Source code for Policies.AdSwitchNew

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
r""" The AdSwitchNew policy for non-stationary bandits, from [["Adaptively Tracking the Best Arm with an Unknown Number of Distribution Changes". Peter Auer, Pratik Gajane and Ronald Ortner, 2019]](

- It uses an additional :math:`\mathcal{O}(\tau_\max)` memory for a game of maximum stationary length :math:`\tau_\max`.

.. warning:: This implementation is still experimental!
from __future__ import division, print_function  # Python 2 compatibility

__author__ = "Lilian Besson"
__version__ = "0.9"

import numpy as np

    from .BasePolicy import BasePolicy
    from .with_proba import with_proba
except ImportError:
    from BasePolicy import BasePolicy
    from with_proba import with_proba

[docs]def mymean(x): r""" Simply :func:`numpy.mean` on x if x is non empty, otherwise ``0.0``. .. info:: Avoid to see the following warning: >>> np.mean([]) /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/numpy/core/ RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice. """ return np.mean(x) if len(x) else 0.0
# --- Class #: Default value for the constant :math:`C_1`. Should be :math:`>0` and as large as possible, but not too large. #: In their paper, in section 4.2) page 8, an inequality controls C1: (5) states that for all s', t', C1 > 8 (2n - 1)/n where n = n_[s',t'], so C1 > 16. Constant_C1 = 16.1 DELTA_T = 1 #: A small trick to speed-up the computations, the checks for changes of good/bad arms are going to have a step ``DELTA_T``. DELTA_T = 50 #: A small trick to speed-up the computations, the checks for changes of good/bad arms are going to have a step ``DELTA_T``. DELTA_S = 1 #: A small trick to speed-up the computations, the loops on :math:`s_1`, :math:`s_2` and :math:`s` are going to have a step ``DELTA_S``. DELTA_S = 20 #: A small trick to speed-up the computations, the loops on :math:`s_1`, :math:`s_2` and :math:`s` are going to have a step ``DELTA_S``.
[docs]class AdSwitchNew(BasePolicy): r""" The AdSwitchNew policy for non-stationary bandits, from [["Adaptively Tracking the Best Arm with an Unknown Number of Distribution Changes". Peter Auer, Pratik Gajane and Ronald Ortner, 2019]]( """
[docs] def __init__(self, nbArms, horizon=None, C1=Constant_C1, delta_s=DELTA_S, delta_t=DELTA_T, *args, **kwargs ): if nbArms > 2: print("WARNING: so far, for the AdSwitchNew algorithm, only the special case of K=2 arms was explained in the paper, but I generalized it. Maybe it does not work!") # DEBUG super(AdSwitchNew, self).__init__(nbArms, *args, **kwargs) # Parameters assert horizon is not None, "Error: for a AdSwitchNew policy, the parameter 'horizon' should be > 0 and not None but was = {}".format(horizon) # DEBUG self.horizon = horizon #: Parameter :math:`T` for the AdSwitchNew algorithm, the horizon of the experiment. TODO try to use :class:`DoublingTrickWrapper` to remove the dependency in :math:`T` ? assert C1 > 0, "Error: for a AdSwitchNew policy, the parameter 'C1' should be > 0 but was = {}".format(C1) # DEBUG self.C1 = C1 #: Parameter :math:`C_1` for the AdSwitchNew algorithm. assert delta_s > 0, "Error: for a AdSwitchNew policy, the parameter 'delta_s' should be > 0 but was = {}".format(delta_s) # DEBUG self.delta_s = delta_s #: Parameter :math:`\delta_s` for the AdSwitchNew algorithm. assert delta_t > 0, "Error: for a AdSwitchNew policy, the parameter 'delta_t' should be > 0 but was = {}".format(delta_t) # DEBUG self.delta_t = delta_t #: Parameter :math:`\delta_s` for the AdSwitchNew algorithm. # Internal memory self.ell = 1 #: Variable :math:`\ell` in the algorithm. Count the number of new episode. self.start_of_episode = 0 #: Variable :math:`t_l` in the algorithm. Count the starting time of the current episode. self.set_GOOD = set(range(nbArms)) #: Variable :math:`\mathrm{GOOD}_t` in the algorithm. Set of "good" arms at current time. self.set_BAD = set() #: Variable :math:`\mathrm{BAD}_t` in the algorithm. Set of "bad" arms at current time. It always satisfies :math:`\mathrm{BAD}_t = \{1,\dots,K\} \setminus \mathrm{GOOD}_t`. self.set_S = [set() for i in range(self.nbArms)] #: Variable :math:`S_t` in the algorithm. A list of sets of sampling obligations of arm :math:`a` at current time. self.mu_tilde_of_l = np.zeros(nbArms, dtype=float) #: Vector of variables :math:`\tilde{\mu}_{\ell}(a)` in the algorithm. Count the empirical average of arm :math:`a`. self.gap_Delta_tilde_of_l = np.zeros(nbArms, dtype=float) #: Vector of variables :math:`\tilde{\Delta}_{\ell}(a)` in the algorithm. Count the estimate of the gap of arm :math:`a` against the best of the "good" arms. self.all_rewards = [{} for _ in range(self.nbArms)] #: Memory of all the rewards. A *dictionary* per arm, mapping time to rewards. Growing size until restart of that arm! self.history_of_plays = [] #: Memory of all the past actions played!
[docs] def __str__(self): return r"AdSwitchNew($T={}$, $C_1={:.3g}$)".format(self.horizon, self.C1)
[docs] def new_episode(self): """ Start a new episode, line 3-6 of the algorithm.""" self.ell += 1 self.start_of_episode = max(0, self.t) # FIXME use t-1 or t ? self.set_GOOD = set(range(self.nbArms)) self.set_BAD = set() print("\nAdSwitchNew: starting a new episode, number ell = {}, at time {}.".format(self.ell, self.start_of_episode)) # DEBUG # XXX We can optimize by cleaning up the old history, when starting a new episode! self.all_rewards = [{} for _ in range(self.nbArms)] #: Memory of all the rewards. A *dictionary* per arm, mapping time to rewards. Growing size until restart of that arm! self.history_of_plays = [] #: Memory of all the past actions played!
[docs] def startGame(self): """ Start the game (fill pulls and rewards with 0).""" super(AdSwitchNew, self).startGame() self.ell = 1 self.start_of_episode = 0 self.set_GOOD = set(range(self.nbArms)) self.set_BAD = set() self.set_S = [set() for i in range(self.nbArms)] self.mu_tilde_of_l.fill(0) self.gap_Delta_tilde_of_l.fill(0) self.all_rewards = [{} for _ in range(self.nbArms)] self.history_of_plays = []
[docs] def check_changes_good_arms(self): """ Check for changes of good arms. - I moved this into a function, in order to stop the 4 for loops (``good_arm``, ``s_1``, ``s_2``, ``s``) as soon as a change was detected (early stopping). - TODO this takes a crazy O(K t^3) time, it HAS to be done faster! """ for good_arm in self.set_GOOD: for s_1 in range(self.start_of_episode, self.t + 1, self.delta_s): # WARNING we could speed up this loop with their trick for s_2 in range(s_1, self.t + 1, self.delta_s): # WARNING we could speed up this loop with their trick for s in range(self.start_of_episode, self.t + 1, self.delta_s): # WARNING we could speed up this loop with their trick # check condition (3) n_s1_s2_a = self.n_s_t(good_arm, s_1, s_2) # sub interval [s1, s2] <= [s, t] (s <= s1 <= s2 <= t). mu_hat_s1_s2_a = self.mu_hat_s_t(good_arm, s_1, s_2) # sub interval [s1, s2] <= [s, t] (s <= s1 <= s2 <= t). n_s_t_a = self.n_s_t(good_arm, s, self.t) mu_hat_s_t_a = self.mu_hat_s_t(good_arm, s, self.t) abs_difference_in_s1s2_st = abs(mu_hat_s1_s2_a - mu_hat_s_t_a) confidence_radius_s1s2 = np.sqrt(2 * max(1, np.log(self.horizon)) / max(n_s1_s2_a, 1)) confidence_radius_st = np.sqrt(2 * max(1, np.log(self.horizon)) / max(n_s_t_a, 1)) right_side = confidence_radius_s1s2 + confidence_radius_st # print("AdSwitchNew: should we start a new episode, by checking condition (3), with arm {}, s1 = {}, s2 = {}, s = {} and t = {}...".format(good_arm, s_1, s_2, s, self.t)) # DEBUG if abs_difference_in_s1s2_st > right_side: # check condition 3: print("\n==> New episode was started, with arm {}, s1 = {}, s2 = {}, s = {} and t = {}, as condition (3) is satisfied!".format(good_arm, s_1, s_2, s, self.t)) # DEBUG # print(" n_s1_s2_a =", n_s1_s2_a) # DEBUG # print(" mu_hat_s1_s2_a =", mu_hat_s1_s2_a) # DEBUG # print(" n_s_t_a =", n_s_t_a) # DEBUG # print(" mu_hat_s_t_a =", mu_hat_s_t_a) # DEBUG # print(" abs_difference_in_s1s2_st =", abs_difference_in_s1s2_st) # DEBUG # print(" confidence_radius_s1s2 =", confidence_radius_s1s2) # DEBUG # print(" confidence_radius_st =", confidence_radius_st) # DEBUG # print(" right_side =", right_side) # DEBUG return True # done for checking on good arms return False
[docs] def check_changes_bad_arms(self): """ Check for changes of bad arms, in O(K t). - I moved this into a function, in order to stop the 2 for loops (``good_arm``, ``s``) as soon as a change was detected (early stopping). """ for bad_arm in self.set_BAD: for s in range(self.start_of_episode, self.t + 1, self.delta_s): # WARNING we could speed up this loop with their trick # check condition (4) n_s_t_a = self.n_s_t(bad_arm, s, self.t) mu_hat_s_t_a = self.mu_hat_s_t(bad_arm, s, self.t) abs_difference_in_st_l = abs(mu_hat_s_t_a - self.mu_tilde_of_l[bad_arm]) confidence_radius_st = np.sqrt(2 * max(1, np.log(self.horizon)) / max(n_s_t_a, 1)) gap = self.gap_Delta_tilde_of_l[bad_arm] / 4 right_side = gap + confidence_radius_st # print("AdSwitchNew: should we start a new episode, by checking condition (4), with arm {}, s = {} and t = {}...".format(bad_arm, s, self.t)) # DEBUG if abs_difference_in_st_l > right_side: # check condition 4: print("\n==> New episode was started for arm {}, s = {} and t = {}, as condition (4) is satisfied!".format(bad_arm, s, self.t)) # DEBUG # print(" n_s_t_a =", n_s_t_a) # DEBUG # print(" mu_hat_s_t_a =", mu_hat_s_t_a) # DEBUG # print(" abs_difference_in_st_l =", abs_difference_in_st_l) # DEBUG # print(" confidence_radius_st =", confidence_radius_st) # DEBUG # print(" gap =", gap) # DEBUG # print(" right_side =", right_side) # DEBUG return True # done for checking on bad arms return False
[docs] def getReward(self, arm, reward): """ Get a reward from an arm.""" super(AdSwitchNew, self).getReward(arm, reward) reward = (reward - self.lower) / self.amplitude self.all_rewards[arm][self.t] = reward should_start_new_episode = False # 4. Check for changes of bad arms, in O(K t): # XXX I moved this check first, because it is less costly, # and the costly one (good arms) does not happen if this first check yields a new episode if self.t % self.delta_t == 0: if not should_start_new_episode: should_start_new_episode = self.check_changes_bad_arms() # 3. Check for changes of good arms, in O(K t^3) CRAZY EXPENSIVE: if self.t % self.delta_t == 0: if not should_start_new_episode: should_start_new_episode = self.check_changes_good_arms() # 5'. Recompute S_t+1 for bad_arm in self.set_BAD: new_set_Stp1 = set() for triplet in self.set_S[bad_arm]: _, n, s = triplet n_s_t_a = self.n_s_t(bad_arm, s, self.t) if n_s_t_a < n: new_set_Stp1.add(triplet) self.set_S[bad_arm] = new_set_Stp1 # In one line # self.set_S[bad_arm] = { (e,n,s) for (e,n,s) in self.set_S[bad_arm] if self.n_s_t(bad_arm, s, self.t) < n } # 5. Evict arms from GOOD_t if self.t % self.delta_t == 0: for good_arm in self.set_GOOD.copy(): # check condition (1) for s in range(self.start_of_episode, self.t + 1, self.delta_s): # WARNING we could speed up this loop with their trick mu_hat_s_t_a = self.mu_hat_s_t(good_arm, s, self.t) mu_hat_s_t_good = [self.mu_hat_s_t(other_arm, s, self.t) for other_arm in self.set_GOOD] mu_hat_s_t_best = max(mu_hat_s_t_good) gap_Delta = mu_hat_s_t_best - mu_hat_s_t_a gap_to_check = np.sqrt(self.C1 * max(1, np.log(self.horizon)) / max(self.n_s_t(good_arm, s, self.t) - 1, 1)) # print("AdSwitchNew: should arm = {} be evicted, by checking condition (1), with s = {} and t = {}...".format(good_arm, s, self.t)) # DEBUG if gap_Delta > gap_to_check: # check condition 1: print("==> Evict the arm, it shouldn't be in GOOD any longer! as condition (1) is satisfied!") # DEBUG # print(" mu_hat_s_t_a =", mu_hat_s_t_a) # DEBUG # print(" mu_hat_s_t_good =", mu_hat_s_t_good) # DEBUG # print(" mu_hat_s_t_best =", mu_hat_s_t_best) # DEBUG # print(" gap_Delta =", gap_Delta) # DEBUG # print(" gap_to_check =", gap_to_check) # DEBUG evicted_arm = good_arm self.set_BAD.add(evicted_arm) # added to the bad arms self.set_GOOD.remove(evicted_arm) # this arm is now evicted # compute mu_tilde_l(evicted_arm) and delta_tilde_l(evicted_arm) according to (2) self.mu_tilde_of_l[evicted_arm] = mu_hat_s_t_a self.gap_Delta_tilde_of_l[evicted_arm] = gap_Delta self.set_S[evicted_arm] = set() # clean up set of sampling obligations print(" self.set_BAD =", self.set_BAD) # DEBUG print(" self.set_GOOD =", self.set_GOOD) # DEBUG break # break the inner for loop on s # set of new good arms = { all arms } \ { bad arms } # assert self.set_GOOD == set(range(self.nbArms)) - self.set_BAD # XXX done iteratively, see above if should_start_new_episode: self.new_episode()
[docs] def n_s_t(self, arm, s, t): r""" Compute :math:`n_{[s,t]}(a) := \#\{\tau : s \leq \tau \leq t, a_{\tau} = a \}`, naively by using the dictionary of all plays :attr:`all_rewards`.""" assert s <= t, "Error: n_s_t only exists for s <= t, but here s = {} and t = {} for arm a = {}.".format(s, t, arm) # DEBUG all_rewards_of_that_arm = self.all_rewards[arm] all_rewards_s_to_t = [r for (tau, r) in all_rewards_of_that_arm.items() if s <= tau <= t] return len(all_rewards_s_to_t)
[docs] def mu_hat_s_t(self, arm, s, t): r""" Compute :math:`\hat{\tau}_{[s,t]}(a) := \frac{1}{n_{[s,t]}(a)} \sum_{\tau : s \leq \tau \leq t, a_{\tau} = a} r_t`, naively by using the dictionary of all plays :attr:`all_rewards`.""" assert s <= t, "Error: mu_hat_s_t only exists for s <= t, but here s = {} and t = {} for arm a = {}.".format(s, t, arm) # DEBUG all_rewards_of_that_arm = self.all_rewards[arm] all_rewards_s_to_t = [r for (tau, r) in all_rewards_of_that_arm.items() if s <= tau <= t] return mymean(all_rewards_s_to_t)
[docs] def find_max_i(self, gap): r""" Follow the algorithm and, with a gap estimate :math:`\widehat{\Delta_k}`, find :math:`I_k = \max\{ i : d_i \geq \widehat{\Delta_k} \}`, where :math:`d_i := 2^{-i}`. There is no need to do an exhaustive search: .. math:: I_k := \lfloor - \log_2(\widehat{\Delta_k}) \rfloor. """ assert gap >= 0, "Error: cannot find Ik if gap = {} is not > 0.".format(gap) # DEBUG if np.isclose(gap, 0): Ik = 1 else: Ik = max(1, int(np.floor(- np.log2(gap)))) # XXX Direct formula! # print("DEBUG: at time t = {}, with gap Delta_k = {}, I_k = {}".format(self.t, self.current_estimated_gap, Ik)) # DEBUG return Ik
[docs] def choice(self): """ Choose an arm following the different phase of growing lengths according to the AdSwitchNew algorithm.""" # 1. Add checks for bad arms: for bad_arm in self.set_BAD: gap_Delta_hat_of_l_a = self.gap_Delta_tilde_of_l[bad_arm] for i in range(1, self.find_max_i(gap_Delta_hat_of_l_a) + 1): # assert 2**(-i) >= gap_Delta_hat_of_l_a/16 # DEBUG # ell, K, T = self.ell, self.nbArms, self.horizon probability_to_add_this_triplet = 2**(-i) * np.sqrt(self.ell / (self.nbArms * self.horizon * np.log(self.horizon))) print("AdSwitchNew: for bad_arm = {}, gap Delta = {}, and i = {}, a new triplet can be added to the set S with probability = {}.".format(bad_arm, gap_Delta_hat_of_l_a, i, probability_to_add_this_triplet)) # DEBUG if with_proba(probability_to_add_this_triplet): triplet = (2**(-i), np.floor(2**(2*i+1) * np.log(self.horizon)), self.t) print("\nAdSwitchNew: for bad_arm = {}, gap Delta = {}, and i = {}, the triplet = {} was added to the set S with probability = {}.".format(bad_arm, gap_Delta_hat_of_l_a, i, triplet, probability_to_add_this_triplet)) # DEBUG self.set_S[bad_arm].add(triplet) print(" self.set_S[bad_arm] =", self.set_S[bad_arm]) # DEBUG # 2. Select an arm: these_times_taus = [float('+inf') for arm in range(self.nbArms)] for arm in self.set_GOOD | {a for a in range(self.nbArms) if self.set_S[a]}: print("AdSwitchNew: for arm = {}, in GOOD_(t) = {} or with set S_t(a) = {} not empty, at time t = {}.".format(arm, self.set_GOOD, self.set_S[arm], self.t)) # DEBUG look_ahead_in_past = 1 while look_ahead_in_past < len(self.history_of_plays) and self.history_of_plays[-look_ahead_in_past] != arm: look_ahead_in_past += 1 these_times_taus[arm] = self.t - look_ahead_in_past print("\nAdSwitchNew: for arm = {}, this time tau = {}, and t = {}, look ahead in past (t - min t') = {}.".format(arm, these_times_taus[arm], self.t, look_ahead_in_past)) # DEBUG chosen_arm = np.argmin(these_times_taus) self.history_of_plays.append(chosen_arm) if not np.all(np.isinf(these_times_taus)): print("AdSwitchNew: for time t = {}, choosing {} = arg min {} non all = +inf, adding to history of plays...".format(self.t, chosen_arm, these_times_taus)) # DEBUG return chosen_arm