Source code for Policies.UCBdagger

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
r""" The UCB-dagger (:math:`\mathrm{UCB}{\dagger}`, UCB†) policy, a significant improvement over UCB by auto-tuning the confidence level.

- Reference: [[Auto-tuning the Confidence Level for Optimistic Bandit Strategies, Lattimore, unpublished, 2017]](
from __future__ import division, print_function  # Python 2 compatibility

__author__ = "Lilian Besson"
__version__ = "0.9"

import numpy as np
np.seterr(divide='ignore')  # XXX dangerous in general, controlled here!
_e = np.e

    from .IndexPolicy import IndexPolicy
except ImportError:
    from IndexPolicy import IndexPolicy

#: Default value for the parameter :math:`\alpha > 0` for UCBdagger.

[docs]def log_bar(x): r"""The function defined as :math:`\mathrm{l\overline{og}}` by Lattimore: .. math:: \mathrm{l\overline{og}}(x) := \log\left((x+e)\sqrt{\log(x+e)}\right) Some values: >>> for x in np.logspace(0, 7, 8): ... print("x = {:<5.3g} gives log_bar(x) = {:<5.3g}".format(x, log_bar(x))) x = 1 gives log_bar(x) = 1.45 x = 10 gives log_bar(x) = 3.01 x = 100 gives log_bar(x) = 5.4 x = 1e+03 gives log_bar(x) = 7.88 x = 1e+04 gives log_bar(x) = 10.3 x = 1e+05 gives log_bar(x) = 12.7 x = 1e+06 gives log_bar(x) = 15.1 x = 1e+07 gives log_bar(x) = 17.5 Illustration: >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> X = np.linspace(0, 1000, 2000) >>> Y = log_bar(X) >>> plt.plot(X, Y) >>> plt.title(r"The $\mathrm{l\overline{og}}$ function") >>> """ return np.log((x + _e) * np.sqrt(np.log(x + _e)))
[docs]def Ki_function(pulls, i): r"""Compute the :math:`K_i(t)` index as defined in the article, for one arm i.""" if pulls[i] <= 0: return len(pulls) else: return np.sum(np.minimum(1., np.sqrt(pulls / pulls[i])))
[docs]def Ki_vectorized(pulls): r"""Compute the :math:`K_i(t)` index as defined in the article, for all arms (in a vectorized manner). .. warning:: I didn't find a fast vectorized formula, so don't use this one. """ return np.array([Ki_function(pulls, i) for i in range(len(pulls))])
# ratios = np.zeros_like(pulls) # for i, p in enumerate(pulls): # ratios[i] = np.sum(np.minimum(1., np.sqrt(pulls / p))) # return ratios # --- The UCBdagger policy
[docs]class UCBdagger(IndexPolicy): r""" The UCB-dagger (:math:`\mathrm{UCB}{\dagger}`, UCB†) policy, a significant improvement over UCB by auto-tuning the confidence level. - Reference: [[Auto-tuning the Confidence Level for Optimistic Bandit Strategies, Lattimore, unpublished, 2017]]( """
[docs] def __init__(self, nbArms, horizon=None, alpha=ALPHA, lower=0., amplitude=1.): super(UCBdagger, self).__init__(nbArms, lower=lower, amplitude=amplitude) assert alpha > 0, "Error: parameter 'alpha' for UCBdagger should be > 0." # DEBUG self.alpha = alpha #: Parameter :math:`\alpha > 0`. assert horizon > 0, "Error: parameter 'horizon' for UCBdagger should be > 0." # DEBUG self.horizon = int(horizon) #: Parameter :math:`T > 0`.
# # Internal memory # self.indexes_K = nbArms * np.ones(nbArms) #: Keep in memory the indexes :math:`K_i(t)`, to speed up their computation from :math:`\mathcal{O}(K^2)` to :math:`\mathcal{O}(K)` (where :math:`K` is the number of arm).
[docs] def __str__(self): if self.alpha == ALPHA: return r"UCB$\dagger$($T={}$)".format(self.horizon) else: return r"UCB$\dagger$($T={}$, $\alpha={:.3g}$)".format(self.horizon, self.alpha)
[docs] def getReward(self, arm, reward): """ Give a reward: increase t, pulls, and update cumulated sum of rewards for that arm (normalized in [0, 1]).""" # Do this in less than O(K) times? # Don't see the point, maintaining a list of arm sorted by their N_k(t) actually takes more time than just looping # # XXX old fashion # # for other_arm in range(self.nbArms): # # if self.pulls[other_arm] > self.pulls[arm]: # # Cf. Appendix D. Computation of UCB† # for other_arm in np.where(self.pulls > self.pulls[arm])[0]: # self.indexes_K[other_arm] += np.sqrt((self.pulls[arm] + 1) / self.pulls[other_arm]) - np.sqrt(self.pulls[arm] / self.pulls[other_arm]) # # Just debugging # assert np.all(self.indexes_K >= 0), "Error: an index K was found < 0..." # DEBUG # _K = Ki_vectorized(self.pulls) # for other_arm in range(self.nbArms): # # assert self.indexes_K[other_arm] == _K[other_arm], "Error: an index K = {:.3g} was found wrong for arm {} (the reference value was {:.3g})...".format(self.indexes_K[other_arm], other_arm, _K[other_arm]) # DEBUG # if not (self.indexes_K[other_arm] == _K[other_arm]): # print("Error: an index K = {:.3g} was found wrong for arm {} (the reference value was {:.3g})...".format(self.indexes_K[other_arm], other_arm, _K[other_arm])) # DEBUG # Now actually store the reward and pull super(UCBdagger, self).getReward(arm, reward)
# --- Computation
[docs] def computeIndex(self, arm): r""" Compute the current index, at time t and after :math:`N_k(t)` pulls of arm k: .. math:: I_k(t) &= \frac{X_k(t)}{N_k(t)} + \sqrt{\frac{2 \alpha}{N_k(t)} \mathrm{l}\overline{\mathrm{og}}\left( \frac{T}{H_k(t)} \right)}, \\ \text{where}\;\; & H_k(t) := N_k(t) K_k(t) \\ \text{and}\;\; & K_k(t) := \sum_{j=1}^{K} \min(1, \sqrt{\frac{T_j(t)}{T_i(t)}}). """ if self.pulls[arm] < 1: return float('+inf') else: # XXX Use the internal indexes (faster?) if they work # H_arm = self.pulls[arm] * self.indexes_K[arm] H_arm = self.pulls[arm] * Ki_function(self.pulls, arm) return (self.rewards[arm] / self.pulls[arm]) + np.sqrt(((2. * self.alpha) / self.pulls[arm]) * log_bar(self.horizon / H_arm))
# def computeAllIndex(self): # """ Compute the current indexes for all arms, in a vectorized manner.""" # # H_arms = self.pulls * Ki_vectorized(self.pulls) # H_arms = self.pulls * self.indexes_K # indexes (self.rewards / self.pulls) + np.sqrt(((2. * self.alpha) / self.pulls) * log_bar(self.horizon / H_arms)) # indexes[self.pulls < 1] = float('+inf') # self.index[:] = indexes