Source code for PoliciesMultiPlayers.CentralizedFixed

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" CentralizedFixed: a multi-player policy which uses a centralized intelligence to affect users to a FIXED arm.

- It allows to have absolutely *no* collision, if there is more channels than users (always assumed).
- But it is NOT fair on ONE run: the best arm is played only by one player.
- Note that in average, it is fair (who plays the best arm is randomly decided).
- Note that it is NOT affecting players on the best arms: it has no knowledge of the means of the arms, only of the number of arms nbArms.
from __future__ import division, print_function  # Python 2 compatibility

__author__ = "Lilian Besson"
__version__ = "0.1"

import numpy as np

    from .BaseMPPolicy import BaseMPPolicy
    from .BaseCentralizedPolicy import BaseCentralizedPolicy
    from .ChildPointer import ChildPointer
except ImportError:
    from BaseMPPolicy import BaseMPPolicy
    from BaseCentralizedPolicy import BaseCentralizedPolicy
    from ChildPointer import ChildPointer

[docs]class Fixed(BaseCentralizedPolicy): """ Fixed: always select a fixed arm, as decided by the CentralizedFixed multi-player policy. """
[docs] def __init__(self, nbArms, armIndex, lower=0., amplitude=1.): """Fixed on this arm.""" self.nbArms = nbArms #: Number of arms self.armIndex = armIndex #: Index of the fixed arm
[docs] def __str__(self): return "Fixed({})".format(self.armIndex)
[docs] def startGame(self): """Nothing to do.""" pass
[docs] def getReward(self, arm, reward): """Nothing to do.""" pass
[docs] def choice(self): """Chose fixed arm.""" return self.armIndex
[docs]class CentralizedFixed(BaseMPPolicy): """ CentralizedFixed: a multi-player policy which uses a centralized intelligence to affect users to a FIXED arm. """
[docs] def __init__(self, nbPlayers, nbArms): """ - nbPlayers: number of players to create (in self._players). - nbArms: number of arms. Examples: >>> import random; random.seed(0); import numpy as np; np.random.seed(0) >>> s = CentralizedFixed(2, 3) >>> [ child.choice() for child in s.children ] [2, 1] >>> [ child.choice() for child in s.children ] [2, 1] >>> import random; random.seed(0); import numpy as np; np.random.seed(0) >>> s = CentralizedFixed(4, 8) >>> [ child.choice() for child in s.children ] [7, 6, 1, 2] >>> [ child.choice() for child in s.children ] [7, 6, 1, 2] >>> s = CentralizedFixed(10, 14) - To get a list of usable players, use ``s.children``. - Warning: ``s._players`` is for internal use """ assert nbPlayers > 0, "Error, the parameter 'nbPlayers' for CentralizedFixed class has to be > 0." if nbPlayers > nbArms: print("Warning, there is more users than arms ... (nbPlayers > nbArms)") # XXX # Attributes self.nbPlayers = nbPlayers #: Number of players self.nbArms = nbArms #: Number of arms # Internal vectorial memory if nbPlayers <= nbArms: self._affectations = np.random.choice(nbArms, size=nbPlayers, replace=False) # Affectations of choices to players else: self._affectations = np.zeros(nbPlayers, dtype=int) self._affectations[:nbArms] = np.random.permutation(nbArms) # Try to minimize the number of doubled affectations, so all the other players are affected to the *same* arm # 1. first option : chose a random arm, put everyone else in it. Plus: minimize collisions, Minus: maybe it's a bad arm trashArm = np.random.choice(nbArms) # XXX this "trash" arm with max number of collision will not change: that can be very good (if it is the worse!) or very bad (if it is the best!) self._affectations[nbArms:] = trashArm # 2. second option : chose a random affectation. Plus: minimize risk, Minus: increase collisions # self._affectations[nbArms:] = np.random.choice(nbArms, size=nbPlayers - nbArms, replace=True) # Shuffle it once, just to be fair, IN AVERAGE (by repetitions) np.random.shuffle(self._affectations) # print("CentralizedFixed: initialized with {} arms and {} players ...".format(nbArms, nbPlayers)) # DEBUG # print("It decided to use this affectation of arms :") # DEBUG # Internal object memory self._players = [None] * nbPlayers self.children = [None] * nbPlayers #: List of children, fake algorithms for playerId in range(nbPlayers): # print(" - Player number {} will always choose the arm number {} ...".format(playerId + 1, self._affectations[playerId])) # DEBUG self._players[playerId] = Fixed(nbArms, self._affectations[playerId]) self.children[playerId] = ChildPointer(self, playerId) self._printNbCollisions() # DEBUG
[docs] def __str__(self): return "CentralizedFixed({} x {})".format(self.nbPlayers, str(self._players[0]))
[docs] def _printNbCollisions(self): """ Print number of collisions. """ nbDifferentAffectation = len(set(self._affectations)) if nbDifferentAffectation != self.nbPlayers: print("\n==> This affectation will bring collisions! Exactly {} at each step...".format(self.nbPlayers - nbDifferentAffectation + 1)) for armId in range(self.nbArms): nbAffected = np.count_nonzero(self._affectations == armId) if nbAffected > 1: print(" - For arm number {}, there is {} different child players affected on this arm ...".format(armId, nbAffected))
[docs] def _startGame_one(self, playerId): """Pass the call to the player algorithm.""" # FIXME It should re-generate the affectations every time a game is started! self._players[playerId].startGame()
[docs] def _getReward_one(self, playerId, arm, reward): """Pass the call to the player algorithm.""" self._players[playerId].getReward(arm, reward)
[docs] def _choice_one(self, playerId): """Pass the call to the player algorithm.""" return self._players[playerId].choice()