Source code for Policies.Exp3R

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
r""" The Drift-Detection algorithm for non-stationary bandits.

- Reference: [["EXP3 with Drift Detection for the Switching Bandit Problem", Robin Allesiardo & Raphael Feraud]](
- It runs on top of a simple policy like :class:`Exp3`, and :class:`DriftDetection_IndexPolicy` is a wrapper:

    >>> policy = DriftDetection_IndexPolicy(nbArms, C=1)
    >>> # use policy as usual, with policy.startGame(), r = policy.choice(), policy.getReward(arm, r)

- It uses an additional :math:`\mathcal{O}(\tau_\max)` memory for a game of maximum stationary length :math:`\tau_\max`.

.. warning:: It works on :class:`Exp3` or other parametrizations of the Exp3 policy, e.g., :class:`Exp3PlusPlus`.
from __future__ import division, print_function  # Python 2 compatibility

__author__ = "Lilian Besson"
__version__ = "0.9"

import numpy as np
from math import log, sqrt

    from .CD_UCB import CD_IndexPolicy
    from .Exp3 import Exp3
    from .Exp3PlusPlus import Exp3PlusPlus
except ImportError:
    from CD_UCB import CD_IndexPolicy
    from Exp3 import Exp3
    from Exp3PlusPlus import Exp3PlusPlus

#: Whether to be verbose when doing the search for valid parameter :math:`\ell`.

CONSTANT_C = 1.0  #: The constant :math:`C` used in Corollary 1 of paper [["EXP3 with Drift Detection for the Switching Bandit Problem", Robin Allesiardo & Raphael Feraud]](

[docs]class DriftDetection_IndexPolicy(CD_IndexPolicy): r""" The Drift-Detection generic policy for non-stationary bandits, using a custom Drift-Detection test, for 1-dimensional exponential families. - From [["EXP3 with Drift Detection for the Switching Bandit Problem", Robin Allesiardo & Raphael Feraud]]( """
[docs] def __init__(self, nbArms, H=None, delta=None, C=CONSTANT_C, horizon=None, policy=Exp3, *args, **kwargs ): super(DriftDetection_IndexPolicy, self).__init__(nbArms, epsilon=1, policy=policy, *args, **kwargs) self.startGame() # New parameters self.horizon = horizon if H is None: H = int(np.ceil(C * np.sqrt(horizon * np.log(horizon)))) assert H >= nbArms, "Error: for the Drift-Detection algorithm, the parameter H should be >= K = {}, but H = {}".format(nbArms, H) # DEBUG self.H = H #: Parameter :math:`H` for the Drift-Detection algorithm. Default value is :math:`\lceil C \sqrt{T \log(T)} \rceil`, for some constant :math:`C=` ``C`` (= :data:`CONSTANT_C` by default). if delta is None: delta = np.sqrt(np.log(horizon) / (nbArms * horizon)) = delta #: Parameter :math:`\delta` for the Drift-Detection algorithm. Default value is :math:`\sqrt{\frac{\log(T)}{K T}}` for :math:`K` arms and horizon :math:`T`. if 'gamma' not in kwargs: gamma = np.sqrt((nbArms * np.log(nbArms) * np.log(horizon)) / horizon) try: self.policy.gamma = gamma except AttributeError: print("Warning: the policy {} tried to use default value of gamma = {} but could not set attribute self.policy.gamma to gamma (maybe it's using an Exp3 with a non-constant value of gamma).".format(self, gamma)) # DEBUG
# This decorator @property makes this method an attribute, cf. @property def proba_random_exploration(self): r"""Parameter :math:`\gamma` for the Exp3 algorithm.""" return self.policy.gamma # This decorator @property makes this method an attribute, cf. @property def threshold_h(self): r"""Parameter :math:`\varepsilon` for the Drift-Detection algorithm. .. math:: \varepsilon = \sqrt{\frac{K \log(\frac{1}{\delta})}{2 \gamma H}}. """ return 2 * sqrt((self.nbArms * log(1.0 / / (2 * self.proba_random_exploration * self.H)) # This decorator @property makes this method an attribute, cf. @property def min_number_of_pulls_to_test_change(self): r"""Compute :math:`\Gamma_{\min}(I) := \frac{\gamma H}{K}`, the minimum number of samples we should have for all arms before testing for a change.""" Gamma_min = self.proba_random_exploration * self.H / self.nbArms return int(np.ceil(Gamma_min))
[docs] def __str__(self): return r"DriftDetection-{}($T={}$, $c={:.3g}$, $\alpha={:.3g}$)".format(self._policy.__name__, self.horizon, self.threshold_h, self.proba_random_exploration)
[docs] def detect_change(self, arm, verbose=VERBOSE): r""" Detect a change in the current arm, using a Drift-Detection test (DD). .. math:: k_{\max} &:= \arg\max_k \tilde{\rho}_k(t),\\ DD_t(k) &= \hat{\mu}_k(I) - \hat{\mu}_{k_{\max}}(I). - The change is detected if there is an arm :math:`k` such that :math:`DD_t(k) \geq 2 * \varepsilon = h`, where :attr:`threshold_h` is the threshold of the test, and :math:`I` is the (number of the) current interval since the last (global) restart, - where :math:`\tilde{\rho}_k(t)` is the trust probability of arm :math:`k` from the Exp3 algorithm, - and where :math:`\hat{\mu}_k(I)` is the empirical mean of arm :math:`k` from the data in the current interval. .. warning:: FIXME I know this implementation is not (yet) correct... I should count differently the samples we obtained from the Gibbs distribution (when Exp3 uses the trust vector) and from the uniform distribution This :math:`\Gamma_{\min}(I)` is the minimum number of samples obtained from the uniform exploration (of probability :math:`\gamma`). It seems painful to code correctly, I will do it later. """ # XXX Do we have enough samples? min_pulls = np.min(self.last_pulls) if min_pulls < self.min_number_of_pulls_to_test_change: # no we don't return False, None # Yes we do have enough samples trusts = self.policy.trusts k_max = np.argmax(trusts) means = [np.mean(rewards) for rewards in self.all_rewards] meanOfTrustedArm = means[k_max] for otherArm in range(self.nbArms): difference_of_mean = means[otherArm] - meanOfTrustedArm if verbose: print(" - For the mean mu(k={}) = {} and mean of trusted arm mu(k_max={}) = {}, their difference is {}, compared to c = {}...".format(otherArm, means[otherArm], k_max, meanOfTrustedArm, difference_of_mean, self.threshold_h)) if difference_of_mean >= self.threshold_h: return True, None return False, None
# --- Exp3R
[docs]class Exp3R(DriftDetection_IndexPolicy): r""" The Exp3.R policy for non-stationary bandits. """
[docs] def __init__(self, nbArms, policy=Exp3, *args, **kwargs): super(Exp3R, self).__init__(nbArms, policy=policy, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def __str__(self): return r"Exp3R($T={}$, $c={:.3g}$, $\alpha={:.3g}$)".format(self.horizon, self.threshold_h, self.proba_random_exploration)
# --- Exp3R++
[docs]class Exp3RPlusPlus(DriftDetection_IndexPolicy): r""" The Exp3.R++ policy for non-stationary bandits. """
[docs] def __init__(self, nbArms, policy=Exp3PlusPlus, *args, **kwargs): super(Exp3RPlusPlus, self).__init__(nbArms, policy=policy, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def __str__(self): return r"Exp3R++($T={}$, $c={:.3g}$, $\alpha={:.3g}$)".format(self.horizon, self.threshold_h, self.proba_random_exploration)