
A few words about me

Greetings traveler, and welcome to my website! I am Lilian Besson, teacher-developper in Computer Science, and I was an assistant professor at ENS de Rennes from 2019 to 2021. I am now a full-time professor of Computer Science in Classes Préparatoires, in charge of the MP2I class at Lycée Kléber, in Strasbourg in France.

Before occupying these teaching-focused positions, I pursued my PhD in Telecommunications and Machine Learning in CentraleSupélec in Rennes and Inria in Lille, and I graduated in Mathematics and Computer Science at ENS de Cachan, with a Master degree in Machine Learning, and a Master degree in teaching Mathematics (along with « agrégation », the French national exam to become a civil servant teacher).

  • I was also an associate researcher with the PANAMA team at IRISA in Rennes. My research interests were on innovative technologies for modern teaching, Python and OCaml programming, machine learning in general, and other directions.

Between September 2016 and August 2019:

Contact information

Feel free to contact me by, the solution you prefer:

My email address in a PNG image…
  1. by email at this address Lilian.Besson@ENS-Rennes.fr, or besson at crans.org:

My phone number in a PNG image…
  1. you can call me or send me a SMS:

À faire

Update these items?

The last three years (2016-19)

  • I was doing my PhD. Please read this page to learn more! I now hold a PhD in telecommunications. My PhD thesis is here and the slides used for my defense are there.

In 2015-16

Studies and past jobs

Some projects on-line

Some of my profile pages on some great websites:

  1. either with my GitHub account GitHub.com/Naereen, which contains most of my programming-related projects ;

  2. or my Bitbucket account Bitbucket.org/lbesson, which contains most of my research-related projects (LaTeX code for my old research papers, for instance) ;

  3. or my GitLab account GitLab.com/Naereen ;

  4. or on my personal Wikipedia page User:Naereen.

Main pages in English

For more details, see sitemap.en.html.