# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Arms : contains different types of bandit arms:
:class:`Constant`, :class:`UniformArm`, :class:`Bernoulli`, :class:`Binomial`, :class:`Poisson`, :class:`Gaussian`, :class:`Exponential`, :class:`Gamma`, :class:`DiscreteArm`.
Each arm class follows the same interface::
> my_arm = Arm(params)
> my_arm.mean
> my_arm.draw() # one random draw
> my_arm.draw_nparray(20) # or ((3, 10)), many draw
array([ 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 1., 0., 1., 0., 0.,
1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 1., 1.])
Also contains:
- :func:`uniformMeans`, to generate uniformly spaced means of arms.
- :func:`uniformMeansWithSparsity`, to generate uniformly spaced means of arms, with sparsity constraints.
- :func:`randomMeans`, to generate randomly spaced means of arms.
- :func:`randomMeansWithGapBetweenMbestMworst`, to generate randomly spaced means of arms, with a constraint on the gap between the M-best arms and the (K-M)-worst arms.
- :func:`randomMeansWithSparsity`, to generate randomly spaced means of arms with sparsity constraint.
- :func:`shuffled`, to return a shuffled version of a list.
- Utility functions :func:`array_from_str` :func:`list_from_str` and :func:`tuple_from_str` to obtain a `numpy.ndarray`, a `list` or a `tuple` from a string (used for the CLI env variables interface).
- :func:`optimal_selection_probabilities`.
- :func:`geometricChangePoints`, to obtain randomly spaced change points.
- :func:`continuouslyVaryingMeans` and :func:`randomContinuouslyVaryingMeans`, to get new random means for continuously varying non-stationary MAB problems.
from __future__ import division, print_function # Python 2 compatibility
__author__ = "Lilian Besson"
__version__ = "0.9"
from random import shuffle
from copy import copy
import json
import numpy as np
# Local imports
if __name__ != "__main__":
from .Arm import Arm
from .Constant import Constant
from .UniformArm import UniformArm
from .Bernoulli import Bernoulli
from .Binomial import Binomial
from .Poisson import Poisson, UnboundedPoisson
from .Gaussian import Gaussian, Gaussian_0_1, Gaussian_0_2, Gaussian_0_5, Gaussian_0_10, Gaussian_0_100, \
Gaussian_m1_1, Gaussian_m2_2, Gaussian_m5_5, Gaussian_m10_10, Gaussian_m100_100, UnboundedGaussian
from .Exponential import Exponential, ExponentialFromMean, UnboundedExponential
from .Gamma import Gamma, GammaFromMean, UnboundedGamma
from .DiscreteArm import DiscreteArm
from .RestedRottingArm import RestedRottingArm, RestedRottingBernoulli, RestedRottingBinomial, \
RestedRottingConstant, RestedRottingExponential, RestedRottingGaussian, RestedRottingPoisson
from .RestlessArm import RestlessArm, RestlessBernoulli, RestlessBinomial, RestlessConstant, RestlessExponential, \
RestlessGaussian, RestlessPoisson
mapping_ARM_TYPE = {
"Constant": Constant,
"Uniform": UniformArm,
"Bernoulli": Bernoulli, "B": Bernoulli,
"Gaussian": Gaussian, "Gauss": Gaussian, "G": Gaussian,
"Gaussian_0_1": Gaussian_0_1, "Gaussian_0_2": Gaussian_0_2, "Gaussian_0_5": Gaussian_0_5,
"Gaussian_0_10": Gaussian_0_10, "Gaussian_0_100": Gaussian_0_100, "Gaussian_m1_1": Gaussian_m1_1,
"Gaussian_m2_2": Gaussian_m2_2, "Gaussian_m5_5": Gaussian_m5_5, "Gaussian_m10_10": Gaussian_m10_10,
"Gaussian_m100_100": Gaussian_m100_100,
"UnboundedGaussian": UnboundedGaussian,
"Poisson": Poisson, "P": Poisson,
"Exponential": ExponentialFromMean, "Exp": ExponentialFromMean, "E": ExponentialFromMean,
"Gamma": GammaFromMean,
"DiscreteArm": DiscreteArm,
[docs]def shuffled(mylist):
"""Returns a shuffled version of the input 1D list. sorted() exists instead of list.sort(), but shuffled() does not exist instead of random.shuffle()...
>>> from random import seed; seed(1234) # reproducible results
>>> mylist = [ 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9]
>>> shuffled(mylist)
[0.9, 0.4, 0.3, 0.6, 0.5, 0.7, 0.1, 0.2, 0.8]
>>> shuffled(mylist)
[0.4, 0.3, 0.7, 0.5, 0.8, 0.1, 0.9, 0.6, 0.2]
>>> shuffled(mylist)
[0.4, 0.6, 0.9, 0.5, 0.7, 0.2, 0.1, 0.3, 0.8]
>>> shuffled(mylist)
[0.8, 0.7, 0.3, 0.1, 0.9, 0.5, 0.6, 0.2, 0.4]
copiedlist = copy(mylist)
return copiedlist
[docs]def randomMeans(nbArms=3, mingap=None, lower=0., amplitude=1., isSorted=True):
"""Return a list of means of arms, randomly sampled uniformly in [lower, lower + amplitude], with a min gap >= mingap.
- All means will be different, except if ``mingap=None``, with a min gap > 0.
>>> import numpy as np; np.random.seed(1234) # reproducible results
>>> randomMeans(nbArms=3, mingap=0.05) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[0.191..., 0.437..., 0.622...]
>>> randomMeans(nbArms=3, mingap=0.01) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[0.276..., 0.801..., 0.958...]
- Means are sorted, except if ``isSorted=False``.
>>> import random; random.seed(1234) # reproducible results
>>> randomMeans(nbArms=5, mingap=0.01, isSorted=True) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[0.006..., 0.229..., 0.416..., 0.535..., 0.899...]
>>> randomMeans(nbArms=5, mingap=0.01, isSorted=False) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[0.419..., 0.932..., 0.072..., 0.755..., 0.650...]
assert nbArms >= 1, "Error: 'nbArms' = {} has to be >= 1.".format(nbArms) # DEBUG
assert amplitude > 0, "Error: 'amplitude' = {:.3g} has to be > 0.".format(amplitude) # DEBUG
mus = np.random.rand(nbArms)
if mingap is not None and mingap > 0:
assert (nbArms * mingap) < (
amplitude / 2.), "Error: 'mingap' = {:.3g} is too large, it might be impossible to find a vector of means with such a large gap for {} arms.".format(
mingap, nbArms) # DEBUG
# while len(set(mus)) == nbArms and np.min(np.abs(np.diff(mus))) <= mingap: # Ensure a min gap > mingap
while np.min(np.abs(np.diff(mus))) <= mingap: # Ensure a min gap > mingap
mus = np.random.rand(nbArms)
if isSorted:
return sorted(list(lower + (amplitude * mus)))
np.random.shuffle(mus) # Useless
return list(lower + (amplitude * mus))
[docs]def randomMeansWithGapBetweenMbestMworst(nbArms=3, mingap=None, nbPlayers=2, lower=0., amplitude=1., isSorted=True):
"""Return a list of means of arms, randomly sampled uniformly in [lower, lower + amplitude], with a min gap >= mingap between the set Mbest and Mworst.
assert nbArms >= 1, "Error: 'nbArms' = {} has to be >= 1.".format(nbArms) # DEBUG
assert amplitude > 0, "Error: 'amplitude' = {:.3g} has to be > 0.".format(amplitude) # DEBUG
mus = np.random.rand(nbArms)
if mingap is not None and mingap > 0 and nbPlayers < nbArms:
assert mingap < amplitude, "Error: 'mingap' = {:.3g} is too large, it might be impossible to find a vector of means with such a large gap for {} arms.".format(
mingap, nbArms) # DEBUG
def gap(mus):
sorted_mus = sorted(mus)
mu_Mbest = sorted_mus[-nbPlayers]
mu_Mworst = sorted_mus[-nbPlayers - 1]
return mu_Mbest - mu_Mworst
# while len(set(mus)) == nbArms and gap(mus) <= mingap: # Ensure a min gap > mingap
while gap(mus) <= mingap: # Ensure a min gap > mingap
mus = np.random.rand(nbArms)
if isSorted:
return sorted(list(lower + (amplitude * mus)))
np.random.shuffle(mus) # Useless
return list(lower + (amplitude * mus))
[docs]def randomMeansWithSparsity(nbArms=10, sparsity=3, mingap=0.01, delta=0.05, lower=0., lowerNonZero=0.5, amplitude=1.,
"""Return a list of means of arms, in [lower, lower + amplitude], with a min gap >= mingap.
- Exactly ``nbArms-sparsity`` arms will have a mean = ``lower`` and the others are randomly sampled uniformly in ``[lowerNonZero, lower + amplitude]``.
- All means will be different, except if ``mingap=None``, with a min gap > 0.
>>> import numpy as np; np.random.seed(1234) # reproducible results
>>> randomMeansWithSparsity(nbArms=6, sparsity=2, mingap=0.05) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.595..., 0.811...]
>>> randomMeansWithSparsity(nbArms=6, sparsity=2, mingap=0.01) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.718..., 0.892...]
- Means are sorted, except if ``isSorted=False``.
>>> import random; random.seed(1234) # reproducible results
>>> randomMeansWithSparsity(nbArms=6, sparsity=2, mingap=0.01, isSorted=True) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.636..., 0.889...]
>>> randomMeansWithSparsity(nbArms=6, sparsity=2, mingap=0.01, isSorted=False) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[0.0, 0.0, 0.900..., 0.638..., 0.0, 0.0]
assert nbArms >= 1, "Error: 'nbArms' = {} has to be >= 1.".format(nbArms) # DEBUG
assert amplitude > 0, "Error: 'amplitude' = {:.3g} has to be > 0.".format(amplitude) # DEBUG
assert 0 <= sparsity <= nbArms, "Error: 'sparsity' = {} has to be 0 <= sparsity <= nbArms = {} ...".format(sparsity,
nbArms) # DEBUG
assert lower <= lowerNonZero, "Error: 'lower' = {:.3g} has to be <= 'lowerNonZero' = {:.3g} ...".format(lower,
lowerNonZero) # DEBUG
mus = np.sort(np.random.rand(sparsity))
if mingap is not None and mingap > 0:
assert (nbArms * mingap) < (
amplitude / 2.), "Error: 'mingap' = {:.3g} is too large, it might be impossible to find a vector of means with such a large gap for {} arms.".format(
mingap, nbArms) # DEBUG
while len(set(mus)) == sparsity and np.min(np.abs(np.diff(mus))) <= mingap: # Ensure a min gap > mingap
mus = np.sort(np.random.rand(sparsity))
# bad_mus = [lower] * (nbArms - sparsity) # WARNING this was putting all the bad arms on 0 !
if lowerNonZero == lower:
bad_mus = list(lower + np.zeros(nbArms - sparsity))
bad_mus = list(lower + (lowerNonZero - lower) * np.linspace(delta, 1 - delta, nbArms - sparsity))
good_mus = lowerNonZero + ((lower + amplitude - lowerNonZero) * mus)
mus = list(bad_mus) + list(good_mus)
# Just some check...
assert len(
mus) == nbArms, "Error: randomMeansWithSparsity() created a list mus of size = {} not = nbArms = {}...".format(
len(mus), nbArms) # DEBUG
assert len([m for m in mus if
m > lowerNonZero]) == sparsity, "Error: randomMeansWithSparsity() created a list mus of with sparsity = {} not equal to s = {}...".format(
len([m for m in mus if m >= lowerNonZero]), sparsity) # DEBUG
assert len([m for m in mus if m <= lowerNonZero]) == (
nbArms - sparsity), "Error: randomMeansWithSparsity() created a list mus of with a number of zero component = {} not equal to K - s = {}...".format(
len([m for m in mus if m < lowerNonZero]), nbArms - sparsity) # DEBUG
# print("randomMeansWithSparsity() returns mus = {} ...".format(np.asarray(mus))) # DEBUG
if isSorted:
return sorted(list(mus))
return shuffled(list(mus))
[docs]def randomMeansWithSparsity2(nbArms=10, sparsity=3, mingap=0.01, lower=-1.0, lowerNonZero=0.0, amplitude=2.0,
"""Return a list of means of arms, in [lower, lower + amplitude], with a min gap >= mingap.
- Exactly ``nbArms-sparsity`` arms will have a mean sampled uniformly in ``[lower, lowerNonZero]`` and the others are randomly sampled uniformly in ``[lowerNonZero, lower + amplitude]``.
- All means will be different, except if ``mingap=None``, with a min gap > 0.
>>> import numpy as np; np.random.seed(1234) # reproducible results
>>> randomMeansWithSparsity2(nbArms=6, sparsity=2, mingap=0.05) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.595..., 0.811...]
>>> randomMeansWithSparsity2(nbArms=6, sparsity=2, mingap=0.01) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.718..., 0.892...]
- Means are sorted, except if ``isSorted=False``.
>>> import random; random.seed(1234) # reproducible results
>>> randomMeansWithSparsity2(nbArms=6, sparsity=2, mingap=0.01, isSorted=True) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.636..., 0.889...]
>>> randomMeansWithSparsity2(nbArms=6, sparsity=2, mingap=0.01, isSorted=False) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[0.0, 0.0, 0.900..., 0.638..., 0.0, 0.0]
assert nbArms >= 1, "Error: 'nbArms' = {} has to be >= 1.".format(nbArms) # DEBUG
assert amplitude > 0, "Error: 'amplitude' = {:.3g} has to be > 0.".format(amplitude) # DEBUG
assert 0 <= sparsity <= nbArms, "Error: 'sparsity' = {} has to be 0 <= sparsity <= nbArms = {} ...".format(sparsity,
nbArms) # DEBUG
assert lower <= lowerNonZero, "Error: 'lower' = {:.3g} has to be <= 'lowerNonZero' = {:.3g} ...".format(lower,
lowerNonZero) # DEBUG
# first the bad
nb_bad = nbArms - sparsity
mus = np.sort(np.random.rand(nb_bad))
if mingap is not None and mingap > 0:
assert (nbArms * mingap) < (
amplitude / 2.), "Error: 'mingap' = {:.3g} is too large, it might be impossible to find a vector of means with such a large gap for {} arms.".format(
mingap, nbArms) # DEBUG
while len(set(mus)) == nb_bad and np.min(np.abs(np.diff(mus))) <= mingap: # Ensure a min gap > mingap
mus = np.sort(np.random.rand(nb_bad))
bad_mus = lower + ((lowerNonZero - lower) * mus)
assert np.min(bad_mus) >= lower and np.max(
bad_mus) <= lowerNonZero, "Error: bad generation of 'bad_mus', in interval [{:.3g},{:.3g}] instead of [{:.3g},{:.3g}]...".format(
np.min(bad_mus), np.max(bad_mus), lower, lowerNonZero) # DEBUG
# then the good
nb_good = sparsity
mus = np.sort(np.random.rand(nb_good))
if mingap is not None and mingap > 0:
while len(set(mus)) == nb_good and np.min(np.abs(np.diff(mus))) <= mingap: # Ensure a min gap > mingap
mus = np.sort(np.random.rand(nb_good))
good_mus = lowerNonZero + ((lower + amplitude - lowerNonZero) * mus)
assert np.min(good_mus) >= lowerNonZero and np.max(
good_mus) <= lower + amplitude, "Error: bad generation of 'good_mus', in interval [{:.3g},{:.3g}] instead of [{:.3g},{:.3g}]...".format(
np.min(good_mus), np.max(good_mus), lowerNonZero, lower + amplitude) # DEBUG
mus = list(bad_mus) + list(good_mus)
if isSorted:
return sorted(list(mus))
return shuffled(list(mus))
[docs]def array_from_str(my_str):
"""Convert a string like "[0.1, 0.2, 0.3]" to a numpy array `[0.1, 0.2, 0.3]`, using safe `json.loads` instead of `exec`.
>>> array_from_str("[0.1, 0.2, 0.3]")
array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3])
>>> array_from_str("0.1, 0.2, 0.3")
array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3])
>>> array_from_str("0.9")
# print("array_from_str called with my_str =", my_str) # DEBUG
if my_str is None or isinstance(my_str, np.ndarray):
return my_str
if not ('[' in my_str and ']' in my_str):
my_str = '[%s]' % my_str
dict_str = '{"XXX": %s}' % my_str
fake_dict = json.loads(dict_str)
return np.array(fake_dict["XXX"])
print("Error while interpreting the string {} as an array...".format(my_str)) # DEBUG
return None
[docs]def list_from_str(my_str):
"""Convert a string like "[0.1, 0.2, 0.3]" to a list `(0.1, 0.2, 0.3)`, using safe `json.loads` instead of `exec`.
>>> list_from_str("[0.1, 0.2, 0.3]")
[0.1, 0.2, 0.3]
>>> list_from_str("0.1, 0.2, 0.3")
[0.1, 0.2, 0.3]
>>> list_from_str("0.9")
# print("list_from_str called with my_str =", my_str) # DEBUG
if my_str is None:
return my_str
if isinstance(my_str, (tuple, list)):
return list(my_str)
if not ('[' in my_str and ']' in my_str):
my_str = '[%s]' % my_str
dict_str = '{"XXX": %s}' % my_str
fake_dict = json.loads(dict_str)
return np.array(fake_dict["XXX"]).tolist()
print("Error while interpreting the string {} as a list...".format(my_str)) # DEBUG
return None
[docs]def tuple_from_str(my_str):
"""Convert a string like "[0.1, 0.2, 0.3]" to a tuple `(0.1, 0.2, 0.3)`, using safe `json.loads` instead of `exec`.
>>> tuple_from_str("[0.1, 0.2, 0.3]")
(0.1, 0.2, 0.3)
>>> tuple_from_str("0.1, 0.2, 0.3")
(0.1, 0.2, 0.3)
>>> tuple_from_str("0.9")
# print("tuple_from_str called with my_str =", my_str) # DEBUG
if my_str is None:
return my_str
if isinstance(my_str, (tuple, list)):
return tuple(my_str)
if not ('[' in my_str and ']' in my_str):
my_str = '[%s]' % my_str
dict_str = '{"XXX": %s}' % my_str
fake_dict = json.loads(dict_str)
return tuple(np.array(fake_dict["XXX"]).tolist())
print("Error while interpreting the string {} as a tuple...".format(my_str)) # DEBUG
return None
[docs]def optimal_selection_probabilities(M, mu):
r""" Compute the optimal selection probabilities of K arms of means :math:`\mu_i` by :math:`1 \leq M \leq K` players, if they all observe each other pulls and rewards, as derived in (15) p3 of [[The Effect of Communication on Noncooperative Multiplayer Multi-Armed Bandit Problems, by Noyan Evirgen, Alper Kose, IEEE ICMLA 2017]](https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.01628v1).
.. warning:: They consider a different collision model than I usually do, when two (or more) players ask for the same resource at same time t, I usually consider than all the colliding players receive a zero reward (see :func:`Environment.CollisionModels.onlyUniqUserGetsReward`), but they consider than exactly one of the colliding players gets the reward, and all the others get a zero reward (see :func:`Environment.CollisionModels.rewardIsSharedUniformly`).
>>> optimal_selection_probabilities(3, [0.1,0.1,0.1])
array([0.33333333, 0.33333333, 0.33333333])
>>> optimal_selection_probabilities(3, [0.1,0.2,0.3]) # weird ? not really...
array([0. , 0.43055556, 0.56944444])
>>> optimal_selection_probabilities(3, [0.1,0.3,0.9]) # weird ? not really...
array([0. , 0.45061728, 0.54938272])
>>> optimal_selection_probabilities(3, [0.7,0.8,0.9])
array([0.15631866, 0.35405647, 0.48962487])
.. note:: These results may sound counter-intuitive, but again they use a different collision models: in my usual collision model, it makes no sense to completely drop an arm when K=M=3, no matter the probabilities :math:`\mu_i`, but in their collision model, a player wins more (in average) if she has a :math:`50\%` chance of being alone on an arm with mean :math:`0.3` than if she is sure to be alone on an arm with mean :math:`0.1` (see examples 3 and 4).
K = len(mu)
assert 1 <= M <= K, "Error: number of arm M must be 1 <= M <= K but M = {} and K = {}.".format(M, K) # DEBUG
mup = np.asarray(mu) ** (M - 1)
c = 1. - ((K - 1) / (np.sum(1. / mup))) / (mup)
c[c <= 0] = 0
c /= np.sum(c)
return c
# --- Randomized changepoints
[docs]def geometricChangePoints(horizon=10000, proba=1e-3):
r"""Change points following a geometric distribution: at each time, the probability of having a change point at the next step is ``proba``.
>>> np.random.seed(0)
>>> geometricChangePoints(100, 0.1)
array([ 8, 20, 29, 37, 43, 53, 59, 81])
>>> geometricChangePoints(100, 0.2)
array([ 6, 8, 14, 29, 31, 35, 40, 44, 46, 60, 63, 72, 78, 80, 88, 91])
distances = np.random.geometric(proba, size=horizon)
points = np.cumsum(distances)
return points[points < horizon]
[docs]def continuouslyVaryingMeans(means, sign=+1, maxSlowChange=0.1, horizon=None, lower=0., amplitude=1., isSorted=True):
r"""New means, slightly modified from the previous ones.
- The change and the sign of change are constants.
slowChange = sign * maxSlowChange / float(horizon)
mus = means + slowChange
mus = np.maximum(np.minimum(mus, lower + amplitude), lower)
if isSorted:
return sorted(list(mus))
np.random.shuffle(mus) # Useless
return list(mus)
[docs]def randomContinuouslyVaryingMeans(means, maxSlowChange=0.1, horizon=None, lower=0., amplitude=1., isSorted=True):
r"""New means, slightly modified from the previous ones.
- The amplitude ``c`` of the change is constant, but it is randomly sampled in :math:`\mathcal{U}([-c,c])`.
slowChange = maxSlowChange / float(horizon)
mus = means + (2 * np.random.random() - 1) * slowChange
mus = np.maximum(np.minimum(mus, lower + amplitude), lower)
if isSorted:
return sorted(list(mus))
np.random.shuffle(mus) # Useless
return list(mus)
# --- Debugging
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Code for debugging purposes.
from doctest import testmod
print("\nTesting automatically all the docstring written in each functions of this module :")