), c * np.log(state.t) / state.N[j], tolerance)
indexes[state.N[j] < 1] = +oo
estimatedBestArms = np.argsort(indexes)[-state.M:]
if collision or chosen_arm not in estimatedBestArms:
return estimatedBestArms
return [chosen_arm]
def RandTopM_RandomNewChosenArm(j, state, decision, collision):
"""RandTopM chooses a new arm after a collision or if the chosen arm lies outside of its estimatedBestArms set, uniformly from the set of estimated M best arms, or keep the same."""
player = state.players[j]
return player(j, state, collision=collision) if player.__defaults__ else player(j, state)
# default_policy, default_update_memory = RandTopM_UCB_U, RandTopM_RandomNewChosenArm
# --- MCTopM variants
def write_to_tuple(this_tuple, index, value):
"""Tuple cannot be written, this hack fixes that."""
this_list = list(this_tuple)
this_list[index] = value
return tuple(this_list)
def MCTopM_UCB_U(j, state, collision=False):
"""MCTopM policy + UCB_0.5 index + U feedback."""
if not isinstance(state.memories[j], tuple): # if no sitted information yet
state.memories = write_to_tuple(state.memories, j, (-1, False))
assert isinstance(state.memories[j], tuple)
chosen_arm, sitted = state.memories[j]
indexes = (state.S[j] / state.N[j]) + np.sqrt(alpha * np.log(state.t) / state.N[j])
indexes[state.N[j] < 1] = +oo
estimatedBestArms = np.argsort(indexes)[-state.M:]
if collision or chosen_arm not in estimatedBestArms:
return estimatedBestArms
return [chosen_arm]
def MCTopM_UCB_Utilde(j, state, collision=False):
"""MCTopM policy + UCB_0.5 index + Utilde feedback."""
if not isinstance(state.memories[j], tuple): # if no sitted information yet
state.memories = write_to_tuple(state.memories, j, (-1, False))
assert isinstance(state.memories[j], tuple)
chosen_arm, sitted = state.memories[j]
indexes = (state.Stilde[j] / state.N[j]) + np.sqrt(alpha * np.log(state.t) / state.N[j])
indexes[state.N[j] < 1] = +oo
estimatedBestArms = np.argsort(indexes)[-state.M:]
if collision or chosen_arm not in estimatedBestArms:
return estimatedBestArms
return [chosen_arm]
def MCTopM_UCB_Ubar(j, state, collision=False):
"""MCTopM policy + UCB_0.5 index + Ubar feedback."""
if not isinstance(state.memories[j], tuple): # if no sitted information yet
state.memories = write_to_tuple(state.memories, j, (-1, False))
assert isinstance(state.memories[j], tuple)
chosen_arm, sitted = state.memories[j]
indexes = (state.Ntilde[j] / state.N[j]) * (state.S[j] / state.N[j]) + np.sqrt(alpha * np.log(state.t) / state.N[j])
indexes[state.N[j] < 1] = +oo
estimatedBestArms = np.argsort(indexes)[-state.M:]
if collision or chosen_arm not in estimatedBestArms:
return estimatedBestArms
return [chosen_arm]
def MCTopM_KLUCB_U(j, state, collision=False):
"""MCTopM policy + Bernoulli KL-UCB index + U feedback."""
if not isinstance(state.memories[j], tuple): # if no sitted information yet
state.memories = write_to_tuple(state.memories, j, (-1, False))
assert isinstance(state.memories[j], tuple)
chosen_arm, sitted = state.memories[j]
indexes = klucb(state.S[j] / state.N[j], c * np.log(state.t) / state.N[j], tolerance)
indexes[state.N[j] < 1] = +oo
estimatedBestArms = np.argsort(indexes)[-state.M:]
if collision or chosen_arm not in estimatedBestArms:
return estimatedBestArms
return [chosen_arm]
def MCTopM_KLUCB_Utilde(j, state, collision=False):
"""MCTopM policy + Bernoulli KL-UCB index + Utilde feedback."""
if not isinstance(state.memories[j], tuple): # if no sitted information yet
state.memories = write_to_tuple(state.memories, j, (-1, False))
assert isinstance(state.memories[j], tuple)
chosen_arm, sitted = state.memories[j]
indexes = klucb(state.Stilde[j] / state.N[j], c * np.log(state.t) / state.N[j], tolerance)
indexes[state.N[j] < 1] = +oo
estimatedBestArms = np.argsort(indexes)[-state.M:]
if collision or chosen_arm not in estimatedBestArms:
return estimatedBestArms
return [chosen_arm]
def MCTopM_KLUCB_Ubar(j, state, collision=False):
"""MCTopM policy + Bernoulli KL-UCB index + Ubar feedback."""
if not isinstance(state.memories[j], tuple): # if no sitted information yet
state.memories = write_to_tuple(state.memories, j, (-1, False))
assert isinstance(state.memories[j], tuple)
chosen_arm, sitted = state.memories[j]
indexes = klucb((state.Ntilde[j] / state.N[j]) * (state.S[j] / state.N[j]), c * np.log(state.t) / state.N[j], tolerance)
indexes[state.N[j] < 1] = +oo
estimatedBestArms = np.argsort(indexes)[-state.M:]
if collision or chosen_arm not in estimatedBestArms:
return estimatedBestArms
return [chosen_arm]
def MCTopM_RandomNewChosenArm(j, state, decision, collision):
"""RandTopMC chooses a new arm after if the chosen arm lies outside of its estimatedBestArms set, uniformly from the set of estimated M best arms, or keep the same."""
player = state.players[j]
chosen_arm, sitted = state.memories[j]
if not sitted:
if collision: # new arm from estimatedBestArms
chosen_arms = player(j, state, collision=collision) if player.__defaults__ else player(j, state)
return list(zip(chosen_arms, [False] * len(chosen_arms)))
else: # sitted, for now
return [(decision, True)]
# sitted but the chair changed ==> not sitted
return [(chosen_arm, chosen_arm == decision)]
# default_policy, default_update_memory = MCTopM_UCB_U, MCTopM_RandomNewChosenArm
# --- Generate vector of formal means mu_1,...,mu_K
[docs]def symbol_means(K):
"""Better to work directly with symbols and instantiate the results *after*."""
return sympy.var(['mu_{}'.format(i) for i in range(1, K + 1)])
# --- Transform probabilities to float, expr, str
[docs]def proba2float(proba, values=None, K=None, names=None):
"""Replace mu_k by a numerical value and evaluation the formula."""
if hasattr(proba, "evalf"):
if values is None and K is not None:
values = uniform_means(nbArms=K)
if names is None:
K = len(values)
names = symbol_means(K)
return proba.evalf(subs=dict(zip(names, values)))
elif isinstance(proba, Fraction):
return float(proba)
else: # a bit of str rewriting
return proba
[docs]def simplify(proba):
"""Try to simplify the expression of the probability."""
if hasattr(proba, "simplify"):
return proba.simplify().factor()
return proba
[docs]def proba2str(proba, latex=False, html_in_var_names=False):
"""Pretty print a proba, either a number, a Fraction, or a sympy expression."""
if isinstance(proba, float):
str_proba = "{:.3g}".format(proba)
elif isinstance(proba, Fraction):
str_proba = str(proba)
else: # a bit of str rewriting
str_proba = str(simplify(proba))
if latex:
str_proba = re_sub(r'\*\*([0-9]+)', r'^{\1}', str_proba)
elif html_in_var_names:
str_proba = re_sub(r'\*\*([0-9]+)', r'<SUP>\1</SUP>', str_proba)
str_proba = str_proba.replace('**', '^')
str_proba = str_proba.replace('*', '')
str_proba = re_sub(r'\(mu_([0-9]+) - 1\)\(mu_([0-9]+) - 1\)', r'(1-mu_\1)(1-mu_\2)', str_proba)
str_proba = re_sub(r'-mu_([0-9]+) \+ 1', r'1-mu_\1', str_proba)
str_proba = re_sub(r'-(.*)\(mu_([0-9]+) - 1\)', r'\1(1-mu_\2)', str_proba)
str_proba = re_sub(r'-\(mu_([0-9]+) - 1\)', r'(1-mu_\1)', str_proba)
if latex: # replace mu_12 by mu_{12}
str_proba = re_sub(r'_([0-9]+)', r'_{\1}', str_proba)
str_proba = re_sub(r'mu_', r'\mu_', str_proba)
str_proba = '$' + str_proba + '$'
str_proba = str_proba.replace('\\', '\\\\')
elif html_in_var_names: # replace mu_12 by mu<sub>12</sub>
str_proba = re_sub(r'_([0-9]+)', r'<SUB>\1</SUB>', str_proba)
elif version_info.major < 3: # to avoid dealing with unicode for Python2...
str_proba = re_sub(r'mu_', r'm', str_proba)
str_proba = re_sub(r'mu_', r'µ', str_proba)
return str_proba
# --- Transform .tex to .pdf
[docs]def tex2pdf(filename):
"""Naive call to command line pdflatex, twice."""
dir1 = getcwd()
dir2, base = dirname(filename), basename(filename)
print("Now compiling it to PDF with 'pdflatex {} && pdflatex {}' ...".format(base, base))
log, gz, aux = base.replace('.tex', '.log'), base.replace('.tex', '.synctex.gz'), base.replace('.tex', '.aux')
chdir(dir2) # go in the plots/trees/ subdir
if subprocess.call(["pdflatex", "-halt-on-error", base], stdout=open("/dev/null", 'w')) >= 0:
subprocess.call(["pdflatex", "-halt-on-error", base], stdout=open("/dev/null", 'w'))
subprocess.call(["mv", "-f", log, gz, aux, "/tmp/"])
subprocess.call(["pdflatex", "-halt-on-error", base])
chdir(dir1) # go back
# --- Data representation'
[docs]class State(object):
"""Not space-efficient representation of a state in the system we model.
- S, Stilde, N, Ntilde: are arrays of size (M, K),
- depth, t, M, K: integers, to avoid recomputing them,
- mus: the problem parameters (only for Bernoulli arms),
- players: is a list of algorithms,
- probas: list of transition probabilities,
- children: list of all possible next states (transitions).
[docs] def __init__(self, S, Stilde, N, Ntilde, mus, players, depth=0):
"""Create a new state. Arrays S, Stilde, N, Ntilde are *copied* to avoid modify previous values!"""
self.S = np.copy(S) #: sensing feedback
self.Stilde = np.copy(Stilde) #: number of sensing trials
self.N = np.copy(N) #: number of succesful transmissions
self.Ntilde = np.copy(Ntilde) #: number of trials without collisions
self.mus = mus # XXX OK memory efficient: only a pointer to the (never modified) list
self.players = players # XXX OK memory efficient: only a pointer to the (never modified) list
# New arguments
self.depth = depth #: current depth of the exploration tree
self.t = np.sum(N[0]) #: current time step. Simply = sum(N[0]) = sum(N[i]) for all player i, but easier to compute it once and store it
assert np.shape(S) == np.shape(Stilde) == np.shape(N) == np.shape(Ntilde), "Error: difference in shapes of S, Stilde, N, Ntilde."
self.M = min(np.shape(S)) #: number of players
assert len(players) == self.M, "Error: 'players' list is not of size M ..." # DEBUG
self.K = max(np.shape(S)) #: number of arms (channels)
assert len(mus) == self.K, "Error: 'mus' list is not of size K ..." # DEBUG
self.children = [] #: list of next state, representing all the possible transitions
self.probas = [] #: probabilities of transitions
# --- Utility
[docs] def __str__(self, concise=CONCISE):
if concise:
return " State : M = {}, K = {} and t = {}, depth = {}.\n{} =: Stilde\n{} =: N\n".format(self.M, self.K, self.t, self.depth, self.Stilde, self.N)
return " State : M = {}, K = {} and t = {}, depth = {}.\n{} =: S\n{} =: Stilde\n{} =: N\n{} =: Ntilde\n".format(self.M, self.K, self.t, self.depth, self.S, self.Stilde, self.N, self.Ntilde)
[docs] def to_node(self, concise=CONCISE):
"""Print the state as a small string to be attached to a GraphViz node."""
if concise:
return "[[" + "], [".join(",".join("{:.3g}/{}".format(st, n) for st, n in zip(st2, n2)) for st2, n2 in zip(self.Stilde, self.N)) + "]]"
return "[[" + "], [".join(",".join("{:.3g}:{:.3g}/{}:{}".format(s, st, n, nt) for s, st, n, nt in zip(s2, st2, n2, nt2)) for s2, st2, n2, nt2 in zip(self.S, self.Stilde, self.N, self.Ntilde)) + "]]"
[docs] def to_dot(self,
title="", name="", comment="",
latex=False, html_in_var_names=False, ext=FORMAT,
onlyleafs=ONLYLEAFS, onlyabsorbing=ONLYABSORBING, concise=CONCISE):
r"""Convert the state to a .dot graph, using GraphViz. See http://graphviz.readthedocs.io/ for more details.
- onlyleafs: only print the root and the leafs, to see a concise representation of the tree.
- onlyabsorbing: only print the absorbing leafs, to see a really concise representation of the tree.
- concise: weather to use the short representation of states (using :math:`\tilde{S}` and :math:`N`) or the long one (using the 4 variables).
- html_in_var_names: experimental use of ``<SUB>..</SUB>`` and ``<SUP>..</SUP>`` in the label for the tree.
- latex: experimental use of ``_{..}`` and ``^{..}`` in the label for the tree, to use with dot2tex.
dot = Digraph(name=name, comment=comment, format=ext)
print("\nCreating a dot graph from the tree...")
if title: dot.attr(label=wraptext(title))
node_number = 0
if onlyleafs:
root_name, root = "0", self
dot.node(root_name, root.to_node(concise=concise), color="green")
complete_probas, leafs = root.get_unique_leafs()
if len(leafs) > 256:
raise ValueError("Useless to save a tree with more than 256 leafs, the resulting image will be too large to be viewed.") # DEBUG
for proba, leaf in zip(complete_probas, leafs):
# add a UNIQUE identifier for each node: easy, just do a breath-first search, and use numbers from 0 to big-integer-that-is-computed on the fly
node_number += 1
leaf_name = str(node_number)
if leaf.is_absorbing():
dot.node(leaf_name, leaf.to_node(concise=concise), color="red")
dot.edge(root_name, leaf_name, label=proba2str(proba, latex=latex, html_in_var_names=html_in_var_names), color="red" if root.is_absorbing() else "black")
elif not onlyabsorbing:
dot.node(leaf_name, leaf.to_node(concise=concise))
dot.edge(root_name, leaf_name, label=proba2str(proba, latex=latex, html_in_var_names=html_in_var_names), color="red" if root.is_absorbing() else "black")
to_explore = deque([("0", self)]) # BFS using a deque, DFS using a list/recursive call
nb_node = 1
# convert each state to a node and a list of edge
while len(to_explore) > 0:
nb_node += 1
root_name, root = to_explore.popleft()
if root_name == "0":
dot.node(root_name, root.to_node(concise=concise), color="green")
elif root.is_absorbing():
dot.node(root_name, root.to_node(concise=concise), color="red")
elif onlyabsorbing:
if root.has_absorbing_child_whole_subtree():
dot.node(root_name, root.to_node(concise=concise))
dot.node(root_name, root.to_node(concise=concise))
for proba, child in zip(root.probas, root.children):
# add a UNIQUE identifier for each node: easy, just do a breath-first search, and use numbers from 0 to big-integer-that-is-computed on the fly
node_number += 1
child_name = str(node_number)
# here, if onlyabsorbing, I should only print the *paths* leading to absorbing leafs!
if onlyabsorbing:
if child.has_absorbing_child_whole_subtree():
dot.edge(root_name, child_name, label=proba2str(proba, latex=latex, html_in_var_names=html_in_var_names), color="red" if root.is_absorbing() else "black")
dot.edge(root_name, child_name, label=proba2str(proba, latex=latex, html_in_var_names=html_in_var_names), color="red" if root.is_absorbing() else "black")
to_explore.append((child_name, child))
if nb_node > 1024:
raise ValueError("Useless to save a tree with more than 1024 nodes, the resulting image will be too large to be viewed.") # DEBUG
return dot
[docs] def saveto(self, filename, view=True,
title="", name="", comment="",
latex=False, html_in_var_names=False, ext=FORMAT,
onlyleafs=ONLYLEAFS, onlyabsorbing=ONLYABSORBING, concise=CONCISE):
# Hack to fix the LaTeX output
title = title.replace('_', ' ')
name = name.replace('_', ' ')
comment = comment.replace('_', ' ')
dot = self.to_dot(title=title, name=name, comment=comment,
html_in_var_names=html_in_var_names, latex=latex, ext=ext,
onlyleafs=onlyleafs, onlyabsorbing=onlyabsorbing, concise=concise)
if latex:
source = dot.source
if version_info.major < 3: source = unicode(source, 'utf_8')
# print("source =\n", source) # DEBUG
filename = filename.replace('.gv', '.gv.tex')
print("Saving the dot graph to '{}'...".format(filename))
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
f.write(dot2tex(source, format='tikz', crop=True, figonly=False, texmode='raw'))
filename = filename.replace('.gv.tex', '__onlyfig.gv.tex')
print("Saving the dot graph to '{}'...".format(filename))
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
f.write(dot2tex(source, format='tikz', crop=True, figonly=True, texmode='raw'))
print("Saving the dot graph to '{}.{}'...".format(filename, ext))
dot.render(filename, view=view)
# done for saving the graph
[docs] def copy(self):
"""Get a new copy of that state with same S, Stilde, N, Ntilde but no probas and no children (and depth=0)."""
return State(S=self.S, Stilde=self.Stilde, N=self.N, Ntilde=self.Ntilde, mus=self.mus, players=self.players, depth=self.depth)
[docs] def __hash__(self, full=FULLHASH):
"""Hash the matrix Stilde and N of the state."""
if full:
return hash(tupleit2(self.S)) + hash(tupleit2(self.N)) + hash(tupleit2(self.Stilde)) + hash(tupleit2(self.Ntilde) + (self.t, self.depth, ))
return hash(tupleit2(self.Stilde)) + hash(tupleit2(self.N))
[docs] def is_absorbing(self):
"""Try to detect if this state is absorbing, ie only one transition is possible, and again infinitely for the only child.
.. warning:: Still very experimental!
# FIXME still not sure about the characterization of absorbing states
# if at least two players have the same S, Stilde, N, Ntilde lines
if np.min(self.N) < 1:
return False
for j1 in range(self.M):
for j2 in range(j1 + 1, self.M):
A = [self.S, self.Stilde, self.N, self.Ntilde]
are_all_equal = [ tupleit1(a[j1]) == tupleit1(a[j2]) for a in A ]
if all(are_all_equal):
# bad_line = add([tupleit1(a[j1]) for a in A])
# bad_line = tupleit1(self.S[j1])
bad_line = tupleit1(self.Stilde[j1])
# and if that line has only different values
if len(set(bad_line)) == len(bad_line):
return True
return False
[docs] def has_absorbing_child_whole_subtree(self):
"""Try to detect if this state has an absorbing child in the whole subtree. """
if self.is_absorbing():
return True
return any(child.has_absorbing_child_whole_subtree() for child in self.children)
# --- High level view of a depth-1 exploration
[docs] def explore_from_node_to_depth(self, depth=1):
"""Compute recursively the one_depth children of the root and its children."""
print("\nFor depth = {}, exploring from this node :\n{}".format(depth, self)) # DEBUG
if depth == 0:
self.depth = depth
if depth > 1:
for child in self.children:
[docs] def compute_one_depth(self):
"""Use all_deltas to store all the possible transitions and their probabilities. Increase depth by 1 at the end."""
self.depth += 1
uniq_children = dict()
uniq_probas = dict()
for delta, proba in self.all_deltas():
if proba == 0: continue
# copy the current state, apply decision of algorithms and random branching
child = delta(self.copy())
h = hash(child) # I guess I could use states directly as key, but this would cost more in terms of memory
if h in uniq_children:
uniq_probas[h] += proba
assert child.depth == (self.depth - 1)
uniq_children[h] = child
uniq_probas[h] = proba
print(" at depth {} we saw {} different unique children states...".format(self.t, len(uniq_children)))
self.probas = [simplify(p) for p in uniq_probas.values()]
self.children = list(uniq_children.values())
# Done for computing all the children and probability of transitions
[docs] def all_absorbing_states(self, depth=1):
"""Generator that yields all the absorbing nodes of the tree, one by one.
- It might not find any,
- It does so without merging common nodes, in order to find the first absorbing node as quick as possible.
if depth == 0:
for proba, bad_child in self.absorbing_states_one_depth():
# print("all_absorbing_states: yielding proba, child = {}, \n{}".format(proba, bad_child)) # DEBUG
yield proba, bad_child
self.depth = depth
if depth > 1:
for child in self.children:
for proba, bad_child in child.all_absorbing_states(depth=depth-1):
# print("all_absorbing_states: yielding proba, child = {}, \n{}".format(proba, bad_child)) # DEBUG
yield proba, bad_child
[docs] def absorbing_states_one_depth(self):
"""Use all_deltas to yield all the absorbing one-depth child and their probabilities."""
self.depth += 1
for delta, proba in self.all_deltas():
if proba == 0: continue
# copy the current state, apply decision of algorithms and random branching
child = delta(self.copy())
if child.is_absorbing():
# print("absorbing_states_one_depth: yielding proba, child = {}, \n{}".format(proba, child)) # DEBUG
yield proba, child
[docs] def find_N_absorbing_states(self, N=1, maxdepth=8):
"""Find at least N absorbing states, by considering a large depth."""
complete_probas, bad_children = [], []
for proba, bad_child in self.all_absorbing_states(depth=maxdepth):
assert bad_child.is_absorbing(), "Error: a node was returned by all_absorbing_states() method but was not absorbing!"
if len(bad_children) >= N:
return complete_probas, bad_children
raise ValueError("Impossible to find N = {} absorbing states from this root (max depth = {})...".format(N, maxdepth))
# --- The hard part is this all_deltas *generator*
[docs] def all_deltas(self):
"""Generator that yields functions transforming state to another state.
- It is memory efficient as it is a generator.
- Do not convert that to a list or it might use all your system memory: each returned value is a function with code and variables inside!
all_decisions = [ player(j, self) for j, player in enumerate(self.players) ]
number_of_decisions = prod(len(decisions) for decisions in all_decisions)
for decisions in product(*all_decisions):
counter = Counter(decisions)
collisions = [counter.get(k, 0) >= 2 for k in range(self.K)]
for coin_flips in product([0, 1], repeat=self.K):
proba_of_this_coin_flip = prod(mu if b else (1 - mu) for b, mu in zip(coin_flips, self.mus))
# Create a function to apply this transition
def delta(s):
s.t += 1
s.depth -= 1
for j, Ij in enumerate(decisions):
s.S[j, Ij] += coin_flips[Ij] # sensing feedback
s.N[j, Ij] += 1 # number of sensing trials
if not collisions[Ij]: # no collision, receive this feedback for rewards
s.Stilde[j, Ij] += coin_flips[Ij] # number of succesful transmissions
s.Ntilde[j, Ij] += 1 # number of trials without collisions
return s
# Compute the probability of this transition
proba = proba_of_this_coin_flip / number_of_decisions
if proba == 0: continue
yield (delta, proba)
# --- Main functions, all explorations are depth first search (not the best, it's just easier...)
[docs] def pretty_print_result_recursively(self):
"""Print all the transitions, depth by depth (recursively)."""
if self.is_absorbing():
print("X "*87)
print("The state:\n{}\nseems to be absorbing...".format(self))
print("X "*87)
# return
if self.depth > 0:
print("\n\nFrom this state :\n{}".format(self))
for (proba, child) in zip(self.probas, self.children):
print("\n- Probability of transition = {} to this other state:\n{}".format(proba, child))
print("\n==> Done for the {} children of this state...\n".format(len(self.children)))
[docs] def get_all_leafs(self):
"""Recurse and get all the leafs. Many different state can be present in the list of leafs, with possibly different probabilities (each correspond to a trajectory)."""
if self.depth <= 1:
return self.probas, self.children
complete_probas, leafs = [], []
# assert len(self.probas) > 0
for (proba, child) in zip(self.probas, self.children):
# assert child.depth == (self.depth - 1)
c, l = child.get_all_leafs()
# assert all([s.depth == 0 for s in l])
c = [proba * p for p in c] # one more step, multiply but a proba
return complete_probas, leafs
[docs] def get_unique_leafs(self):
"""Compute all the leafs (deepest children) and merge the common one to compute their full probabilities."""
uniq_complete_probas = dict()
uniq_leafs = dict()
complete_probas, leafs = self.get_all_leafs()
for proba, leaf in zip(complete_probas, leafs):
h = hash(leaf)
if h in uniq_leafs:
uniq_complete_probas[h] += proba
uniq_complete_probas[h] = proba
uniq_leafs[h] = leaf
return [simplify(p) for p in uniq_complete_probas.values()], list(uniq_leafs.values())
[docs] def proba_reaching_absorbing_state(self):
"""Compute the probability of reaching a leaf that is an absorbing state."""
probas, leafs = self.get_unique_leafs()
bad_proba = 0
nb_absorbing = 0
for proba, leaf in zip(probas, leafs):
if leaf.is_absorbing():
bad_proba += proba
nb_absorbing += 1
print("\n\nFor depth {}, {} leafs were found to be absorbing, and the probability of reaching any absorbing leaf is {}...".format(self.depth, nb_absorbing, bad_proba)) # DEBUG
sample_values = uniform_means(self.K)
print("\n==> Numerically, for means = {}, this probability is = {:.3g} ...".format(np.array(sample_values), proba2float(bad_proba, values=sample_values))) # DEBUG
return nb_absorbing, bad_proba
[docs]class StateWithMemory(State):
"""State with a memory for each player, to represent and play with RhoRand etc."""
[docs] def __init__(self, S, Stilde, N, Ntilde, mus, players, update_memories, memories=None, depth=0):
super(StateWithMemory, self).__init__(S, Stilde, N, Ntilde, mus, players, depth=depth)
self.update_memories = update_memories
if memories is None:
memories = tuple(1 for _ in range(self.M))
self.memories = memories #: Personal memory for all players, can be a rank in {1,..,M} for rhoRand, or anything else.
[docs] def __str__(self, concise=False):
if concise:
return " StateWithMemory : M = {}, K = {} and t = {}, depth = {}.\n{} =: Stilde\n{} =: N\n{} =: players memory\n".format(self.M, self.K, self.t, self.depth, self.Stilde, self.N, self.memories)
return " StateWithMemory : M = {}, K = {} and t = {}, depth = {}.\n{} =: S\n{} =: Stilde\n{} =: N\n{} =: Ntilde\n{} =: players memory\n".format(self.M, self.K, self.t, self.depth, self.S, self.Stilde, self.N, self.Ntilde, self.memories)
[docs] def to_node(self, concise=CONCISE):
"""Print the state as a small string to be attached to a GraphViz node."""
if concise:
# return "[[" + "], [".join(",".join("{:.3g}/{}".format(st, n) for st, n in zip(st2, n2)) for st2, n2 in zip(self.S, self.N)) + "]]" + " r={}".format(list(self.memories)) # if U is used instead of Utilde
return "[[" + "], [".join(",".join("{:.3g}/{}".format(st, n) for st, n in zip(st2, n2)) for st2, n2 in zip(self.Stilde, self.N)) + "]]" + " r={}".format(list(self.memories))
return "[[" + "], [".join(",".join("{:.3g}:{:.3g}/{}:{}".format(s, st, n, nt) for s, st, n, nt in zip(s2, st2, n2, nt2)) for s2, st2, n2, nt2 in zip(self.S, self.Stilde, self.N, self.Ntilde)) + "]]" + " ranks = {}".format(self.memories)
[docs] def copy(self):
"""Get a new copy of that state with same S, Stilde, N, Ntilde but no probas and no children (and depth=0)."""
return StateWithMemory(S=self.S, Stilde=self.Stilde, N=self.N, Ntilde=self.Ntilde, mus=self.mus, players=self.players, update_memories=self.update_memories, depth=self.depth, memories=self.memories)
[docs] def __hash__(self, full=FULLHASH):
"""Hash the matrix Stilde and N of the state and memories of the players (ie. ranks for RhoRand)."""
if full:
return hash(tupleit2(self.S)) + hash(tupleit2(self.N)) + hash(tupleit2(self.Stilde)) + hash(tupleit2(self.Ntilde) + (self.t, self.depth, )) + hash(tupleit1(self.memories))
# return hash(tupleit2(self.S) + tupleit2(self.N) + tupleit1(self.memories)) # if U is used instead of Utilde
return hash(tupleit2(self.Stilde)) + hash(tupleit2(self.N)) + hash(tupleit1(self.memories))
[docs] def is_absorbing(self):
"""Try to detect if this state is absorbing, ie only one transition is possible, and again infinitely for the only child.
.. warning:: Still very experimental!
if any('random' in update_memory.__name__.lower() for update_memory in self.update_memories):
# eg RandomNewRank gives True, ConstantRank gives False
return False
return super(StateWithMemory, self).is_absorbing()
[docs] def all_deltas(self):
"""Generator that yields functions transforming state to another state.
- It is memory efficient as it is a generator.
- Do not convert that to a list or it might use all your system memory: each returned value is a function with code and variables inside!
all_decisions = [ player(j, self) for j, player in enumerate(self.players) ]
number_of_decisions = prod(len(decisions) for decisions in all_decisions)
for decisions in product(*all_decisions):
counter = Counter(decisions)
collisions = [counter.get(k, 0) >= 2 for k in range(self.K)]
all_memories = [ update_memory(j, self, decisions[j], collisions[decisions[j]]) for j, update_memory in enumerate(self.update_memories) ]
number_of_memories = prod(len(memories) for memories in all_memories)
for memories in product(*all_memories):
for coin_flips in product([0, 1], repeat=self.K):
proba_of_this_coin_flip = prod(mu if b else (1 - mu) for b, mu in zip(coin_flips, self.mus))
# Create a function to apply this transition
def delta(s):
s.memories = memories # Erase internal ranks etc
s.t += 1
s.depth -= 1
for j, Ij in enumerate(decisions):
s.S[j, Ij] += coin_flips[Ij] # sensing feedback
s.N[j, Ij] += 1 # number of sensing trials
if not collisions[Ij]: # no collision, receive this feedback for rewards
s.Stilde[j, Ij] += coin_flips[Ij] # number of succesful transmissions
s.Ntilde[j, Ij] += 1 # number of trials without collisions
return s
# Compute the probability of this transition
proba = proba_of_this_coin_flip / (number_of_decisions * number_of_memories)
if proba == 0: continue
yield (delta, proba)
# --- Main function
[docs]def main(depth=1, players=None, update_memories=None, mus=None, M=2, K=2, S=None, Stilde=None, N=None, Ntilde=None, find_only_N=None):
"""Compute all the transitions, and print them."""
if S is not None:
M = min(np.shape(S))
K = max(np.shape(S))
if mus is None:
mus = symbol_means(K=K)
K = len(mus)
if players is None:
players = [default_policy for _ in range(M)]
# if update_memories is None:
# update_memories = [default_update_memory for _ in range(M)]
M = len(players)
assert 1 <= M <= K <= 10, "Error: only 1 <= M <= K <= 10 are supported... and M = {}, K = {} here...".format(M, K) # XXX it is probably impossible to have a code managing larger values...
assert 0 <= depth <= 20, "Error: only 0 <= depth <= 20 is supported... and depth = {} here...".format(depth) # XXX it is probably impossible to have a code managing larger values...
# Compute starting state
if S is None:
S = np.zeros((M, K), dtype=int) # Use only integers, to speed up in this case of Bernoulli arms. XXX in the general case it is not true!
if Stilde is None:
Stilde = np.zeros((M, K), dtype=int) # Use only integers, to speed up in this case of Bernoulli arms. XXX in the general case it is not true!
if N is None:
N = np.zeros((M, K), dtype=int)
if Ntilde is None:
Ntilde = np.zeros((M, K), dtype=int)
# Create the root state
if update_memories is not None:
root = StateWithMemory(S=S, Stilde=Stilde, N=N, Ntilde=Ntilde, mus=mus, players=players, update_memories=update_memories)
root = State(S=S, Stilde=Stilde, N=N, Ntilde=Ntilde, mus=mus, players=players)
# Should we only look for find_only_N absorbing child?
print("\nStarting to explore transitions up-to depth {} for this root state:\n{}".format(depth, root))
print(" Using these policies:")
for playerId, player in enumerate(players):
print(" - Player #{}/{} uses {} (which is {})...".format(playerId, M, player.__name__, player))
if update_memories is not None:
print(" Using these update_memories:")
for playerId, update_memory in enumerate(update_memories):
print(" - Player #{}/{} uses {} (which is {})...".format(playerId, M, update_memory.__name__, update_memory))
print(" Using these arms:")
for muId, mu in enumerate(mus):
print(" - Arm #{}/{} has mean {} ...".format(muId, K, mu))
if find_only_N is not None:
complete_probas, leafs = root.find_N_absorbing_states(N=find_only_N, maxdepth=depth)
print("\n\n\nAs asked, we found {} absorbing nodes or leafs from this root at max depth = {} ...".format(find_only_N, depth))
for proba, bad_child in zip(complete_probas, leafs):
print("At depth {}, this node was found to be absorbing with probability {}:\n{}".format(bad_child.t, proba, bad_child))
# Explore from the root
# Print everything
# root.pretty_print_result_recursively()
# Get all leafs
complete_probas, leafs = root.get_unique_leafs()
print("\n\n\nThere are {} unique leafs for depth {}...".format(len(leafs), depth))
for proba, leaf in zip(complete_probas, leafs):
print("\n Leaf with probability = {}:\n{}".format(proba, leaf))
if leaf.is_absorbing():
print(" At depth {}, this leaf was found to be absorbing !".format(depth))
# Done
print("\nDone for exploring transitions up-to depth {} for this root state:\n{}".format(depth, root))
print(" Using these policies:")
for playerId, player in enumerate(players):
print(" - Player #{}/{} uses {} (which is {})...".format(playerId, M, player.__name__, player))
if update_memories is not None:
print(" Using these update_memories:")
for playerId, update_memory in enumerate(update_memories):
print(" - Player #{}/{} uses {} (which is {})...".format(playerId, M, update_memory.__name__, update_memory))
print(" Using these arms:")
for muId, mu in enumerate(mus):
print(" - Arm #{}/{} has mean {} ...".format(muId, K, mu))
if find_only_N is None:
print("\nThere were {} unique leafs for depth {}...".format(len(leafs), depth))
return root, complete_probas, leafs
# --- Main script
[docs]def test(depth=1, M=2, K=2, S=None, Stilde=None, N=None, Ntilde=None, mus=None, debug=True, all_players=None, all_update_memories=None, find_only_N=None):
"""Test the main exploration function for various all_players."""
results = []
if all_players is None:
all_players = [FixedArm]
if all_update_memories is None:
all_update_memories = [None] * len(all_players)
for policy, update_memory in zip(all_players, all_update_memories):
players = [ policy for _ in range(M) ]
update_memories = [ update_memory for _ in range(M) ] if update_memory is not None else None
# get the result
root, complete_probas, leafs = main(depth=depth, players=players, update_memories=update_memories, S=S, N=N, Stilde=Stilde, Ntilde=Ntilde, M=M, K=K, mus=mus, find_only_N=find_only_N)
if find_only_N is None:
# computing absorbing states
nb_absorbing, bad_proba = root.proba_reaching_absorbing_state()
# XXX save the graph and maybe display it, in different versions
for onlyabsorbing, onlyleafs in product((True, False), (True, False)):
if nb_absorbing == 0 and onlyabsorbing: continue
if depth == 1 and onlyleafs: continue
for latex, ext in ((True, 'svg'), (False, 'svg')): # , (False, 'png')
filename = "Tree_exploration_K={}_M={}_depth={}__{}{}{}{}.gv".format(
K, M, depth, policy.__name__,
"__{}".format(update_memory.__name__) if update_memory is not None else "",
"__absorbing" if onlyabsorbing else "",
"__leafs" if onlyleafs else ""
root.saveto(os_path_join(PLOT_DIR, filename), view=debug,
title="Tree exploration for K={} arms and M={} players using {}{}, for depth={} : {} leafs, {} absorbing".format(K, M, policy.__name__,
" and {}".format(update_memory.__name__) if update_memory is not None else "",
depth, len(leafs), nb_absorbing),
onlyabsorbing=onlyabsorbing, onlyleafs=onlyleafs,
latex=latex, ext=ext)
except ValueError as e:
print(" Error when saving:", e)
nb_absorbing, bad_proba = len(complete_probas), sum(complete_probas)
# store everything
results.append([root, complete_probas, leafs, nb_absorbing, bad_proba])
# ask for Enter to continue
if debug:
print(input("\n\n[Enter] to continue..."))
return results
if __name__ == '__main__':
all_update_memories = None
all_players = [FixedArm] # XXX just for testing
all_players = [UniformExploration] # XXX just for testing
# --- XXX Test for Selfish Utilde
# all_update_memories = [ConstantRank]
all_players = [Selfish_0Greedy_Utilde, Selfish_UCB_Utilde, Selfish_KLUCB_Utilde] # XXX complete comparison
# all_players = [Selfish_UCB_Utilde, Selfish_KLUCB_Utilde] # XXX comparison
all_players = [Selfish_UCB, Selfish_KLUCB] # XXX comparison
# all_players = [Selfish_KLUCB_Utilde]
# all_players = [Selfish_UCB_Utilde] # Faster, and probably same error cases as KLUCB
# # --- XXX Test for RhoRand
# all_players = [RhoRand_UCB_Utilde, RhoRand_KLUCB_Utilde] # XXX comparison
# all_players = [RhoRand_KLUCB_U]
# all_players = [RhoRand_UCB_U] # Faster, and probably same error cases as KLUCB
# all_update_memories = [RandomNewRank]
# # --- XXX Test for RandTopM
# all_players = [RandTopM_UCB_U] # Faster, and probably same error cases as KLUCB
# all_update_memories = [RandTopM_RandomNewChosenArm]
# # --- XXX Test for RandTopMC
# all_players = [MCTopM_UCB_U] # Faster, and probably same error cases as KLUCB
# all_update_memories = [MCTopM_RandomNewChosenArm]
# --- XXX Faster or symbolic computations?
mus = None # use mu_1, .., mu_K as symbols, by default
# mus = [0, 1]
# mus = [0.1, 0.9]
# mus = [0.1, 0.5, 0.9]
# --- XXX Read parameters from the cli env
depth = int(getenv("DEPTH", "1"))
M = int(getenv("M", "2"))
K = int(getenv("K", "2"))
DEBUG = mybool(getenv("DEBUG", False))
find_only_N = int(getenv("FIND_ONLY_N", "0"))
if find_only_N <= 0: find_only_N = None
if find_only_N:
mus = uniform_means(nbArms=K)
results = test(depth=depth, M=M, K=K, mus=mus, all_players=all_players, all_update_memories=all_update_memories, find_only_N=find_only_N, debug=DEBUG)
# # XXX default start state
# M, K = 1, 1
# for depth in [8]:
# print("For depth = {} ...".format(depth))
# results = test(depth=depth, M=M, K=K, mus=mus, all_players=all_players, all_update_memories=all_update_memories, find_only_N=find_only_N, debug=DEBUG)
# # XXX default start state
# M, K = 2, 2
# # mus = [0.8, 0.2]
# # mus = [Fraction(4, 5), Fraction(1, 5)]
# for depth in [1, 2, 3]:
# print("For depth = {} ...".format(depth))
# results = test(depth=depth, M=M, K=K, mus=mus, all_players=all_players, all_update_memories=all_update_memories, find_only_N=find_only_N, debug=DEBUG)
# # XXX What if we start from an absorbing state?
# M, K = 2, 2
# S = np.array([[1, 0], [1, 0]])
# Stilde = np.array([[1, 0], [1, 0]])
# N = np.array([[2, 1], [2, 1]])
# Ntilde = np.array([[2, 1], [2, 1]])
# for depth in [1, 2, 3]:
# results = test(depth=depth, M=M, K=K, S=S, Stilde=Stilde, N=N, Ntilde=Ntilde, mus=mus, all_players=all_players, all_update_memories=all_update_memories, find_only_N=find_only_N, debug=DEBUG)
# # XXX default start state
# M, K = 2, 3
# results = test(depth=depth, M=M, K=K, mus=mus, all_players=all_players, all_update_memories=all_update_memories, find_only_N=find_only_N, debug=DEBUG)
# XXX What if we start from an absorbing state?
# M, K = 2, 3
# S = np.array([[2, 1, 0], [2, 1, 0]])
# Stilde = np.array([[2, 1, 0], [2, 1, 0]])
# N = np.array([[4, 3, 1], [4, 3, 1]])
# Ntilde = np.array([[4, 3, 1], [4, 3, 1]])
# # for depth in [1]:
# for depth in [2, 3, 4]:
# # results = test(depth=depth, M=M, K=K, mus=mus, all_players=all_players, all_update_memories=all_update_memories, find_only_N=find_only_N, debug=DEBUG)
# results = test(depth=depth, M=M, K=K, S=S, Stilde=Stilde, N=N, Ntilde=Ntilde, mus=mus, all_players=all_players, all_update_memories=all_update_memories, find_only_N=find_only_N, debug=DEBUG)
# M, K = 3, 3
# results = test(depth=depth, M=M, K=K, mus=mus, all_players=all_players, all_update_memories=all_update_memories, find_only_N=find_only_N, debug=DEBUG)
# End of complete_tree_exploration_for_MP_bandits.py