Source code for PoliciesMultiPlayers.ALOHA

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" ALOHA: generalized implementation of the single-player policy from [Concurrent bandits and cognitive radio network, O.Avner & S.Mannor, 2014](, for a generic single-player policy.

This policy uses the collision avoidance mechanism that is inspired by the classical ALOHA protocol, and any single-player policy.
from __future__ import division, print_function  # Python 2 compatibility

__author__ = "Lilian Besson"
__version__ = "0.9"

from random import random
import numpy as np
import numpy.random as rn

    from .BaseMPPolicy import BaseMPPolicy
    from .ChildPointer import ChildPointer
    from .with_proba import with_proba
except ImportError:
    from BaseMPPolicy import BaseMPPolicy
    from ChildPointer import ChildPointer
    from with_proba import with_proba

# --- Functions to define [t, t + tnext] intervals

[docs]def tnext_beta(t, beta=0.5): r""" Simple function, as used in MEGA: ``upper_tnext(t)`` = :math:`t^{\beta}`. Default to :math:`t^{0.5}`. >>> tnext_beta(100, beta=0.1) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 1.584... >>> tnext_beta(100, beta=0.5) 10.0 >>> tnext_beta(100, beta=0.9) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 63.095... >>> tnext_beta(1000) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 31.622... """ return t ** beta
[docs]def make_tnext_beta(beta=0.5): r""" Returns the function :math:`t \mapsto t^{\beta}`. >>> tnext = make_tnext_beta(0.5) >>> tnext(100) 10.0 >>> tnext(1000) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 31.622... """ def tnext(t): return t ** beta return tnext
[docs]def tnext_log(t, scaling=1.): r""" Other function, not the one used in MEGA, but our proposal: ``upper_tnext(t)`` = :math:`\text{scaling} * \log(1 + t)`. >>> tnext_log(100, scaling=1) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 4.615... >>> tnext_log(100, scaling=10) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 46.151... >>> tnext_log(100, scaling=100) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 461.512... >>> tnext_log(1000) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 6.908... """ return scaling * np.log(1 + t)
[docs]def make_tnext_log_scaling(scaling=1.): r""" Returns the function :math:`t \mapsto \text{scaling} * \log(1 + t)`. >>> tnext = make_tnext_log_scaling(1) >>> tnext(100) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 4.615... >>> tnext(1000) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 6.908... """ def tnext(t): return scaling * np.log(1 + t) return tnext
# --- Class oneALOHA, for children
[docs]class oneALOHA(ChildPointer): """ Class that acts as a child policy, but in fact it pass all its method calls to the mother class, who passes it to its i-th player. - Except for the handleCollision method: the ALOHA collision avoidance protocol is implemented here. """
[docs] def __init__(self, nbPlayers, mother, playerId, nbArms, p0=0.5, alpha_p0=0.5, ftnext=tnext_beta, beta=None): super(oneALOHA, self).__init__(mother, playerId) self.nbPlayers = nbPlayers #: Number of players # Parameters for the ALOHA protocol assert 0 <= p0 <= 1, "Error: parameter 'p0' for a ALOHA player should be in [0, 1]." # DEBUG self.p0 = p0 #: Initial probability, should not be modified self.p = p0 #: Current probability, can be modified assert 0 < alpha_p0 <= 1, "Error: parameter 'alpha_p0' for a ALOHA player should be in (0, 1]." # DEBUG self.alpha_p0 = alpha_p0 #: Parameter alpha for the recurrence equation for probability p(t) # Parameters for the ftnext function self.beta = beta #: Parameter beta self._ftnext = ftnext # Function to know how long arms are tagged as unavailable. Can be a callable or None # Find the name of the function if ftnext is None: if beta > 1: self._ftnext_name = "t^{%.3g}" % beta elif 0 < beta < 1: self._ftnext_name = r"\sqrt[%.3g]{t}" % (1. / beta) else: self._ftnext_name = "t" elif ftnext == tnext_log: self._ftnext_name = r"\log(t)" elif ftnext == tnext_beta: self._ftnext_name = r"\sqrt{t}" else: self._ftnext_name = self._ftnext.__name__.replace("tnext_", "") # Internal memory self.tnext = np.zeros(nbArms, dtype=int) #: Only store the delta time self.t = -1 #: Internal time self.chosenArm = None #: Last chosen arm
[docs] def __str__(self): return r"#{}<ALOHA({}, $p_0={:.3g}$, $\alpha={:.3g}$, $f(t)={}$)>".format(self.playerId + 1, self.mother._players[self.playerId], self.p0, self.alpha_p0, self._ftnext_name)
[docs] def startGame(self): """Start game.""" self.mother._startGame_one(self.playerId) self.t = 0 self.p = self.p0 self.tnext.fill(0) self.chosenArm = None
[docs] def ftnext(self, t): """Time until the arm is removed from list of unavailable arms.""" if self.beta is not None: return t ** self.beta else: return self._ftnext(t)
[docs] def getReward(self, arm, reward): """ Receive a reward on arm of index 'arm', as described by the ALOHA protocol. - If not collision, receive a reward after pulling the arm. """ # print(" - A oneALOHA player received reward = {} on arm {}, at time t = {}...".format(reward, arm, self.t)) # DEBUG self.mother._getReward_one(self.playerId, arm, reward) self.p = self.p * self.alpha_p0 + (1 - self.alpha_p0) # Update proba p
[docs] def handleCollision(self, arm, reward=None): """ Handle a collision, on arm of index 'arm'. .. warning:: This method has to be implemented in the collision model, it is NOT implemented in the EvaluatorMultiPlayers. .. note:: We do not care on which arm the collision occured. """ # print(" ---------> A oneALOHA player saw a collision on arm {}, at time t = {} ... Currently, p = {} ...".format(arm, self.t, self.p)) # DEBUG # self.getReward(arm, self.mother.lower) # FIXED should we give a 0 reward ? Not in this model! # 1. With proba 1 - p, give up if with_proba(1 - self.p): # Random time offset until when this arm self.chosenArm is not sampled delta_tnext_k = rn.randint(low=0, high=1 + int(self.ftnext(self.t))) self.tnext[self.chosenArm] = self.t + 1 + delta_tnext_k # print(" - Reaction to collision on arm {}, at time t = {} : delta_tnext_k = {}, tnext[{}] = {} ...".format(arm, self.t, delta_tnext_k, self.chosenArm, self.tnext[self.chosenArm])) # DEBUG self.p = self.p0 # Reinitialize the proba p self.chosenArm = None # We give up this arm
# 2. With proba p, persist: nothing to do # else: # pass
[docs] def choice(self): """ Identify the available arms, and use the underlying single-player policy (UCB, Thompson etc) to choose an arm from this sub-set of arms. """ self.t += 1 if self.chosenArm is not None: # We can still exploit that arm pass else: # We have to chose a new arm availableArms = np.nonzero(self.tnext <= self.t)[0] # Identify available arms result = self.mother._choiceFromSubSet_one(self.playerId, availableArms) # print("\n - A oneALOHA player {} had to choose an arm among the set of available arms = {}, her choice was : {}, at time t = {} ...".format(self, availableArms, result, self.t)) # DEBUG self.chosenArm = result return self.chosenArm
# --- Class ALOHA
[docs]class ALOHA(BaseMPPolicy): """ ALOHA: implementation of the multi-player policy from [Concurrent bandits and cognitive radio network, O.Avner & S.Mannor, 2014](, for a generic single-player policy. """
[docs] def __init__(self, nbPlayers, nbArms, playerAlgo, p0=0.5, alpha_p0=0.5, ftnext=tnext_beta, beta=None, *args, **kwargs): # Named argument to give them in any order """ - nbPlayers: number of players to create (in self._players). - playerAlgo: class to use for every players. - nbArms: number of arms, given as first argument to playerAlgo. - p0: initial probability p(0); p(t) is the probability of persistance on the chosenArm at time t - alpha_p0: scaling in the update for p[t+1] <- alpha_p0 p[t] + (1 - alpha_p0) - ftnext: general function, default to t -> t^beta, to know from where to sample a random time t_next(k), until when the chosenArm is unavailable. t -> log(1 + t) is also possible. - (optional) beta: if present, overwrites ftnext, which will be t --> t^beta. - `*args`, `**kwargs`: arguments, named arguments, given to playerAlgo. Example: >>> from Policies import * >>> import random; random.seed(0); import numpy as np; np.random.seed(0) >>> nbArms = 17 >>> nbPlayers = 6 >>> p0, alpha_p0 = 0.6, 0.5 >>> s = ALOHA(nbPlayers, nbArms, Thompson, p0=p0, alpha_p0=alpha_p0, ftnext=tnext_log) >>> [ child.choice() for child in s.children ] [6, 11, 8, 4, 8, 8] >>> s = ALOHA(nbPlayers, nbArms, UCBalpha, p0=p0, alpha_p0=alpha_p0, beta=0.5, alpha=1) >>> [ child.choice() for child in s.children ] [1, 0, 5, 2, 15, 3] - To get a list of usable players, use ``s.children``. - Warning: ``s._players`` is for internal use ONLY! """ assert nbPlayers > 0, "Error, the parameter 'nbPlayers' for rhoRand class has to be > 0." self.nbPlayers = nbPlayers #: Number of players self.nbArms = nbArms #: Number of arms # Internal memory self._players = [None] * nbPlayers self.children = [None] * nbPlayers #: List of children, fake algorithms for playerId in range(nbPlayers): # Initialize internal algorithm (eg. UCB, Thompson etc) self._players[playerId] = playerAlgo(nbArms, *args, **kwargs) # Initialize proxy child self.children[playerId] = oneALOHA(nbPlayers, self, playerId, nbArms, p0=p0, alpha_p0=alpha_p0, ftnext=ftnext, beta=beta)
[docs] def __str__(self): return "ALOHA({} x {})".format(self.nbPlayers, str(self._players[0]))