# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
r""" The Discounted-UCB index policy, with a discount factor of :math:`\gamma\in(0,1]`.
- Reference: ["On Upper-Confidence Bound Policies for Non-Stationary Bandit Problems", by A.Garivier & E.Moulines, ALT 2011](https://arxiv.org/pdf/0805.3415.pdf)
- :math:`\gamma` should not be 1, otherwise you should rather use :class:`Policies.UCBalpha.UCBalpha` instead.
- The smaller the :math:`\gamma`, the shorter the *"memory"* of the algorithm is.
from __future__ import division, print_function # Python 2 compatibility
__author__ = "Lilian Besson"
__version__ = "0.9"
from math import sqrt, log
import numpy as np
np.seterr(divide='ignore') # XXX dangerous in general, controlled here!
from .UCBalpha import UCBalpha
except ImportError:
from UCBalpha import UCBalpha
#: Default parameter for alpha.
#: Default parameter for gamma.
GAMMA = 0.99
[docs]class DiscountedUCB(UCBalpha):
r""" The Discounted-UCB index policy, with a discount factor of :math:`\gamma\in(0,1]`.
- Reference: ["On Upper-Confidence Bound Policies for Non-Stationary Bandit Problems", by A.Garivier & E.Moulines, ALT 2011](https://arxiv.org/pdf/0805.3415.pdf)
[docs] def __init__(self, nbArms,
alpha=ALPHA, gamma=GAMMA,
*args, **kwargs):
super(DiscountedUCB, self).__init__(nbArms, *args, **kwargs)
self.discounted_pulls = np.zeros(nbArms) #: Number of pulls of each arms
self.discounted_rewards = np.zeros(nbArms) #: Cumulated rewards of each arms
assert alpha >= 0, "Error: the 'alpha' parameter for DiscountedUCB class has to be >= 0." # DEBUG
self.alpha = alpha #: Parameter alpha
assert 0 < gamma <= 1, "Error: the 'gamma' parameter for DiscountedUCB class has to be 0 < gamma <= 1." # DEBUG
if np.isclose(gamma, 1):
print("Warning: using DiscountedUCB with 'gamma' too close to 1 will result in UCBalpha, you should rather use it...") # DEBUG
self.gamma = gamma #: Parameter gamma
self.delta_time_steps = np.zeros(self.nbArms, dtype=int) #: Keep memory of the :math:`\Delta_k(t)` for each time step.
self.useRealDiscount = useRealDiscount #: Flag to know if the real update should be used, the one with a multiplication by :math:`\gamma^{1+\Delta_k(t)}` and not simply a multiplication by :math:`\gamma`.
[docs] def __str__(self):
return r"D-UCB({}$\gamma={:.5g}${})".format(
"no delay, " if not self.useRealDiscount else "",
", $\alpha={:.3g}$".format(self.alpha) if self.alpha != ALPHA else "",
[docs] def getReward(self, arm, reward):
r""" Give a reward: increase t, pulls, and update cumulated sum of rewards for that arm (normalized in [0, 1]).
- Keep up-to date the following two quantities, using different definition and notation as from the article, but being consistent w.r.t. my project:
.. math::
N_{k,\gamma}(t+1) &:= \sum_{s=1}^{t} \gamma^{t - s} N_k(s), \\
X_{k,\gamma}(t+1) &:= \sum_{s=1}^{t} \gamma^{t - s} X_k(s).
- Instead of keeping the whole history of rewards, as expressed in the math formula, we keep the sum of discounted rewards from ``s=0`` to ``s=t``, because updating it is easy (2 operations instead of just 1 for classical :class:`Policies.UCBalpha.UCBalpha`, and 2 operations instead of :math:`\mathcal{O}(t)` as expressed mathematically). Denote :math:`\Delta_k(t)` the number of time steps during which the arm ``k`` was *not* selected (maybe 0 if it is selected twice in a row). Then the update can be done easily by multiplying by :math:`\gamma^{1+\Delta_k(t)}`:
.. math::
N_{k,\gamma}(t+1) &= \gamma^{1+\Delta_k(t)} \times N_{k,\gamma}(\text{last pull}) + \mathbb{1}(A(t+1) = k), \\
X_{k,\gamma}(t+1) &= \gamma^{1+\Delta_k(t)} \times X_{k,\gamma}(\text{last pull}) + X_k(t+1).
super(DiscountedUCB, self).getReward(arm, reward)
# FIXED we should multiply by gamma^delta where delta is the number of time steps where we didn't play this arm, +1
self.discounted_pulls *= self.gamma
self.discounted_rewards *= self.gamma
self.discounted_pulls[arm] += 1
reward = (reward - self.lower) / self.amplitude
self.discounted_rewards[arm] += reward
# XXX self.discounted_pulls[arm] += 1 # if we were using N_k(t) and not N_{k,gamma}(t).
# Ok and we saw this arm so no delta now
if self.useRealDiscount:
self.delta_time_steps += 1 # increase delay for each algorithms
self.delta_time_steps[arm] = 0
[docs] def computeIndex(self, arm):
r""" Compute the current index, at time :math:`t` and after :math:`N_{k,\gamma}(t)` *"discounted"* pulls of arm k, and :math:`n_{\gamma}(t)` *"discounted"* pulls of all arms:
.. math::
I_k(t) &:= \frac{X_{k,\gamma}(t)}{N_{k,\gamma}(t)} + \sqrt{\frac{\alpha \log(n_{\gamma}(t))}{2 N_{k,\gamma}(t)}}, \\
\text{where}\;\; n_{\gamma}(t) &:= \sum_{k=1}^{K} N_{k,\gamma}(t).
if self.discounted_pulls[arm] < 1:
return float('+inf')
n_t_gamma = np.sum(self.discounted_pulls)
assert n_t_gamma <= self.t, "Error: n_t_gamma was computed as {:.3g} but should be < t = {:.3g}...".format(n_t_gamma, self.t) # DEBUG
return (self.discounted_rewards[arm] / self.discounted_pulls[arm]) + sqrt((self.alpha * log(n_t_gamma)) / (2 * self.discounted_pulls[arm]))
[docs] def computeAllIndex(self):
""" Compute the current indexes for all arms, in a vectorized manner."""
n_t_gamma = np.sum(self.discounted_pulls)
assert n_t_gamma <= self.t, "Error: n_t_gamma was computed as {:.3g} but should be < t = {:.3g}...".format(n_t_gamma, self.t) # DEBUG
indexes = (self.discounted_rewards / self.discounted_pulls) + np.sqrt((self.alpha * np.log(n_t_gamma)) / (2 * self.discounted_pulls))
indexes[self.discounted_pulls < 1] = float('+inf')
self.index[:] = indexes
# --- Horizon dependent version
[docs]class DiscountedUCBPlus(DiscountedUCB):
r""" The Discounted-UCB index policy, with a particular value of the discount factor of :math:`\gamma\in(0,1]`, knowing the horizon and the number of breakpoints (or an upper-bound).
- Reference: ["On Upper-Confidence Bound Policies for Non-Stationary Bandit Problems", by A.Garivier & E.Moulines, ALT 2011](https://arxiv.org/pdf/0805.3415.pdf)
- Uses :math:`\gamma = 1 - \frac{1}{4}\sqrt{\frac{\Upsilon}{T}}`, if the horizon :math:`T` is given and an upper-bound on the number of random events ("breakpoints") :math:`\Upsilon` is known, otherwise use the default value.
[docs] def __init__(self, nbArms,
horizon=None, max_nb_random_events=None,
*args, **kwargs):
# New parameter
if horizon is not None and max_nb_random_events is not None:
gamma = 1 - np.sqrt(max_nb_random_events / horizon) / 4.
if gamma > 1 or gamma <= 0:
gamma = 1.
gamma = GAMMA
super(DiscountedUCBPlus, self).__init__(nbArms, alpha=alpha, gamma=gamma, *args, **kwargs)
# def __str__(self):
# return r"D-UCB+($\alpha={:.3g}$, $\gamma={:.5g}$)".format(self.alpha, self.gamma)
# return r"D-UCB({}$\gamma={:.5g}${})".format(
# "no delay, " if not self.useRealDiscount else "",
# self.gamma,
# ", $\alpha={:.3g}$".format(self.alpha) if self.alpha != ALPHA else "",
# )
# --- SW-klUCB
from .kullback import klucbBern
except (ImportError, SystemError):
from kullback import klucbBern
#: Default value for the constant c used in the computation of KL-UCB index.
constant_c = 1. #: default value, as it was in pymaBandits v1.0
# c = 1. #: as suggested in the Theorem 1 in https://arxiv.org/pdf/1102.2490.pdf
#: Default value for the tolerance for computing numerical approximations of the kl-UCB indexes.
tolerance = 1e-4
[docs]class DiscountedklUCB(DiscountedUCB):
r""" The Discounted-klUCB index policy, with a particular value of the discount factor of :math:`\gamma\in(0,1]`, knowing the horizon and the number of breakpoints (or an upper-bound).
- Reference: ["On Upper-Confidence Bound Policies for Non-Stationary Bandit Problems", by A.Garivier & E.Moulines, ALT 2011](https://arxiv.org/pdf/0805.3415.pdf)
[docs] def __init__(self, nbArms, klucb=klucbBern, *args, **kwargs):
super(DiscountedklUCB, self).__init__(nbArms, *args, **kwargs)
self.klucb = klucb #: kl function to use
[docs] def __str__(self):
name = self.klucb.__name__[5:]
if name == "Bern": name = ""
if name != "": name = "({})".format(name)
return r"D-klUCB{}({}$\gamma={:.5g}$)".format(name, "no delay, " if not self.useRealDiscount else "", self.gamma)
[docs] def computeIndex(self, arm):
r""" Compute the current index, at time :math:`t` and after :math:`N_{k,\gamma}(t)` *"discounted"* pulls of arm k, and :math:`n_{\gamma}(t)` *"discounted"* pulls of all arms:
.. math::
\hat{\mu'}_k(t) &= \frac{X_{k,\gamma}(t)}{N_{k,\gamma}(t)} , \\
U_k(t) &= \sup\limits_{q \in [a, b]} \left\{ q : \mathrm{kl}(\hat{\mu'}_k(t), q) \leq \frac{c \log(t)}{N_{k,\gamma}(t)} \right\},\\
I_k(t) &= U_k(t),\\
\text{where}\;\; n_{\gamma}(t) &:= \sum_{k=1}^{K} N_{k,\gamma}(t).
If rewards are in :math:`[a, b]` (default to :math:`[0, 1]`) and :math:`\mathrm{kl}(x, y)` is the Kullback-Leibler divergence between two distributions of means x and y (see :mod:`Arms.kullback`),
and c is the parameter (default to 1).
if self.discounted_pulls[arm] < 1:
return float('+inf')
n_t_gamma = np.sum(self.discounted_pulls)
assert n_t_gamma <= self.t, "Error: n_t_gamma was computed as {:.3g} but should be < t = {:.3g}...".format(n_t_gamma, self.t) # DEBUG
mean = self.discounted_rewards[arm] / self.discounted_pulls[arm]
level = constant_c * log(n_t_gamma) / self.discounted_pulls[arm]
return self.klucb(mean, level, tolerance)
[docs] def computeAllIndex(self):
""" Compute the current indexes for all arms. Possibly vectorized, by default it can *not* be vectorized automatically."""
for arm in range(self.nbArms):
self.index[arm] = self.computeIndex(arm)
[docs]class DiscountedklUCBPlus(DiscountedklUCB, DiscountedUCBPlus):
r""" The Discounted-klUCB index policy, with a particular value of the discount factor of :math:`\gamma\in(0,1]`, knowing the horizon and the number of breakpoints (or an upper-bound).
- Reference: ["On Upper-Confidence Bound Policies for Non-Stationary Bandit Problems", by A.Garivier & E.Moulines, ALT 2011](https://arxiv.org/pdf/0805.3415.pdf)
- Uses :math:`\gamma = 1 - \frac{1}{4}\sqrt{\frac{\Upsilon}{T}}`, if the horizon :math:`T` is given and an upper-bound on the number of random events ("breakpoints") :math:`\Upsilon` is known, otherwise use the default value.
[docs] def __str__(self):
name = self.klucb.__name__[5:]
if name == "Bern": name = ""
if name != "": name = "({})".format(name)
return r"D-klUCB{}+({}$\gamma={:.5g}$)".format(name, "no delay, " if not self.useRealDiscount else "", self.gamma)