# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
author: Julien Seznec
Filtering on Expanding Window Algorithm for rotting bandits.
Reference: [Seznec et al., 2019a]
Rotting bandits are not harder than stochastic ones;
Julien Seznec, Andrea Locatelli, Alexandra Carpentier, Alessandro Lazaric, Michal Valko ;
Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, PMLR 89:2564-2572, 2019.
https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.11043 (updated version)
Reference : [Seznec et al., 2019b]
A single algorithm for both rested and restless rotting bandits (WIP)
Julien Seznec, Pierre Ménard, Alessandro Lazaric, Michal Valko
from __future__ import division, print_function # Python 2 compatibility
__author__ = "Julien Seznec"
__version__ = "0.1"
import numpy as np
np.seterr(divide='ignore') # XXX dangerous in general, controlled here!
from .BasePolicy import BasePolicy
except ImportError:
from BasePolicy import BasePolicy
[docs]class EFF_FEWA(BasePolicy):
Efficient Filtering on Expanding Window Average
Efficient trick described in [Seznec et al., 2019a, https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.11043] (m=2)
and [Seznec et al., 2019b, WIP] (m<=2)
We use the confidence level :math:`\delta_t = \frac{1}{t^\alpha}`.
[docs] def __init__(self, nbArms, alpha=0.06, subgaussian=1, m=None, delta=None):
super(EFF_FEWA, self).__init__(nbArms)
self.alpha = alpha
self.nbArms = nbArms
self.subgaussian = subgaussian
self.delta = delta
self.inlogconst = 1 / delta ** (1 / alpha) if delta is not None else 1
self.armSet = np.arange(nbArms)
self.display_m = m is not None
self.grid = m if m is not None else 2
self.statistics = np.ones(shape=(3, self.nbArms, 2)) * np.nan
# [0,:,:] : current statistics, [1,:,:]: pending statistics, [2,:,:]: number of sample in the pending statistics
self.windows = np.array([1, int(np.ceil(self.grid))])
self.outlogconst = self._append_thresholds(self.windows)
self.tmp = []
[docs] def __str__(self):
if self.delta != None:
if self.display_m:
return r"EFF_FEWA($\alpha={:.3g}, \, \delta={:.3g}, \, m={:.3g}$)".format(self.alpha, self.delta, self.grid)
return r"EFF_FEWA($\alpha={:.3g}, \, \delta={:.3g}$)".format(self.alpha, self.delta)
if self.display_m:
return r"EFF_FEWA($\alpha={:.3g}, \, m={:.3g}$)".format(self.alpha, self.grid)
return r"EFF_FEWA($\alpha={:.3g}$)".format(self.alpha)
[docs] def getReward(self, arm, reward):
super(EFF_FEWA, self).getReward(arm, reward)
if not np.all(np.isnan(self.statistics[0, :, -1])):
self.statistics = np.append(self.statistics, np.nan * np.ones([3, self.nbArms, 1]), axis=2)
while self.statistics.shape[2] > min(len(self.outlogconst), len(self.windows)):
self.windows = np.append(self.windows, int(np.ceil(self.windows[-1] * self.grid)))
self.outlogconst = np.append(self.outlogconst, self._append_thresholds(self.windows[-1]))
self.statistics[1, arm, 0] = reward
self.statistics[2, arm, 0] = 1
self.statistics[1, arm, 1:] += reward
self.statistics[2, arm, 1:] += 1
idx = np.where((self.statistics[2, arm, :] == self.windows))[0]
self.statistics[0, arm, idx] = self.statistics[1, arm, idx]
self.tmp.append(np.nanmin(self.statistics[2, arm, :] / self.windows))
idx_nan = np.where(np.isnan(self.statistics[2, arm, :]))[0]
idx = np.concatenate([idx, np.array([i for i in idx_nan if i - 1 in set(list(idx))]).astype(int)])
self.statistics[1:, arm, idx[idx != 0]] = self.statistics[1:, arm, idx[idx != 0] - 1]
[docs] def choice(self):
remainingArms = self.armSet.copy()
i = 0
selected = remainingArms[np.isnan(self.statistics[0, :, i])]
sqrtlogt = np.sqrt(np.log(self._inlog()))
while len(selected) == 0:
thresh = np.max(self.statistics[0, remainingArms, i]) - sqrtlogt * self.outlogconst[i]
remainingArms = remainingArms[self.statistics[0, remainingArms, i] >= thresh]
i += 1
selected = remainingArms[np.isnan(self.statistics[0, remainingArms, i])] if len(
remainingArms) != 1 else remainingArms
return selected[np.argmin(self.pulls[selected])]
[docs] def _append_thresholds(self, w):
return np.sqrt(8 * w * self.alpha * self.subgaussian ** 2)
[docs] def _inlog(self):
return max(self.inlogconst * self.t, 1)
[docs] def startGame(self):
super(EFF_FEWA, self).startGame()
self.statistics = np.ones(shape=(3, self.nbArms, 2)) * np.nan
self.windows = np.array([1, int(np.ceil(self.grid))])
self.outlogconst = self._append_thresholds(self.windows)
[docs]class FEWA(EFF_FEWA):
""" Filtering on Expanding Window Average.
Reference: [Seznec et al., 2019a, https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.11043].
FEWA is equivalent to EFF_FEWA for :math:`m < 1+1/T` [Seznec et al., 2019b, WIP].
This implementation is valid for $:math:`T < 10^{15}`.
For :math:`T>10^{15}`, FEWA will have time and memory issues as its time and space complexity is O(KT) per round.
[docs] def __init__(self, nbArms, subgaussian=1, alpha=4, delta=None):
super(FEWA, self).__init__(nbArms, subgaussian=subgaussian, alpha=alpha, delta=delta, m=1 + 10 ** (-15))
[docs] def __str__(self):
if self.delta != None:
return r"FEWA($\alpha={:.3g}, \, \delta ={:.3g}$)".format(self.alpha, self.delta)
return r"FEWA($\alpha={:.3g}$)".format(self.alpha)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Code for debugging purposes.
HORIZON = 100000
sigma = 1
policy = EFF_FEWA(5, subgaussian=sigma, alpha=0.06, m=1.1)
reward = {0: 0, 1: 0.2, 2: 0.4, 3: 0.6, 4: 0.8}
for t in range(HORIZON):
choice = policy.choice()
policy.getReward(choice, reward[choice])
print(policy.statistics[0, :, :])