# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Define the different collision models.
Collision models are generic functions, taking:
- the time: ``t``
- the arms of the current environment: ``arms``
- the list of players: ``players``
- the numpy array of their choices: ``choices``
- the numpy array to store their rewards: ``rewards``
- the numpy array to store their pulls: ``pulls``
- the numpy array to store their collisions: ``collisions``
As far as now, there is 4 different collision models implemented:
- :func:`noCollision`: simple collision model where all players sample it and receive the reward.
- :func:`onlyUniqUserGetsReward`: simple collision model, where only the players alone on one arm sample it and receive the reward (default).
- :func:`rewardIsSharedUniformly`: in case of more than one player on one arm, only one player (uniform choice) can sample it and receive the reward.
- :func:`closerUserGetsReward`: in case of more than one player on one arm, only the closer player can sample it and receive the reward. It can take, or create if not given, a random distance of each player to the base station (random number in [0, 1]).
from __future__ import division, print_function # Python 2 compatibility
__author__ = "Lilian Besson"
__version__ = "0.6"
from functools import lru_cache # Only for Python 3.2+
except ImportError:
print("ImportError: functools.lru_cache is not available, using a fake implementation.")
def lru_cache(maxsize=128, typed=False):
""" Fake implementation of functools.lru_cache, not available in Python 2."""
def lru_cache_internal(f):
"""Fake wrapped f, in fact it's just f."""
return f
return lru_cache_internal
import numpy as np
def handleCollision_or_getZeroReward(player, arm, lower=0):
""" If the player has a method handleCollision, it is called, otherwise a reward of lower is given to the player for that arm.
# player.handleCollision(arm) is called to inform the user that there were a collision
if hasattr(player, 'handleCollision'):
player.handleCollision(arm, lower)
# XXX Should player.getReward() be called with a reward = 0 when there is collisions (to change the internals memory of the player) ?
player.getReward(arm, lower) # XXX Strong assumption on the model
[docs]def onlyUniqUserGetsReward(t, arms, players, choices, rewards, pulls, collisions):
""" Simple collision model where only the players alone on one arm samples it and receives the reward.
- This is the default collision model, cf. [[Multi-Player Bandits Revisited, Lilian Besson and Emilie Kaufmann, 2017]](https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01629733).
- The numpy array 'choices' is increased according to the number of users who collided (it is NOT binary).
# First, sense in all the arms
sensing = [a.draw(t) for a in arms]
# XXX Yes, I know, it's suboptimal to sample each arm even if no player chose it
# But a quick benchmark showed it was quicker than
# sensing = [a.draw(t) for i,a in enumerate(arms) if nbCollisions[i]>=0]
nbCollisions = np.bincount(choices, minlength=len(arms)) - 1
# print("onlyUniqUserGetsReward() at time t = {}, nbCollisions = {}.".format(t, nbCollisions)) # DEBUG
# if np.max(nbCollisions) >= 1: # DEBUG
# print("- onlyUniqUserGetsReward: some collisions on channels {} at time t = {} ...".format(np.nonzero(np.array(nbCollisions) >= 1)[0], t)) # DEBUG
for i, player in enumerate(players): # Loop is needed because player is needed
# FIXED pulls counts the number of selection, not the number of successful selection!! HUGE BUG! See https://github.com/SMPyBandits/SMPyBandits/issues/33
pulls[i, choices[i]] += 1
if nbCollisions[choices[i]] < 1: # No collision
player.getReward(choices[i], sensing[choices[i]]) # Observing *sensing*
rewards[i] = sensing[choices[i]] # Storing actual rewards
# print(" - 1 collision on channel {} : {} other users chose it at time t = {} ...".format(choices[i], nbCollisions[choices[i]], t)) # DEBUG
collisions[choices[i]] += 1 # Should be counted here, onlyUniqUserGetsReward
# handleCollision_or_getZeroReward(player, choices[i]) # NOPE
player.handleCollision(choices[i], sensing[choices[i]]) # Observing *sensing* but collision
# If learning is done on sensing, handleCollision uses this reward
# But if learning is done on ACK, handleCollision does not use this reward
# Default collision model to use
defaultCollisionModel = onlyUniqUserGetsReward
[docs]def onlyUniqUserGetsRewardSparse(t, arms, players, choices, rewards, pulls, collisions):
""" Simple collision model where only the players alone on one arm samples it and receives the reward.
- This is the default collision model, cf. [[Multi-Player Bandits Revisited, Lilian Besson and Emilie Kaufmann, 2017]](https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01629733).
- The numpy array 'choices' is increased according to the number of users who collided (it is NOT binary).
- Support for player non activated, by choosing a negative index.
# First, sense in all the arms
# FIXME had support for problems with different means for each players?
# see issue https://github.com/SMPyBandits/SMPyBandits/issues/185 and papers referenced therein
sensing = [a.draw(t) for a in arms]
nbCollisions = np.bincount(choices[choices >= 0], minlength=len(arms)) - 1
# print("onlyUniqUserGetsRewardSparse() at time t = {}, nbCollisions = {}.".format(t, nbCollisions)) # DEBUG
# if np.max(nbCollisions) >= 1: # DEBUG
# print("- onlyUniqUserGetsRewardSparse: some collisions on channels {} at time t = {} ...".format(np.nonzero(np.array(nbCollisions) >= 1)[0], t)) # DEBUG
for i, player in enumerate(players): # Loop is needed because player is needed
# FIXED pulls counts the number of selection, not the number of successful selection!! HUGE BUG! See https://github.com/SMPyBandits/SMPyBandits/issues/33
if choices[i] >= 0:
pulls[i, choices[i]] += 1
if nbCollisions[choices[i]] < 1: # No collision
player.getReward(choices[i], sensing[choices[i]]) # Observing *sensing*
rewards[i] = sensing[choices[i]] # Storing actual rewards
# print(" - 1 collision on channel {} : {} other users chose it at time t = {} ...".format(choices[i], nbCollisions[choices[i]], t)) # DEBUG
collisions[choices[i]] += 1 # Should be counted here, onlyUniqUserGetsRewardSparse
# handleCollision_or_getZeroReward(player, choices[i]) # NOPE
player.handleCollision(choices[i], sensing[choices[i]]) # Observing *sensing* but collision
# If learning is done on sensing, handleCollision uses this reward
# But if learning is done on ACK, handleCollision does not use this reward
[docs]def allGetRewardsAndUseCollision(t, arms, players, choices, rewards, pulls, collisions):
""" A variant of the first simple collision model where all players sample their arm, receive their rewards, and are informed of the collisions.
.. note:: it is NOT the one we consider, and so our lower-bound on centralized regret is wrong (users don't care about collisions for their internal rewards so regret does not take collisions into account!)
- This is the NOT default collision model, cf. [Liu & Zhao, 2009](https://arxiv.org/abs/0910.2065v3) collision model 1.
- The numpy array 'choices' is increased according to the number of users who collided (it is NOT binary).
nbCollisions = np.bincount(choices, minlength=len(arms)) - 1 # XXX this is faster!
# print("allGetRewardsAndUseCollision() at time t = {}, nbCollisions = {}.".format(t, nbCollisions)) # DEBUG
# if np.max(nbCollisions) >= 1: # DEBUG
# print("- allGetRewardsAndUseCollision: some collisions on channels {} at time t = {} ...".format(np.nonzero(np.array(nbCollisions) >= 1)[0], t)) # DEBUG
for i, player in enumerate(players): # Loop is needed because player is needed
# FIXED pulls counts the number of selection, not the number of successful selection!! HUGE BUG! See https://github.com/SMPyBandits/SMPyBandits/issues/33
pulls[i, choices[i]] += 1
rewards[i] = arms[choices[i]].draw(t)
player.getReward(choices[i], rewards[i])
if nbCollisions[choices[i]] >= 1: # If collision
# print(" - 1 collision on channel {} : {} other users chose it at time t = {} ...".format(choices[i], nbCollisions[choices[i]], t)) # DEBUG
collisions[choices[i]] += 1 # Should be counted here, allGetRewardsAndUseCollision
player.handleCollision(choices[i], rewards[i]) # FIXED
[docs]def noCollision(t, arms, players, choices, rewards, pulls, collisions):
""" Simple collision model where all players sample it and receive the reward.
- It corresponds to the single-player simulation: each player is a policy, compared without collision.
- The numpy array 'collisions' is not modified.
for i, player in enumerate(players):
rewards[i] = arms[choices[i]].draw(t)
player.getReward(choices[i], rewards[i])
pulls[i, choices[i]] += 1
# collisions[choices[i]] += 0 # that's the idea, but useless to do it
# XXX Using a cache to not regenerate a random vector of distances. Siooooux!
@lru_cache(maxsize=None, typed=False) # XXX size is NOT bounded... bad!
def random_distances(nbPlayers):
""" Get a random vector of distances."""
distances = np.random.random_sample(nbPlayers)
print("I just generated a new distances vector, for {} players : distances = {} ...".format(nbPlayers, distances)) # DEBUG
return distances
[docs]def closerUserGetsReward(t, arms, players, choices, rewards, pulls, collisions, distances='uniform'):
""" Simple collision model where:
- The players alone on one arm sample it and receive the reward.
- In case of more than one player on one arm, only the closer player can sample it and receive the reward. It can take, or create if not given, a distance of each player to the base station (numbers in [0, 1]).
- If distances is not given, it is either generated randomly (random numbers in [0, 1]) or is a linspace of nbPlayers values in (0, 1), equally spacen (default).
.. note:: This kind of effects is known in telecommunication as the Near-Far effect or the Capture effect [Roberts, 1975](https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1024920)
if distances is None or (isinstance(distances, str) and distances == 'uniform'): # Uniformly spacen distances, in (0, 1)
distances = np.linspace(0, 1, len(players) + 1, endpoint=False)[1:]
elif isinstance(distances, str) and distances == 'random': # Or fully uniform
distances = random_distances(len(players))
# For each arm, explore who chose it
for armId, arm in enumerate(arms):
# If he is alone, sure to be chosen, otherwise only the closest one can sample
players_who_chose_it = np.nonzero(choices == armId)[0]
# print("players_who_chose_it =", players_who_chose_it) # DEBUG
# if np.size(players_who_chose_it) > 1: # DEBUG
# print("- rewardIsSharedUniformly: for arm {}, {} users won't have a reward at time t = {} ...".format(armId, np.size(players_who_chose_it) - 1, t)) # DEBUG
if np.size(players_who_chose_it) > 0:
collisions[armId] += np.size(players_who_chose_it) - 1 # Increase nb of collisions for nb of player who chose it, minus 1 (eg, if 1 then no collision, if 2 then one collision as the closest gets it)
distancesChosen = distances[players_who_chose_it]
smaller_distance = np.min(distancesChosen)
# print("Using distances to chose the user who can pull arm {} : only users at the minimal distance = {} can transmit ...".format(armId, smaller_distance)) # DEBUG
if np.count_nonzero(distancesChosen == smaller_distance) == 1:
i = players_who_chose_it[np.argmin(distancesChosen)]
# print("Only one user is at minimal distance, of index i =", i) # DEBUG
else: # XXX very low probability, if the distances are randomly chosen
i = players_who_chose_it[np.random.choice(np.nonzero(distancesChosen == smaller_distance))]
print(" Randomly choosing one user at minimal distance = {:.4g}, among {}... Index i = {} was chose !".format(smaller_distance, np.count_nonzero(distancesChosen == smaller_distance), i + 1)) # DEBUG
# Player i can pull the armId
rewards[i] = arm.draw(t)
players[i].getReward(armId, rewards[i])
pulls[i, armId] += 1
for j in players_who_chose_it:
# The other players cannot
if i != j:
handleCollision_or_getZeroReward(players[j], armId)
#: List of possible collision models
collision_models = [
#: Mapping of collision model names to True or False,
#: to know if a collision implies a lost communication or not in this model
full_lost_if_collision = {
# Fake collision model
"noCollision": False,
# No lost communication in case of collision
"closerUserGetsReward": False,
# In average, no lost communication in case of collision
"rewardIsSharedUniformly": False,
# Lost communication in case of collision
"onlyUniqUserGetsReward": True,
"onlyUniqUserGetsRewardSparse": True,
"allGetRewardsAndUseCollision": True,
#: Only export and expose the useful functions and constants defined here
__all__ = [