author : Julien SEZNEC
Code to launch (rotting) bandit games.
It is code in a functional programming way : each execution return arrays related to each run.
import time
import numpy as np
import logging
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
HORIZON = 10000
[docs]def repetedRuns(policy, arms, rep = REPETITIONS, T = HORIZON, parallel = True, oracle = False):
rew = np.empty(shape = (rep, T))
noisy_rew = np.empty(shape = (rep, T))
time = np.empty(shape = (rep, T))
pulls = np.empty(shape=(rep, T))
cumul_pulls = np.empty(shape=(rep, len(arms)))
if parallel:
res = Parallel(n_jobs=parallel)(delayed(singleRun)(policy,arms, T, r, oracle) for r in range(rep))
res = [singleRun(policy,arms, T=T) for _ in range(rep)]
rew[:, :] = np.array([r['cumul'] for r in res ])
noisy_rew[:, :] = np.array([r['noisy_cumul'] for r in res])
time[:, :] = np.array([r['time'] for r in res ])
pulls[:,:] = np.array([r['pulls'] for r in res ])
cumul_pulls[:,:] = np.array([r['cumul_pulls'] for r in res ])
return rew, noisy_rew, time, pulls, cumul_pulls
[docs]def singleRun(policy, arms, T = HORIZON,rep_index = 0, oracle=False):
myArms = [arm[0](**arm[1]) for arm in arms]
if oracle:
policy[1]['arms'] = myArms
myPolicy = policy[0](len(myArms), **policy[1])
logging.debug(str(rep_index) + ' ' + myPolicy.__str__())
res = play(myArms, myPolicy, T, Oracle=oracle)
return {
'cumul': np.array(res['rewards']).cumsum(),
'noisy_cumul': np.array(res['noisy_rewards']),
'time' : np.array(res['time']),
'pulls' : np.array(res['pulls']),
'cumul_pulls' : np.array(res['cumul_pulls'])
[docs]def play(arms, policy, T, Oracle= False):
noisy_rewards = []
rewards = []
times = []
pulls = []
cumul_pulls = [0 for _ in range(len(arms))]
for t in range(T):
start = time.time()
choice = policy.choice()
reward = arms[choice].mean
noisy_reward = arms[choice].draw(t) if not Oracle else arms[choice].oracle_draw(t)
policy.getReward(choice, noisy_reward)
times.append(time.time() - start)
cumul_pulls[choice] += 1
return {'rewards': rewards, 'noisy_rewards': noisy_rewards, 'time': times, 'pulls': pulls, 'cumul_pulls' : cumul_pulls}