Source code for PoliciesMultiPlayers.EstimateM

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
r""" EstimateM: generic wrapper on a multi-player decentralized learning policy, to learn on the run the number of players, adapted from rhoEst from [Distributed Algorithms for Learning..., Anandkumar et al., 2010](

- The procedure to estimate :math:`\hat{M}_i(t)` is not so simple, but basically everyone starts with :math:`\hat{M}_i(0) = 1`, and when colliding :math:`\hat{M}_i(t+1) = \hat{M}_i(t) + 1`, for some time (with a complicated threshold).

- My choice for the threshold function, see :func:`threshold_on_t`, does not need the horizon either, and uses :math:`t` instead.

.. note:: This is fully decentralized: each child player does NOT need to know the number of players and does NOT require the horizon :math:`T`.

.. warning:: This is still very experimental!

.. note:: For a less generic approach, see the policies defined in :class:`rhoEst.rhoEst` (generalizing :class:`rhoRand.rhoRand`) and :class:`RandTopMEst.RandTopMEst` (generalizing :class:`RandTopM.RandTopM`).
from __future__ import division, print_function  # Python 2 compatibility

__author__ = "Lilian Besson"
__version__ = "0.9"

import numpy as np
import numpy.random as rn

    from .BaseMPPolicy import BaseMPPolicy
    from .ChildPointer import ChildPointer
except ImportError:
    from BaseMPPolicy import BaseMPPolicy
    from ChildPointer import ChildPointer

# --- threshold function xi(n, k)

[docs]def threshold_on_t_with_horizon(t, nbPlayersEstimate, horizon=None): r""" Function :math:`\xi(T, k)` used as a threshold in :class:`rhoEstPlus`. - `0` if `nbPlayersEstimate` is `0`, - `1` if `nbPlayersEstimate` is `1`, - any function such that: :math:`\xi(T, k) = \omega(\log T)` for all `k > 1`. (cf. I choose :math:`\log(1 + T)^2` or :math:`\log(1 + T) \log(1 + \log(1 + T))`, as it seems to work just fine and satisfies the condition (25) from [Distributed Algorithms for Learning..., Anandkumar et al., 2010]( .. warning:: It requires the horizon :math:`T`, and does not use the current time :math:`t`. Example: >>> threshold_on_t_with_horizon(1000, 3) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 14.287... >>> threshold_on_t_with_horizon(1000, 3, horizon=2000) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 16.357... """ # print("Calling threshold function 'threshold_on_t_with_horizon' with t = {}, nbPlayersEstimate = {} and horizon = {} ...".format(t, nbPlayersEstimate, horizon)) # DEBUG if nbPlayersEstimate <= 1: return nbPlayersEstimate else: if horizon is None: horizon = t return np.log(1 + horizon) * np.log(1 + np.log(1 + horizon))
# return np.log(1 + horizon) ** 2 # return float(horizon) ** 0.7 # return float(horizon) ** 0.5 # return float(horizon) ** 0.1 # return float(horizon)
[docs]def threshold_on_t_doubling_trick(t, nbPlayersEstimate, horizon=None, base=2, min_fake_horizon=1000, T0=1): r""" A trick to have a threshold depending on a growing horizon (doubling-trick). - Instead of using :math:`t` or :math:`T`, a fake horizon :math:`T_t` is used, corresponding to the horizon a doubling-trick algorithm would be using at time :math:`t`. - :math:`T_t = T_0 b^{\lceil \log_b(t) \rceil}` is the default choice, for :math:`b=2` :math:`T_0 = 10`. - If :math:`T_t` is too small, ``min_fake_horizon`` is used instead. .. warning:: This is ongoing research! Example: >>> threshold_on_t_doubling_trick(1000, 3) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 14.356... >>> threshold_on_t_doubling_trick(1000, 3, horizon=2000) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 14.356... """ fake_horizon_now = max(T0 * (base ** (np.ceil(np.log(1 + t) / np.log(base)))), min_fake_horizon) return threshold_on_t_with_horizon(t, nbPlayersEstimate, horizon=fake_horizon_now)
[docs]def threshold_on_t(t, nbPlayersEstimate, horizon=None): r""" Function :math:`\xi(t, k)` used as a threshold in :class:`rhoEst`. - `0` if `nbPlayersEstimate` is `0`, - `1` if `nbPlayersEstimate` is `1`, - My heuristic to be any-time (ie, without needing to know the horizon) is to use a function of :math:`t` (current time) and not :math:`T` (horizon). - The choice which seemed to perform the best in practice was :math:`\xi(t, k) = c t` for a small constant :math:`c` (like 5 or 10). Example: >>> threshold_on_t(1000, 3) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 47.730... >>> threshold_on_t(1000, 3, horizon=2000) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 47.730... """ # print("Calling threshold function 'threshold_on_t' with t = {}, nbPlayersEstimate = {} and horizon = {} ...".format(t, nbPlayersEstimate, horizon)) # DEBUG if nbPlayersEstimate <= 1: return nbPlayersEstimate else: return np.log(1 + t) ** 2
# return float(t) ** 0.7 # return float(t) ** 0.5 # return float(t) ** 0.1 # return float(t) # return 10 * float(t) # --- Class oneEstimateM, for children
[docs]class oneEstimateM(ChildPointer): """ Class that acts as a child policy, but in fact it pass all its method calls to the mother class, who passes it to its i-th player. - The procedure to estimate :math:`\hat{M}_i(t)` is not so simple, but basically everyone starts with :math:`\hat{M}_i(0) = 1`, and when colliding :math:`\hat{M}_i(t+1) = \hat{M}_i(t) + 1`, for some time (with a complicated threshold). """ # WARNING this line fails in Python2 # See difference between # and # # XXX I don't want to write ugly dynamic code that handles both, so let's just say this breaks Python2 compatibility # You shouldn't use Python2 anyway!
[docs] def __init__(self, nbArms, playerAlgo, threshold, decentralizedPolicy, *args, lower=0., amplitude=1., horizon=None, args_decentralizedPolicy=None, kwargs_decentralizedPolicy=None, **kwargs): self.horizon = horizon super(oneEstimateM, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Creating of the underlying policy (e.g., oneRhoRand, oneRandTopM etc) if args_decentralizedPolicy is None: args_decentralizedPolicy = () if kwargs_decentralizedPolicy is None: kwargs_decentralizedPolicy = {} self._fakeMother = decentralizedPolicy( 1, nbArms, playerAlgo, *args_decentralizedPolicy, lower=lower, amplitude=amplitude, **kwargs_decentralizedPolicy ) self._policy = self._fakeMother.children[0] # Parameters self.threshold = threshold #: Threshold function # Internal variables self.nbPlayersEstimate = 1 #: Number of players. Optimistic: start by assuming it is alone! self.updateNbPlayers() self.collisionCount = np.zeros(self.nbArms, dtype=int) #: Count collisions on each arm, since last increase of nbPlayersEstimate self.timeSinceLastCollision = 0 #: Time since last collision. Don't remember why I thought using this could be useful... But it's not! self.t = 0 #: Internal time
[docs] def __str__(self): # Better to recompute it automatically parts = self._policy.__str__().split('<') if len(parts) == 1: return "EstimateM-{}".format(parts[0]) else: return parts[0] + '<EstimateM-' + '<'.join(parts[1:])
# EstimateM-#1<RhoRand-KLUCB, rank:2> --> #1<EstimateM-RhoRand-KLUCB, rank:2>
[docs] def updateNbPlayers(self, nbPlayers=None): """Change the value of ``nbPlayersEstimate``, and propagate the change to the underlying policy, for parameters called ``maxRank`` or ``nbPlayers``.""" # print("DEBUG calling updateNbPlayers for self = {} and nbPlayers = {} and self.nbPlayersEstimate = {} ...".format(self, nbPlayers, self.nbPlayersEstimate)) # DEBUG if nbPlayers is None: nbPlayers = self.nbPlayersEstimate else: self.nbPlayersEstimate = nbPlayers if hasattr(self._policy, 'maxRank'): self._policy.maxRank = nbPlayers # print("DEBUG in updateNbPlayers, propagating the value {} as new maxRank for self._policy = {} ...".format(nbPlayers, self._policy)) # DEBUG if hasattr(self._policy, 'nbPlayers'): self._policy.nbPlayers = nbPlayers
# print("DEBUG in updateNbPlayers, propagating the value {} as new nbPlayers for self._policy = {} ...".format(nbPlayers, self._policy)) # DEBUG
[docs] def startGame(self): """Start game.""" self._policy.startGame() self.nbPlayersEstimate = 1 # Optimistic: start by assuming it is alone! self.updateNbPlayers() self.collisionCount.fill(0) self.timeSinceLastCollision = 0 self.t = 0
[docs] def handleCollision(self, arm, reward=None): """Select a new rank, and maybe update nbPlayersEstimate.""" self._policy.handleCollision(arm, reward=reward) # we can be smart, and stop all this as soon as M = K ! if self.nbPlayersEstimate < self.nbArms: self.collisionCount[arm] += 1 # print("\n - A oneRhoEst player {} saw a collision on {}, since last update of nbPlayersEstimate = {} it is the {} th collision on that arm {}...".format(self, arm, self.nbPlayersEstimate, self.collisionCount[arm], arm)) # DEBUG # Then, estimate the current ranking of the arms and the set of the M best arms currentBest = self.estimatedBestArms(self.nbPlayersEstimate) # print("Current estimation of the {} best arms is {} ...".format(self.nbPlayersEstimate, currentBest)) # DEBUG collisionCount_on_currentBest = np.sum(self.collisionCount[currentBest]) # print("Current count of collision on the {} best arms is {} ...".format(self.nbPlayersEstimate, collisionCount_on_currentBest)) # DEBUG # And finally, compare the collision count with the current threshold threshold = self.threshold(self.t, self.nbPlayersEstimate, self.horizon) # print("Using timeSinceLastCollision = {}, and t = {}, threshold = {:.3g} ...".format(self.timeSinceLastCollision, self.t, threshold)) if collisionCount_on_currentBest > threshold: self.nbPlayersEstimate = min(1 + self.nbPlayersEstimate, self.nbArms) self.updateNbPlayers() # print("The collision count {} was larger than the threshold {:.3g} se we restart the collision count, and increase the nbPlayersEstimate to {}.".format(collisionCount_on_currentBest, threshold, self.nbPlayersEstimate)) # DEBUG self.collisionCount.fill(0) # Finally, restart timeSinceLastCollision self.timeSinceLastCollision = 0
[docs] def getReward(self, arm, reward): """One transmission without collision.""" self.t += 1 # Obtaining a reward, even 0, means no collision on that arm for this time # So, first, we count one more step without collision self.timeSinceLastCollision += 1 # Then use the reward for the arm learning algorithm return self._policy.getReward(arm, reward)
[docs] def choice(self): """ Pass the call to self._policy.choice() with the player's ID number. """ return self._policy.choice()
[docs] def choiceWithRank(self, rank=1): """ Pass the call to self._policy.choiceWithRank() with the player's ID number. """ return self._policy.choiceWithRank(rank)
[docs] def choiceFromSubSet(self, availableArms='all'): """ Pass the call to self._policy.choiceFromSubSet() with the player's ID number. """ return self._policy.choiceFromSubSet(availableArms)
[docs] def choiceMultiple(self, nb=1): """ Pass the call to self._policy.choiceMultiple() with the player's ID number. """ return self._policy.choiceMultiple(nb)
[docs] def choiceIMP(self, nb=1): """ Pass the call to self._policy.choiceIMP() with the player's ID number. """ return self._policy.choiceIMP(nb)
[docs] def estimatedOrder(self): """ Pass the call to self._policy.estimatedOrder() with the player's ID number. """ return self._policy.estimatedOrder()
[docs] def estimatedBestArms(self, M=1): """ Pass the call to self._policy.estimatedBestArms() with the player's ID number. """ return self._policy.estimatedBestArms(M=M)
[docs]class EstimateM(BaseMPPolicy): """ EstimateM: a generic wrapper for an efficient multi-players learning policy, with no prior knowledge of the number of player, and using any other MP policy. """
[docs] def __init__(self, nbPlayers, nbArms, decentralizedPolicy, playerAlgo, policyArgs=None, horizon=None, threshold=threshold_on_t_doubling_trick, lower=0., amplitude=1., *args, **kwargs): """ - nbPlayers: number of players to create (in self._players). - nbArms: number of arms. - decentralizedPolicy: base MP decentralized policy. - threshold: the threshold function to use, see :func:`threshold_on_t_with_horizon`, :func:`threshold_on_t_doubling_trick` or :func:`threshold_on_t` above. - `policyArgs`: named arguments (dictionnary), given to ``decentralizedPolicy``. - `*args`, `**kwargs`: arguments, named arguments, given to ``decentralizedPolicy`` (will probably be given to the single-player decentralized policy under the hood, don't care). Example: >>> from Policies import *; from PoliciesMultiPlayers import * >>> import random; random.seed(0); import numpy as np; np.random.seed(0) >>> nbArms = 4 >>> nbPlayers = 2 >>> s = EstimateM(nbPlayers, nbArms, rhoRand, UCBalpha, alpha=0.5) >>> [ child.choice() for child in s.children ] [0, 3] - To get a list of usable players, use ``s.children``. .. warning:: ``s._players`` is for internal use ONLY! """ assert nbPlayers > 0, "Error, the parameter 'nbPlayers' for RandTopMEst class has to be > 0." # DEBUG self.nbPlayers = nbPlayers #: Number of players self._players = [None] * nbPlayers self.children = [None] * nbPlayers #: List of children, fake algorithms self.nbArms = nbArms #: Number of arms if policyArgs is None: policyArgs = {} args_decentralizedPolicy = args kwargs_decentralizedPolicy = kwargs for playerId in range(nbPlayers): self.children[playerId] = oneEstimateM(nbArms, playerAlgo, threshold, decentralizedPolicy, self, playerId, lower=lower, amplitude=amplitude, horizon=horizon, args_decentralizedPolicy=args_decentralizedPolicy, kwargs_decentralizedPolicy=kwargs_decentralizedPolicy, **policyArgs) self._players[playerId] = self.children[playerId]._policy
[docs] def __str__(self): return "EstimateM({} x {})".format(self.nbPlayers, str(self._players[0]))