# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
r""" The Monitored-UCB generic policy for non-stationary bandits.
- Reference: [["Nearly Optimal Adaptive Procedure for Piecewise-Stationary Bandit: a Change-Point Detection Approach". Yang Cao, Zheng Wen, Branislav Kveton, Yao Xie. arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.03692, 2018]](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1802.03692)
- It runs on top of a simple policy, e.g., :class:`UCB`, and :class:`Monitored_IndexPolicy` is a wrapper:
>>> policy = Monitored_IndexPolicy(nbArms, UCB)
>>> # use policy as usual, with policy.startGame(), r = policy.choice(), policy.getReward(arm, r)
- It uses an additional :math:`\mathcal{O}(K w)` memory for a window of size :math:`w`.
.. warning:: It can only work on basic index policy based on empirical averages (and an exploration bias), like :class:`UCB`, and cannot work on any Bayesian policy (for which we would have to remember all previous observations in order to reset the history with a small history)!
from __future__ import division, print_function # Python 2 compatibility
__author__ = "Lilian Besson"
__version__ = "0.9"
import numpy as np
from .with_proba import with_proba
from .BaseWrapperPolicy import BaseWrapperPolicy
except ImportError:
from with_proba import with_proba
from BaseWrapperPolicy import BaseWrapperPolicy
#: Default value for the parameter :math:`\delta`, the lower-bound for :math:`\delta_k^{(i)}` the amplitude of change of arm k at break-point.
#: Default is ``0.05``.
DELTA = 0.1
#: Should we reset one arm empirical average or all? For M-UCB it is ``False`` by default.
#: Should we fully restart the algorithm or simply reset one arm empirical average? For M-UCB it is ``True`` by default.
#: Default value of the window-size. Give ``None`` to use the default value computed from a knowledge of the horizon and number of break-points.
#: For any algorithm with uniform exploration and a formula to tune it, :math:`\alpha` is usually too large and leads to larger regret. Multiplying it by a 0.1 or 0.2 helps, a lot!
# --- The very generic class
[docs]class Monitored_IndexPolicy(BaseWrapperPolicy):
r""" The Monitored-UCB generic policy for non-stationary bandits, from [["Nearly Optimal Adaptive Procedure for Piecewise-Stationary Bandit: a Change-Point Detection Approach". Yang Cao, Zheng Wen, Branislav Kveton, Yao Xie. arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.03692, 2018]](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1802.03692)
- For a window size ``w``, it uses only :math:`\mathcal{O}(K w)` memory.
[docs] def __init__(self, nbArms,
horizon=None, delta=DELTA, max_nb_random_events=None,
w=WINDOW_SIZE, b=None, gamma=None,
*args, **kwargs
super(Monitored_IndexPolicy, self).__init__(nbArms, *args, **kwargs)
if max_nb_random_events is None or max_nb_random_events <= 1:
max_nb_random_events = 1
# New parameters
if w is None or w == 'auto':
# XXX Estimate w from Remark 1
w = (4/delta**2) * (np.sqrt(np.log(2 * nbArms * horizon**2)) + np.sqrt(np.log(2 * horizon)))**2
w = int(np.ceil(w))
if w % 2 != 0:
w = 2*(1 + w//2)
if w >= horizon / (1 + max_nb_random_events):
print("Warning: the formula for w in the paper gave w = {}, that's crazy large, we use instead {}".format(w, 50 * nbArms * max_nb_random_events))
w = 50 * nbArms * max_nb_random_events
assert w > 0, "Error: for Monitored_UCB policy the parameter w should be > 0 but it was given as {}.".format(w) # DEBUG
self.window_size = w #: Parameter :math:`w` for the M-UCB algorithm.
if b is None or b == 'auto':
# XXX compute b from the formula from Theorem 6.1
b = np.sqrt((w/2) * np.log(2 * nbArms * horizon**2))
assert b > 0, "Error: for Monitored_UCB policy the parameter b should be > 0 but it was given as {}.".format(b) # DEBUG
self.threshold_b = b #: Parameter :math:`b` for the M-UCB algorithm.
if gamma is None or gamma == 'auto':
M = max_nb_random_events
assert M >= 1, "Error: for Monitored_UCB policy the parameter M should be >= 1 but it was given as {}.".format(M) # DEBUG
# XXX compute gamma from the formula from Theorem 6.1
# gamma = np.sqrt(M * nbArms * min(w/2, np.ceil(b / delta) + 3 * np.sqrt(w)) / (2 * horizon))
# XXX compute gamma from the tuning used for their experiment (§6.1)
gamma = np.sqrt(M * nbArms * (2 * b + 3 * np.sqrt(w)) / (2 * horizon))
if gamma <= 0:
print("\n\nWarning: the formula for gamma in the paper gave gamma = {}, that's absurd, we use instead {}".format(gamma, 1.0 / (1 + 50 * nbArms * max_nb_random_events)))
gamma = 1.0 / (1 + 50 * nbArms * max_nb_random_events)
elif gamma > 1:
print("\n\nWarning: the formula for gamma in the paper gave gamma = {}, that's absurd, we use instead {}".format(gamma, 0.01 * nbArms))
gamma = 0.01 * nbArms
# FIXME just to do as the two other approaches GLR-UCB and CUSUM-UCB
assert 0 <= gamma <= 1, "Error: for Monitored_UCB policy the parameter gamma should be 0 <= gamma <= 1, but it was given as {}.".format(gamma) # DEBUG
gamma = max(0, min(1, gamma)) # clip gamma to (0, 1) it's a probability!
self.gamma = gamma #: What they call :math:`\gamma` in their paper: the share of uniform exploration.
self._full_restart_when_refresh = full_restart_when_refresh # Should we fully restart the algorithm or simply reset one arm empirical average ?
self._per_arm_restart = per_arm_restart # Should we reset one arm empirical average or all?
self.last_update_time_tau = 0 #: Keep in memory the last time a change was detected, ie, the variable :math:`\tau` in the algorithm.
# Internal memory
self.last_w_rewards = [[] for _ in range(self.nbArms)] #: Keep in memory all the rewards obtained since the last restart on that arm.
self.last_pulls = np.zeros(nbArms, dtype=int) #: Keep in memory the times where each arm was last seen. Start with -1 (never seen)
self.last_restart_times = np.zeros(nbArms, dtype=int) #: Keep in memory the times of last restarts (for each arm).
[docs] def __str__(self):
args = "{}{}".format("$w={:g}$".format(self.window_size) if self.window_size != WINDOW_SIZE else "", "" if self._per_arm_restart else ", Global")
args = "({})".format(args) if args else ""
return r"M-{}{}".format(self._policy.__name__, args)
[docs] def choice(self):
r""" Essentially play uniformly at random with probability :math:`\gamma`, otherwise, pass the call to ``choice`` of the underlying policy (eg. UCB).
.. warning:: Actually, it's more complicated:
- If :math:`t` is the current time and :math:`\tau` is the latest restarting time, then uniform exploration is done if:
.. math::
A &:= (t - \tau) \mod \lceil \frac{K}{\gamma} \rceil,\\
A &\leq K \implies A_t = A.
if self.gamma > 0:
A = (self.t - self.last_update_time_tau) % int(np.ceil(self.nbArms / self.gamma))
if A < self.nbArms:
return int(A)
# FIXED no in this algorithm they do not use a uniform chance of random exploration!
# if with_proba(self.gamma):
# return np.random.randint(0, self.nbArms - 1)
return self.policy.choice()
[docs] def choiceWithRank(self, rank=1):
r""" Essentially play uniformly at random with probability :math:`\gamma`, otherwise, pass the call to ``choiceWithRank`` of the underlying policy (eg. UCB). """
if self.gamma > 0:
A = (self.t - self.last_update_time_tau) % int(np.ceil(self.nbArms / self.gamma))
if A < self.nbArms:
return int(A)
return self.policy.choiceWithRank(rank=1)
[docs] def getReward(self, arm, reward):
""" Give a reward: increase t, pulls, and update cumulated sum of rewards and update small history (sliding window) for that arm (normalized in [0, 1]).
- Reset the whole empirical average if the change detection algorithm says so.
super(Monitored_IndexPolicy, self).getReward(arm, reward)
# Get reward
reward = (reward - self.lower) / self.amplitude
# We seen it one more time
self.last_pulls[arm] += 1
# DONE use only :math:`\mathcal{O}(K w)` memory.
if len(self.last_w_rewards[arm]) >= self.window_size:
# Store it in place for the empirical average of that arm
if self.detect_change(arm):
# print("For a player {} a change was detected at time {} for arm {}, after {} pulls of that arm (giving mean reward = {:.3g}). Last restart on that arm was at tau = {}".format(self, self.t, arm, self.last_pulls[arm], np.sum(self.last_w_rewards[arm]) / self.last_pulls[arm], self.last_restart_times[arm])) # DEBUG
self.last_update_time_tau = self.t
if not self._per_arm_restart:
# or reset current memory for ALL THE arms
for other_arm in range(self.nbArms):
self.last_restart_times[other_arm] = self.t
self.last_pulls[other_arm] = 0
self.last_w_rewards[other_arm] = []
# reset current memory for THIS arm
self.last_restart_times[arm] = self.t
self.last_pulls[arm] = 1
self.last_w_rewards[arm] = [reward]
# Fully restart the algorithm ?!
if self._full_restart_when_refresh:
# Or simply reset one of the empirical averages?
if not self._per_arm_restart:
# or reset current memory for ALL THE arms
for other_arm in range(self.nbArms):
self.policy.rewards[other_arm] = 0
self.policy.pulls[other_arm] = 0
# reset current memory for THIS arm
self.policy.rewards[arm] = np.sum(self.last_w_rewards[arm])
self.policy.pulls[arm] = len(self.last_w_rewards[arm])
# we update the total number of samples available to the underlying policy
# self.policy.t = np.sum(self.last_pulls) # XXX SO NOT SURE HERE
[docs] def detect_change(self, arm):
r""" A change is detected for the current arm if the following test is true:
.. math:: |\sum_{i=w/2+1}^{w} Y_i - \sum_{i=1}^{w/2} Y_i | > b ?
- where :math:`Y_i` is the i-th data in the latest w data from this arm (ie, :math:`X_k(t)` for :math:`t = n_k - w + 1` to :math:`t = n_k` current number of samples from arm k).
- where :attr:`threshold_b` is the threshold b of the test, and :attr:`window_size` is the window-size w.
.. warning:: FIXED only the last :math:`w` data are stored, using lists that got their first element ``pop()``ed out (deleted). See https://github.com/SMPyBandits/SMPyBandits/issues/174
data_y = self.last_w_rewards[arm]
# don't try to detect change if there is not enough data!
if len(data_y) < self.window_size:
return False
# last_w_data_y = data_y[-self.window_size:] # WARNING revert to this if data_y can be larger
last_w_data_y = data_y
sum_first_half = np.sum(last_w_data_y[:self.window_size//2])
sum_second_half = np.sum(last_w_data_y[self.window_size//2:])
has_detected = abs(sum_first_half - sum_second_half) > self.threshold_b
return has_detected, None