Source code for Policies.LM_DSEE

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
r""" The LM-DSEE policy for non-stationary bandits, from [["On Abruptly-Changing and Slowly-Varying Multiarmed Bandit Problems", by Lai Wei, Vaibhav Srivastava, 2018, arXiv:1802.08380]](

- It uses an additional :math:`\mathcal{O}(\tau_\max)` memory for a game of maximum stationary length :math:`\tau_\max`.

.. warning:: This implementation is still experimental!
from __future__ import division, print_function  # Python 2 compatibility

__author__ = "Lilian Besson"
__version__ = "0.9"

from enum import Enum  # For the different states
import numpy as np

    from .BasePolicy import BasePolicy
except ImportError:
    from BasePolicy import BasePolicy

#: Different states during the LM-DSEE algorithm
State = Enum('State', ['Exploration', 'Exploitation'])

# --- Utility function

#: Whether to be verbose when doing the search for valid parameter :math:`\ell`.

[docs]def parameter_ell(a, N, b, gamma, verbose=VERBOSE, max_value_on_l=int(1e6) ): r""" Look for the smallest value of the parameter :math:`\ell` that satisfies the following equations: .. math: \mathrm{Bound}(l) &:= \frac{K}{a} \lceil \gamma \log(l b) \rceil,\\ \mathrm{Bound}(l) &> 0, l &\leq \mathrm{Bound}(l). """ if verbose: print("a = {}, N = {}, b = {}, gamma = {}".format(a, N, b, gamma)) def bound(ell): return (N/a) * np.ceil(gamma * np.log(ell * b)) ell = 1 bound_ell = bound(ell) if verbose: print("ell = {} gives bound = {}".format(ell, bound_ell)) while ell < max_value_on_l and not(ell >= bound_ell > 0): if verbose: print("ell = {} gives bound = {}".format(ell, bound_ell)) ell += 1 bound_ell = bound(ell) return ell
# --- Class
[docs]class LM_DSEE(BasePolicy): r""" The LM-DSEE policy for non-stationary bandits, from [["On Abruptly-Changing and Slowly-Varying Multiarmed Bandit Problems", by Lai Wei, Vaibhav Srivastava, 2018, arXiv:1802.08380]]( """
[docs] def __init__(self, nbArms, nu=0.5, DeltaMin=0.5, a=1, b=0.25, *args, **kwargs ): super(LM_DSEE, self).__init__(nbArms, *args, **kwargs) # Parameters assert a > 0, "Error: for a LM_DSEE policy, the parameter 'a' should be > 0 but was = {}".format(a) # DEBUG self.a = a #: Parameter :math:`a` for the LM-DSEE algorithm. assert 0 < b <= 1, "Error: for a LM_DSEE policy, the parameter 'b' should be in (0, 1] but was = {}".format(b) # DEBUG self.b = b #: Parameter :math:`b` for the LM-DSEE algorithm. assert 0 < DeltaMin < 1, "Error: for a LM_DSEE policy, the parameter 'DeltaMin' should be in (0,1) but was = {}".format(DeltaMin) # DEBUG gamma = 2 / DeltaMin**2 self.l = parameter_ell(a, nbArms, b, gamma) #: Parameter :math:`\ell` for the LM-DSEE algorithm, as computed by the function :func:`parameter_ell`. self.gamma = gamma #: Parameter :math:`\gamma` for the LM-DSEE algorithm. assert 0 <= nu < 1, "Error: for a LM_DSEE policy, the parameter 'nu' should be in [0,1) but was = {}".format(nu) # DEBUG rho = (1 - nu) / (1.0 + nu) self.rho = rho #: Parameter :math:`\rho = \frac{1-\nu}{1+\nu}` for the LM-DSEE algorithm. # Internal memory self.phase = State.Exploration #: Current phase, exploration or exploitation. self.current_exploration_arm = None #: Currently explored arm. self.current_exploitation_arm = None #: Currently exploited arm. self.batch_number = 1 #: Number of batch self.length_of_current_phase = None #: Length of the current phase, either computed from :func:`length_exploration_phase` or func:`length_exploitation_phase`. self.step_of_current_phase = 0 #: Timer inside the current phase. self.all_rewards = [[] for _ in range(self.nbArms)] #: Memory of all the rewards. A list per arm. Growing list until restart of that arm?
[docs] def __str__(self): return r"LM-DSEE($\gamma={:.3g}$, $\rho={:.3g}$, $\ell={:.3g}$, $a={:.3g}$, $b={:.3g}$)".format(self.gamma, self.rho, self.l, self.a, self.b)
[docs] def startGame(self): """ Start the game (fill pulls and rewards with 0).""" super(LM_DSEE, self).startGame() self.current_exploration_arm = None self.current_exploitation_arm = None self.batch_number = 1 self.length_of_current_phase = None self.step_of_current_phase = 0 self.all_rewards = [[] for _ in range(self.nbArms)]
[docs] def length_exploration_phase(self, verbose=VERBOSE): r""" Compute the value of the current exploration phase: .. math:: L_1(k) = L(k) = \lceil \gamma \log(k^{\rho} l b)\rceil. .. warning:: I think there is a typo in the paper, as their formula are weird (like :math:`al` is defined from :math:`a`). See :func:`parameter_ell`. """ value_Lk = self.gamma * np.log((self.batch_number**self.rho) * self.l * self.b) length = max(1, int(np.ceil(value_Lk))) if verbose: print("Length of exploration phase: computed to be = {} for batch number = {}...".format(length, self.batch_number)) # DEBUG return length
[docs] def length_exploitation_phase(self, verbose=VERBOSE): r""" Compute the value of the current exploitation phase: .. math:: L_2(k) = \lceil a k^{\rho} l \rceil - K L_1(k). .. warning:: I think there is a typo in the paper, as their formula are weird (like :math:`al` is defined from :math:`a`). See :func:`parameter_ell`. """ large_value = int(np.ceil(self.a * (self.batch_number**self.rho) * self.l)) Lk = self.length_exploration_phase(verbose=False) length = max(1, large_value - self.nbArms * Lk) if verbose: print("Length of exploitation phase: computed to be = {} for batch number = {}...".format(length, self.batch_number)) # DEBUG return length
[docs] def getReward(self, arm, reward): """ Get a reward from an arm.""" super(LM_DSEE, self).getReward(arm, reward) reward = (reward - self.lower) / self.amplitude self.all_rewards[arm].append(reward)
[docs] def choice(self): """ Choose an arm following the different phase of growing lenghts according to the LM-DSEE algorithm.""" # print("For a {} policy: t = {}, current_exploration_arm = {}, current_exploitation_arm = {}, batch_number = {}, length_of_current_phase = {}, step_of_current_phase = {}".format(self, self.t, self.current_exploration_arm, self.current_exploitation_arm, self.batch_number, self.length_of_current_phase, self.step_of_current_phase)) # DEBUG # 1) exploration if self.phase == State.Exploration: # beginning of exploration phase if self.current_exploration_arm is None: self.current_exploration_arm = 0 # if length of current exploration phase not computed, do it if self.length_of_current_phase is None: self.length_of_current_phase = self.length_exploration_phase() # if in a phase, do it if self.step_of_current_phase < self.length_of_current_phase: self.step_of_current_phase += 1 else: # done for this arm self.current_exploration_arm += 1 # go for next arm # if done for all the arms, go to exploitation if self.current_exploration_arm >= self.nbArms: self.length_of_current_phase = None # flag to start the next one self.phase = State.Exploitation self.step_of_current_phase = 0 self.current_exploration_arm = 0 # note that this last update might force to sample the arm 0 instead of arm K-1, once in a while... return self.current_exploration_arm # --- # 2) exploitation # --- elif self.phase == State.Exploitation: # beginning of exploitation phase if self.length_of_current_phase is None: self.length_of_current_phase = self.length_exploitation_phase() if self.current_exploitation_arm is None: # compute exploited arm mean_rewards = [np.mean(rewards_of_arm_k) for rewards_of_arm_k in self.all_rewards] pulls = [len(rewards_of_arm_k) for rewards_of_arm_k in self.all_rewards] j_epch_k = np.argmax(mean_rewards) print("A {} player at time {} and batch number {} observed the mean rewards = {} (for pulls {}) and will play {} for this exploitation phase.".format(self, self.t, self.batch_number, mean_rewards, pulls, j_epch_k)) # DEBUG self.current_exploitation_arm = j_epch_k # erase current memory self.all_rewards = [[] for _ in range(self.nbArms)] # if in a phase, do it if self.step_of_current_phase < self.length_of_current_phase: self.step_of_current_phase += 1 # otherwise, reinitialize else: self.phase = State.Exploration self.length_of_current_phase = None # flag to start the next one self.step_of_current_phase = 0 self.current_exploration_arm = 0 self.batch_number += 1 return self.current_exploitation_arm else: raise ValueError("Error: LM_DSEE should only be in phase Exploration or Exploitation.")