def binary_coin_change(x, R):
"""Coin change
:param x: table of non negative values
:param R: target value
:returns bool: True if there is a non negative linear combination
of x that has value R
:complexity: O(n*R)
if int(R) != R: # we work with 1/100
R = int(R * 100)
x = [int(xi * 100) for xi in x]
b = [False] * (R + 1)
b[0] = True
for xi in x:
for s in range(xi, R + 1):
b[s] |= b[s - xi]
return b[R]
def constructive_coin_change(values_of_coins, sum_to_find):
"""Coin change
:param values_of_coins: table of non negative values
:param sum_to_find: target value
:returns bool: True if there is a non negative linear combination
of x that has value R
:complexity: O(n*R)
with_cents = False
if int(sum_to_find) != sum_to_find: # we work with 1/100
with_cents = True
sum_to_find = int(sum_to_find * 100)
values_of_coins = [int(pi * 100) for pi in values_of_coins]
n = len(values_of_coins)
number_of_coins = [0] * n
values_of_coins = sorted(values_of_coins, reverse=True)
current_sum = sum_to_find
for i, pi in enumerate(values_of_coins):
assert pi > 0, "Error: a coin with value zero."
if pi > current_sum:
continue # coin is too large, we continue
how_much_pi, rest = divmod(current_sum, pi) # x // y, x % y
number_of_coins[i] = how_much_pi
print("For current sum = {}, coin = {}, was used {} times, now sum = {}.".format(current_sum, pi, how_much_pi, rest))
current_sum = rest
if current_sum != 0:
raise ValueError("Could not write {} in the coin system {} with greedy method.".format(sum_to_find, values_of_coins))
if with_cents:
values_of_coins = [round(pi / 100, 2) for pi in values_of_coins]
return number_of_coins, values_of_coins
Avec les pièces des euros :
billets = [500, 200, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5]
pieces = [2, 1, 0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.02, 0.01]
euros = billets + pieces
binary_coin_change(euros, 16.12)
constructive_coin_change(euros, 16.12)
billets = [500, 200, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5]
binary_coin_change(billets, 16)
constructive_coin_change(billets, 16)
Avec un autre système de pièce :
billets = [19, 13, 7]
pieces = [3, 2]
weird = billets + pieces
if binary_coin_change(weird, 47):
constructive_coin_change(weird, 47)
if binary_coin_change(weird, 49):
constructive_coin_change(weird, 49)
if binary_coin_change(weird, 50):
constructive_coin_change(weird, 50)
Cette méthode gourmande ne marche pas pour tous les systèmes !
class UnionFind:
"""Maintains a partition of {0, ..., n-1}
def __init__(self, n):
self.up_bound = list(range(n))
def find(self, x_index):
:returns: identifier of part containing x_index
:complex_indexity: O(n) worst case, O(log n) in amortized cost.
if self.up_bound[x_index] == x_index:
return x_index
self.up_bound[x_index] = self.find(self.up_bound[x_index])
return self.up_bound[x_index]
def union(self, x_index, y_index):
Merges part that contain x and part containing y
:returns: False if x_index, y_index are already in same part
:complexity: O(n) worst case, O(log n) in amortized cost.
repr_x = self.find(x_index)
repr_y = self.find(y_index)
if repr_x == repr_y: # already in the same component
return False
self.up_bound[repr_x] = repr_y
return True
Par exemple avec $S = \{0,1,2,3,4\}$ et les unions suivantes :
S = [0,1,2,3,4]
U = UnionFind(len(S))
U.union(0, 2)
U.union(2, 3)
for i in S:
Cela représente la partition $\{ \{0,2,3\}, \{1\}, \{4\}\}$.
class UnionFind_CompressedPaths:
"""Maintains a partition of {0, ..., n-1}
def __init__(self, n):
self.up_bound = list(range(n))
self.rank = [0] * n
def find(self, x_index):
:returns: identifier of part containing x_index
:complex_indexity: O(inverse_ackerman(n))
if self.up_bound[x_index] == x_index:
return x_index
self.up_bound[x_index] = self.find(self.up_bound[x_index])
return self.up_bound[x_index]
def union(self, x_index, y_index):
Merges part that contain x and part containing y
:returns: False if x_index, y_index are already in same part
:complexity: O(inverse_ackerman(n))
repr_x = self.find(x_index)
repr_y = self.find(y_index)
if repr_x == repr_y: # already in the same component
return False
if self.rank[repr_x] == self.rank[repr_y]:
self.rank[repr_x] += 1
self.up_bound[repr_y] = repr_x
elif self.rank[repr_x] > self.rank[repr_y]:
self.up_bound[repr_y] = repr_x
self.up_bound[repr_x] = repr_y
return True
Par exemple avec $S = \{0,1,2,3,4\}$ et les unions suivantes :
S = [0,1,2,3,4]
U = UnionFind_CompressedPaths(len(S))
U.union(0, 2)
U.union(2, 3)
for i in S:
Cela représente la partition $\{ \{0,2,3\}, \{1\}, \{4\}\}$.
On utilise une des implémentations de la structure Union-Find, et le reste du code est très simple.
def kruskal(graph, weight):
"""Minimum spanning tree by Kruskal
:param graph: undirected graph in listlist or listdict format
:param weight: in matrix format or same listdict graph
:returns: list of edges of the tree
:complexity: ``O(|E|log|E|)``
# a UnionFind with n singletons { {0}, {1}, ..., {n-1} }
u_f = UnionFind(len(graph))
edges = [ ]
for u, _ in enumerate(graph):
for v in graph[u]:
# we add the edge (u, v) with weight w(u,v)
edges.append((weight[u][v], u, v))
edges.sort() # sort the edge in increasing order!
min_span_tree = [ ]
for w_idx, u_idx, v_idx in edges: # O(|E|)
if u_f.union(u_idx, v_idx):
# u and v were not in the same connected component
min_span_tree.append((u_idx, v_idx))
# we add the edge (u, v) in the tree, now they are in the same connected component
return min_span_tree
from heapq import heappop, heappush
from heap_operations import OurHeap
def prim(graph, weight, source=0):
"""Minimum spanning tree by Prim
- param graph: directed graph, connex and non-oriented
- param weight: in matrix format or same listdict graph
- assumes: weights are non-negative
- param source: source vertex
- returns: distance table, precedence table
- complexity: O(|S| + |A| log|A|)
n = len(graph)
assert all(weight[u][v] >= 0 for u in range(n) for v in graph[u])
prec = [None] * n
cost = [float('inf')] * n
cost[source] = 0
# the difference with Dijsktra is that the heap starts with all the nodes!
heap = OurHeap([])
is_in_the_heap = [False for u in range(n)]
for u in range(n):
heap.push((cost[u], u))
is_in_the_heap[u] = True
while heap:
dist_node, node = heap.pop() # Closest node from source
is_in_the_heap[node] = False
# and there is no color white/gray/black
# the node is always visited!
for neighbor in graph[node]:
if is_in_the_heap[neighbor] and cost[neighbor] >= weight[node][neighbor]:
old_cost = cost[neighbor]
cost[neighbor] = weight[node][neighbor]
prec[neighbor] = node
heap.update((old_cost, neighbor), (cost[neighbor], neighbor))
# now we need to construct the min_spanning_tree
edges = [ ]
for u in range(n):
if u != prec[u] and prec[u] != None:
edges.append((u, prec[u]))
return edges # cost, prec
import random
import math
def dist(a, b):
distance between point a and point b
return math.sqrt(sum([(a[i] - b[i]) * (a[i] - b[i]) for i in range(len(a))]))
import matplotlib as mpl
mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10, 7)
mpl.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 120
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
sns.set(context="notebook", style="whitegrid", palette="hls", font="sans-serif", font_scale=1.1)
N = 50
points = [[random.random() * 5, random.random() * 5] for _ in range(N)]
weight = [[dist(points[i], points[j]) for j in range(N)]
for i in range(N)]
graph = [[j for j in range(N) if i != j] for i in range(N)]
min_span_tree_kruskal = kruskal(graph, weight)
min_span_tree_prim = prim(graph, weight)
On affiche le graphe entier et ensuite les deux arbres couvrants minimum.
for u in points:
for v in points:
if u > v: break
xu, yu = u
xv, yv = v
_ = plt.plot([xu, xv], [yu, yv], 'o-')
# print("{} -- {}".format(points[u_idx], points[v_idx]))
plt.title("The whole graph")
val = 0
for u_idx, v_idx in min_span_tree_kruskal:
val += weight[u_idx][v_idx]
xu, yu = points[u_idx]
xv, yv = points[v_idx]
_ = plt.plot([xu, xv], [yu, yv], 'o-')
# print("{} -- {}".format(points[u_idx], points[v_idx]))
plt.title("Minimum spanning with Kruskal tree of cost {}".format(round(val, 2)))
val = 0
for u_idx, v_idx in min_span_tree_prim:
val += weight[u_idx][v_idx]
xu, yu = points[u_idx]
xv, yv = points[v_idx]
_ = plt.plot([xu, xv], [yu, yv], 'o-')
# print("{} -- {}".format(points[u_idx], points[v_idx]))
plt.title("Minimum spanning with Kruskal tree of cost {}".format(round(val, 2)))
Les deux algorithmes trouvent ici le même arbre couvrent minimum, mais les arêtes ne sont pas dans le même ordre.
C'est bon pour aujourd'hui !