# *MA 101* @ MEC
## About
> This folder hosts some documents I wrote for the MA101 course I taught at Mahindra Ecole Centrale, fall 2014.
## Assignement
### [Quizzes](quiz/)
### [Exercises for tutorials](exos/)
### [Mid-term exams and end of the semester exam](exams)
## Additional documents
### [About some techniques](techniques/)
## [Feedback from the student](feedback/)
## Authors or contributors
* Mainly [Lilian Besson](..) !
* [ECP](http://www.ecp.fr/) professors Thérèse Phan and Pascal Laurent for exercises and the syllabus,
* Some exercises from [David Delaunay](http://mp.cpgedupuydelome.fr/),
## Credits
2014-2015, Lilian Besson.
## License
All these files are publicly distributed under the terms of the [MIT License](http://lbesson.mit-license.org).