Source code for Policies.SparseklUCB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" The SparseklUCB policy, designed to tackle sparse stochastic bandit problems:

- This means that only a small subset of size ``s`` of the ``K`` arms has non-zero means.
- The SparseklUCB algorithm requires to known **exactly** the value of ``s``.

- This SparseklUCB is my version. It uses the KL-UCB index for both the decision in the UCB phase and the construction of the sets :math:`\mathcal{J}(t)` and :math:`\mathcal{K}(t)`.
- The usual UCB indexes can be used for the sets by setting the flag ``use_ucb_for_sets`` to true.
- Reference: [["Sparse Stochastic Bandits", by J. Kwon, V. Perchet & C. Vernade, COLT 2017](] who introduced SparseUCB.

.. warning:: This algorithm only works for sparse Gaussian (or sub-Gaussian) stochastic bandits, of **known** variance.
from __future__ import division, print_function  # Python 2 compatibility

__author__ = "Lilian Besson"
__version__ = "0.6"

from math import sqrt, log
from enum import Enum  # For the different states
import numpy as np
np.seterr(divide='ignore')  # XXX dangerous in general, controlled here!

    from .kullback import klucbBern
    from .klUCB import klUCB
except ImportError:
    from kullback import klucbBern
    from klUCB import klUCB

#: Different states during the SparseklUCB algorithm.
#: - ``RoundRobin`` means all are sampled once.
#: - ``ForceLog`` uniformly explores arms that are in the set :math:`\mathcal{J}(t) \setminus \mathcal{K}(t)`.
#: - ``UCB`` is the phase that the algorithm should converge to, when a normal UCB selection is done only on the "good" arms, i.e., :math:`\mathcal{K}(t)`.
Phase = Enum('Phase', ['RoundRobin', 'ForceLog', 'UCB'])

#: Default value for the constant c used in the computation of KL-UCB index
c = 1.  #: default value, as it was in pymaBandits v1.0
# c = 1.  #: as suggested in the Theorem 1 in

#: Default value for the flag controlling whether the usual UCB indexes are used for the sets :math:`\mathcal{J}(t)`
#: and :math:`\mathcal{K}(t)`. Default it to use the KL-UCB indexes, which should be more efficient.

# --- The interesting class

[docs]class SparseklUCB(klUCB): """ The SparseklUCB policy, designed to tackle sparse stochastic bandit problems. - By default, assume ``sparsity`` = ``nbArms``. """
[docs] def __init__(self, nbArms, sparsity=None, tolerance=1e-4, klucb=klucbBern, c=c, use_ucb_for_sets=USE_UCB_FOR_SETS, lower=0., amplitude=1.): super(SparseklUCB, self).__init__(nbArms, tolerance=tolerance, klucb=klucb, c=c, lower=lower, amplitude=amplitude) if sparsity is None or sparsity == nbArms: sparsity = nbArms print("Warning: regular klUCB should be used instead of SparseklUCB if 'sparsity' = 'nbArms' = {} ...".format(nbArms)) # DEBUG assert 1 <= sparsity <= nbArms, "Error: 'sparsity' has to be in [1, nbArms = {}] but was {} ...".format(nbArms, sparsity) # DEBUG self.sparsity = sparsity #: Known value of the sparsity of the current problem. self.use_ucb_for_sets = use_ucb_for_sets #: Whether the usual UCB indexes are used for the sets :math:`\mathcal{J}(t)` and :math:`\mathcal{K}(t)`. self.phase = Phase.RoundRobin #: Current phase of the algorithm. # internal memory self.force_to_see = np.full(nbArms, True) #: Binary array for the set :math:`\mathcal{J}(t)`. self.goods = np.full(nbArms, True) #: Binary array for the set :math:`\mathcal{K}(t)`. self.offset = -1 #: Next arm to sample, for the Round-Robin phase
# --- pretty printing
[docs] def __str__(self): return r"Sparse-kl-UCB($s={}$, {}{}{})".format(self.sparsity, "" if self.c == 1 else r"$c={:.3g}$".format(self.c), self.klucb.__name__[5:], ", UCB for sets" if self.use_ucb_for_sets else "")
[docs] def startGame(self): """ Initialize the policy for a new game.""" super(SparseklUCB, self).startGame() self.phase = Phase.RoundRobin self.force_to_see.fill(True) # faster than sets self.goods.fill(True) # faster than sets self.offset = -1
# --- Update the two sets
[docs] def update_j(self): r""" Recompute the set :math:`\mathcal{J}(t)`: .. math:: \hat{\mu}_k(t) &= \frac{X_k(t)}{N_k(t)}, \\ U^{\mathcal{J}}_k(t) &= \sup\limits_{q \in [a, b]} \left\{ q : \mathrm{kl}(\hat{\mu}_k(t), q) \leq \frac{c \log(N_k(t))}{N_k(t)} \right\},\\ \mathcal{J}(t) &= \left\{ k \in [1,...,K]\;, \hat{\mu}_k(t) \geq U^{\mathcal{J}}_k(t) - \hat{\mu}_k(t) \right\}. - If ``use_ucb_for_sets`` is ``True``, the same formula from :class:`Policies.SparseUCB` is used. """ # assert np.all(self.pulls >= 1), "Error: at least one arm was not already pulled: pulls = {} ...".format(self.pulls) # DEBUG self.force_to_see.fill(False) # faster than sets means = self.rewards / self.pulls means[self.pulls < 1] = float('+inf') if self.use_ucb_for_sets: UCB_J = np.sqrt((self.c * np.log(self.pulls)) / self.pulls) UCB_J[self.pulls < 1] = float('+inf') else: UCB_J = self.klucb_vect(self.rewards / self.pulls, self.c * np.log(self.pulls) / self.pulls, self.tolerance) - means UCB_J[self.pulls < 1] = float('+inf') self.force_to_see[means >= UCB_J] = True
[docs] def update_k(self): r""" Recompute the set :math:`\mathcal{K}(t)`: .. math:: \hat{\mu}_k(t) &= \frac{X_k(t)}{N_k(t)}, \\ U^{\mathcal{K}}_k(t) &= \sup\limits_{q \in [a, b]} \left\{ q : \mathrm{kl}(\hat{\mu}_k(t), q) \leq \frac{c \log(t)}{N_k(t)} \right\},\\ \mathcal{J}(t) &= \left\{ k \in [1,...,K]\;, \hat{\mu}_k(t) \geq U^{\mathcal{K}}_k(t) - \hat{\mu}_k(t) \right\}. - If ``use_ucb_for_sets`` is ``True``, the same formula from :class:`Policies.SparseUCB` is used. """ # assert np.all(self.pulls >= 1), "Error: at least one arm was not already pulled: pulls = {} ...".format(self.pulls) # DEBUG self.goods.fill(False) # faster than sets means = self.rewards / self.pulls means[self.pulls < 1] = float('+inf') if self.use_ucb_for_sets: UCB_K = np.sqrt((self.c * np.log(self.t)) / self.pulls) UCB_K[self.pulls < 1] = float('+inf') else: UCB_K = self.klucb_vect(self.rewards / self.pulls, self.c * np.log(self.t) / self.pulls, self.tolerance) - means UCB_K[self.pulls < 1] = float('+inf') self.goods[means >= UCB_K] = True
# --- SparseklUCB choice() method
[docs] def choice(self): r""" Choose the next arm to play: - If still in a Round-Robin phase, play the next arm, - Otherwise, recompute the set :math:`\mathcal{J}(t)`, - If it is too small, if :math:`\mathcal{J}(t) < s`: + Start a new Round-Robin phase from arm 0. - Otherwise, recompute the second set :math:`\mathcal{K}(t)`, - If it is too small, if :math:`\mathcal{K}(t) < s`: + Play a Force-Log step by choosing an arm uniformly at random from the set :math:`\mathcal{J}(t) \setminus K(t)`. - Otherwise, + Play a UCB step by choosing an arm with highest KL-UCB index from the set :math:`\mathcal{K}(t)`. """ # print(" At step t = {} a SparseklUCB algorithm was in phase {} ...".format(self.t, self.phase)) # DEBUG if (self.phase == Phase.RoundRobin) and ((1 + self.offset) < self.nbArms): # deterministic phase self.offset += 1 return self.offset else: self.update_j() j = self.force_to_see # 1st case: Round-Robin phase if np.sum(j) < self.sparsity: self.phase = Phase.RoundRobin self.offset = 0 return self.offset # 2nd case: Force-Log Phase else: self.update_k() k = self.goods if np.sum(k) < self.sparsity: self.phase = Phase.ForceLog diff_of_set = j & (~k) # component-wise boolean operations to the numpy array return np.random.choice(np.nonzero(diff_of_set)[0]) # 3rd case: UCB phase else: # if self.phase != Phase.UCB: print("{}: at time t = {}, the set of good arms was identified as {} for the first time...".format(self, self.t, np.nonzero(self.goods)[0])) # DEBUG self.phase = Phase.UCB return self.choiceFromSubSet(availableArms=np.nonzero(self.goods)[0])
# --- computeIndex and computeAllIndex are the same as klUCB