# coding: utf-8 # # Table of Contents #

1  Data Challenge : Mangaki - September 2017
1.1  Reading data
1.2  First prediction model
1.3  Better predicted models
1.3.1  Using watched.csv  Maping string-rating to probability of seeing the movie
1.3.2  Using titles.csv
1.4  Evaluation from the data challenge platform
# # Data Challenge : Mangaki - September 2017 # # > - See [here for more information](http://universityofbigdata.net/competition/5085548788056064?lang=en). # > - Author: [Lilian Besson](http://perso.crans.org/besson/). # > - License: [MIT License](https://lbesson.mit-license.org/). # ## Reading data # We have a few CSV files, let start by reading them. # In[1]: from tqdm import tqdm import numpy as np import pandas as pd # In[2]: get_ipython().system('ls -larth *.csv') # In[3]: get_ipython().system('cp -vf submission.csv submission.csv.old') # In[57]: train = pd.read_csv("train.csv") test = pd.read_csv("test.csv") titles = pd.read_csv("titles.csv") watched = pd.read_csv("watched.csv") # In[56]: np.unique(titles.category) # Just to check they have correctly been read: # In[58]: train[:5] len(train) min(train['user_id']), max(train['user_id']) min(train['work_id']), max(train['work_id']) # In[6]: test[:5] len(test) min(test['user_id']), max(test['user_id']) min(test['work_id']), max(test['work_id']) # In[7]: watched[:5] len(watched) min(watched['user_id']), max(watched['user_id']) min(watched['work_id']), max(watched['work_id']) # ## First prediction model # # - For each movie, compute the empirical average `rating` of users who saw it, using data from the train data. # - And simply use this to predict for the other users in test data. # In[32]: submission = test.copy() # In[33]: total_average_rating = train.rating.mean() # In[34]: submission[:5] len(submission) # In[35]: works_id = np.unique(np.append(test.work_id.unique(), train.work_id.unique())) # In[36]: mean_ratings = pd.DataFrame(data={'mean_rating': 0}, index=works_id) mean_ratings[:5] len(mean_ratings) # In[37]: computed_means = pd.DataFrame(data={'mean_rating': train.groupby('work_id').mean()['rating']}, index=works_id) computed_means[:5] len(computed_means) # In[38]: mean_ratings.update(computed_means) # In[39]: mean_ratings[:10] len(mean_ratings) # In[41]: submission = submission.join(mean_ratings, on='work_id') submission.rename_axis({'mean_rating': 'prob_willsee'}, axis="columns", inplace=True) # In[43]: # in case of mean on empty values submission.fillna(value=total_average_rating, inplace=True) # In[51]: submission[:10] # Let save it to `submission_naive1.csv`: # In[52]: submission.to_csv("submission_naive1.csv", index=False) # In[49]: get_ipython().system('ls -larth submission_naive1.csv') # ## Better predicted models # ### Using `watched.csv` # The bonus data set `watched` can give a lot of information. There is 200000 entries in it and only 100000 in `test.csv`. # In[66]: len(test), len(watched) # In[68]: ratings = np.unique(watched.rating).tolist() ratings # In[67]: watched[:5] # #### Maping string-rating to probability of seeing the movie # By using the train data `(user, work)` that are also in `watched`, we can learn to map string rating, i.e., `'dislike', 'neutral', 'like', 'love'`, to probability of having see the movie. # In[84]: watched.rename_axis({'rating': 'strrating'}, axis="columns", inplace=True) # In[85]: watched[:5] # In[69]: train[:5] # Is there pairs `(user, work)` for which both train data and watched data are available (i.e., both see/notsee and liked/disliked) ? # In[109]: train.merge(watched, on=['user_id', 'work_id']) # And what about test data? # In[108]: test.merge(watched, on=['user_id', 'work_id']) # In[144]: test.merge(watched, on=['work_id']) # No! So we can forget about the `user_id`, and we will learn how to map liked/disliked to see/notsee for each movie. # In[105]: all_train = watched.merge(train, on='work_id') all_train[:5] # In[106]: del all_train['user_id_x'] del all_train['user_id_y'] # We can delete the `user_id` axes. # In[107]: all_train[:5] # We can first get the average rating of each work: # In[130]: all_train.groupby('work_id').rating.mean()[:10] # This table now contains, for each work, a list of mapping from `strrating` to `rating`. # It can be combined into a concise mapping, like in this form: # In[80]: mapping_strrating_probwillsee = { 'dislike': 0, 'neutral': 0.50, 'like': 0.75, 'love': 1, } # Manually, for instance for one movie: # In[129]: all_train[(all_train.work_id == 8025) & (all_train.strrating == 'dislike')] # In[133]: all_train[all_train.work_id == 8025].rating.mean() # In[134]: len(all_train[(all_train.work_id == 8025) & (all_train.strrating == 'dislike')].rating) all_train[(all_train.work_id == 8025) & (all_train.strrating == 'dislike')].rating.mean() # In[135]: len(all_train[(all_train.work_id == 8025) & (all_train.strrating == 'neutral')].rating) all_train[(all_train.work_id == 8025) & (all_train.strrating == 'neutral')].rating.mean() # In[141]: len(all_train[(all_train.work_id == 8025) & (all_train.strrating == 'like')].rating) all_train[(all_train.work_id == 8025) & (all_train.strrating == 'like')].rating.mean() # In[142]: len(all_train[(all_train.work_id == 8025) & (all_train.strrating == 'love')].rating) all_train[(all_train.work_id == 8025) & (all_train.strrating == 'love')].rating.mean() # That's weird! # ### Using `titles.csv` # I don't think I want to use the titles, but clustering the works by categories could help, maybe. # In[63]: categories = np.unique(titles.category).tolist() categories # In[132]: for cat in categories: print("There is {:>5} work(s) in category '{}'.".format(sum(titles.category == cat), cat)) # One category is alone, let rewrite it to `'anime'`. # In[65]: categories = { 'anime': 0, 'album': 0, 'manga': 1, } # TODO ! # ## Evaluation from the data challenge platform # TODO !