# [Project Euler](https://ProjectEuler.net) [This Python 3 notebook](Project%20Euler%20%28Python%203%29.ipynb) contains *some* solutions for the [Project Euler](https://ProjectEuler.net) challenge. ### /!\ **Warning:** do not spoil yourself the pleasure of solving these problems by yourself! [I (Lilian Besson)](http://perso.crans.org/besson/) started in February 2015, and worked occasionally on Project Euler problems in March and April 2015. I should try to work on it again, hence this notebook...  ---- ### :information_desk_person: More information? > - More information about [notebooks (on the documentation of IPython)](https://nbviewer.jupiter.org/github/ipython/ipython/blob/3.x/examples/Notebook/Index.ipynb) or [on the FAQ on Jupyter's website](https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/faq). > - More information about [mybinder.org](http://mybinder.org/): on [this example repository](https://github.com/binder-project/example-requirements). ### :scroll: License All the notebooks in this repository are published under the terms of the [MIT license](http://lbesson.mit-license.org/) (file [LICENSE.txt](LICENSE.txt)). © [Lilian Besson](https://github.com/Naereen), 2016-17. [](https://github.com/Naereen/ama) [](https://github.com/Naereen/notebooks/)