A few words about me¶
Greetings traveler, and welcome to my website! I am Lilian Besson, teacher-developper in Computer Science, and I was an assistant professor at ENS de Rennes from 2019 to 2021. I am now a full-time professor of Computer Science in Classes Préparatoires, in charge of the MP2I class at Lycée Kléber, in Strasbourg in France.
Before occupying these teaching-focused positions, I pursued my PhD in Telecommunications and Machine Learning in CentraleSupélec in Rennes and Inria in Lille, and I graduated in Mathematics and Computer Science at ENS de Cachan, with a Master degree in Machine Learning, and a Master degree in teaching Mathematics (along with « agrégation », the French national exam to become a civil servant teacher).
From August 2019 to August 2021, I was a junior professor (agrégé) at ENS Rennes, in charge of the class preparing the « agrégation » national exam, with a major in mathematics and a minor in computer science, level M2, and in charge of lectures for introduction and advanced algorithms, and other teaching activities.
In February 2021, I had fun adding these applications there on my site, to be able to write small codes, give quick explanations without having to install anything on his computer: ocaml.besson.link for OCaml 4.12, jscpp.besson.link for C/C++, python.besson.link and notebook.besson.link for Python 3.8, turing.besson.link for Turing machines, and tableaunoir.besson.link for an interactive and super functional blackboard! Note: I did not develop these applications myself, they are all free under the MIT or GPLv3 license.
If you want to learn more about ENS de Rennes, watch this:
I was also an associate researcher with the PANAMA team at IRISA in Rennes. My research interests were on innovative technologies for modern teaching, Python and OCaml programming, machine learning in general, and other directions.
Between September 2016 and August 2019:
I was pursuing my PhD at CentraleSupélec (SCEE team, IETR lab) in Rennes (France), with Christophe Moy and Emilie Kaufmann (SequeL team, CRIStAL lab, at Lille). My PhD was on multi-players multi-arms bandits models applied to radio-telecommunication, especially I-o-T problems. I now hold a PhD in telecommunications. My PhD thesis is here and the slides used for my defense are there.
And I was teaching theoretical computer science at ENS Rennes (for a class preparing for the agregation national exam, level M2) and ENSAI (complexity and calculabilty, level L3), thanks to this mission.
Contact information¶
Feel free to contact me by, the solution you prefer:

by email at this address Lilian.Besson@ENS-Rennes.fr, or besson at crans.org:

you can call me or send me a SMS:
À faire
Update these items?
The last three years (2016-19)¶
I was doing my PhD. Please read this page to learn more! I now hold a PhD in telecommunications. My PhD thesis is here and the slides used for my defense are there.
In 2015-16¶
I was a research intern in the BIG/LIB team at EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland), from April to August 2016, under the supervision of Julien Fageot and Michael Unser. Check out the git repository for my internship (my Master thesis is finished) !
I obtained the MVA master program (at ENS de Cachan, now ENS de Paris-Saclay), in applied Maths, mainly in machine learning and numerical optimization. Cf. my documents written for the MVA, and 6 projects: PCS, PGM, RL / GML, Kernel, Brain Imaging, Neuro-Sciences. I ranked first for the MVA master in 2015-16, with 13 courses valided and the final grade of 18.43 / 20 (« summa cum laude »).
I was also teaching in Maths. and in Computer Science in a prep” school for national competitive exams for French Engineering Schools (« Grandes Écoles »), at « Lycée Lakanal » in Sceaux (near Paris).
Studies and past jobs¶
From mid-July 2014 to mid-May 2015, I lived and worked in India, on the campus of the new Mahindra École Centrale (a new Engineering College born from a partnership between the (Indian) Mahindra group and (French) École Centrale de Paris). I was the first French faculty to work there full-time, and I have been involved as a teaching assistant, in charge of mathematics (MA101 and MA102) tutorials, and in charge of the Computer Science CS101 course for the second semester!
In 2013/2014, I prepared and obtained the (French) agregation of Mathematics exam (national competitive exam for « Prep Schools » teacher recruitment, with a major in Maths and a minor in Computer Science). I have been ranked 23rd, for 275 available positions, for 795 candidates allowed to pass the oral exam (second step) in June and July 2014, and almost 1200 persons registered in October 2013. I also did the second year of my Master of Science in Fondamental Mathematics (major) and Computer Science (minor), with a speciality on teaching. A list of useful references (and other ressources) for this exam is here.
In 2012/2013, I did the first year of the MPRI (Master of Science specialized in theoretical research in Computer Science, in Paris) and also the first year of the Master of Science in fondamental mathematics of ÉNS Cachan (again both magna cum laude).
From 2011/2012, I studied at ÉNS Cachan, and in July 2012, I completed two Bachelors of Science, one in Mathematics and one in Computer Science, both magna cum laude.
During two years, 2009/2010 and 2010/2011, I studied in Marseille, at Lycée Thiers, first in MPSI 2 and after in MP*1.
Some projects on-line¶
Some of my profile pages on some great websites:
either with my GitHub account GitHub.com/Naereen, which contains most of my programming-related projects ;
or my Bitbucket account Bitbucket.org/lbesson, which contains most of my research-related projects (LaTeX code for my old research papers, for instance) ;
or my GitLab account GitLab.com/Naereen ;
or on my personal Wikipedia page User:Naereen.
Main pages in English¶
For more details, see sitemap.en.html.
- Teaching remotely - Coronavirus outbreak
- How to stay in touch with me ?
- My teaching activities
- Résumé : Lilian Besson
- Research activities
- Rules and principles - a long list of ideas that I like and try to apply in my life
- Not so personnal data about the user of this website
- Lilian Besson’s Web Pages - using Sphinx
- Description of publications in folder publis/
- Description of scripts in folder bin/
- Information on my PGP public key
- How I use Visual Studio Code
- How I used Sublime Text 3
- Tools for pair-programming
- How to use Google Analytics in a Sphinx project
- Description of JavaScript scripts in my web pages
- Sum-up of my use of Google Analytics for 3 years
- How to use Google Analytics with a beacon image
- Android™ applications « for the lock-down » in 2020
- About Jitsi Meet
- My tips for good video conferences
- My tips to become pro at emails
- My favorite Firefox extensions
- Quick tutorial for git
- Why and how to use WakaTime to monitor the time you spend on programming?
- About Twitch
- About Pokémon
- About Star Wars
- Using Zotero to manage your bibliography
- Testing the
Sphinx extension - Translation of Bitbucket.org
- An
toplevel (terminal) embedded online (Try OCaml version) - An
toplevel (terminal) embedded online (Simple version) - List.iteri and Array.iteri in OCaml
- Use an alternative DNS service
- How to install LaTeX on Windows
- Advices to start learning Python
- HOWTO: Use GNU Octave in your browser
- Some free alternatives software to MATLAB
- Using Wolfram|Alpha from the command line
- Embed a DOT graph with GraphViz in a Sphinx-generated page
- Testing the Sphinx-Tabs Sphinx extension
- Top 10 of my favorites stuffs
- What I watch on YouTube, and eco-friendly tips to use YouTube ethically
- A short blog-roll list
- Air quality estimation in Paris
- Self-quantified: numerical experiments on myself
- Lilian Besson’s Web Pages - using Sphinx
- How to mount a Wubi .disk file as an ISO on Ubuntu?
- 1 reStructuredText Demonstration
- Examples of concrete use of some hidden features of Bitbucket
- Some jokes in English
- Short Data Analysis of 2 Years of SMS (2016 & 2017)
- About hitch-hiking
- The Universal Packing List