Résumé : Lilian Besson¶
Hello world! I am Lilian Besson, a young professor of Computer Science at Lycée Kléber in « Classes Préparatoires » (CPGE, class of MP2I). A quick resumé: I hold a PhD diploma from Inria and Supélec Rennes since 2019, in Telecommunications and Machine Learning, and degrees from the CentraleSupélec engineering school and also I was a « normalien » student in maths & computer science, from ENS Cachan. I am a passionate programmer, open-source enthusiast and I did research for my PhD thesis, in machine learning, learning theory and cognitive radio. Sometimes, I also like to cook at home, bike or hike. (nerd alert) I’m a passionate player of Magic: the Gathering since (way too long) some time (way too long), and now I’m also proud to be an active official Judge (thanks to IJP + JA), judging small and semi-large events in Strasbourg since a 2023.
Welcome to my rusty website, which is kinda rusty but which I enjoy having online uninterruptly since 2012!
This HTML format is not maintained up-to-date, I encourage you to read my CV in PDF format here: cv.en.pdf (ou http://cv.besson.link/), or this research resume, or my professionnal home page).
À faire
Update in 2021?
Again, this page is not maintained up-to-date, AT ALL!
This year (2018-19)¶
I am currently in my third and last year for my PhD at CentraleSupélec (SCEE team, IETR lab) in Rennes (France), with Christophe Moy and Emilie Kaufmann (SequeL team, CRIStAL labo, at Lille). My PhD will be on multi-players multi-arms bandits models applied to radio-telecommunication, especially I-o-T problems.
And I am still teaching theoretical computer science at ENS Rennes (for a class preparing for the agregation national exam, level M2) and ENSAI (complexity and calculabilty, level L3), thanks to this mission.
Contact address¶
- First name:
- Last name:
- Email:
Lilian[.]Besson[@]CRANS[.]org (remove the brackets)
Mr Lilian Besson, Office 329 - SCEE Team, CentraleSupélec - Campus de Rennes, Avenue de la Boulaie - CS 47601, 35576 - Cesson-Sévigné, France
Extra information about me¶
- Date of Birth:
January 12th, 1993, born in Briançon (France). Age : 25.
- Current Status:
PhD student at CentraleSupelec, in Rennes and at Inria in Lille (France). (I was a « normalien » student at ÉNS de Cachan, studying Mathematics and Computer Science.)
Spoken Languages¶
- French:
native speaker;
- English:
fluent, speaking and writing, usual and scientific. TOEIC got in April 2012, with the mark 900/990;
- Spanish:
beginner, speaking and writing, usual only;
- Japanese:
beginner from Sept. 2013 to March 2015, hiragana only.
Programming Languages¶
- Advanced:
Python (2.7-3.6) (object oriented and scripting), Texas Instrument-BASICs (embedded languages for graphical calculator), GNU Bash (scripting), OCaml (functional elanguage), LaTeX & reStructuredText (for slides, web pages and articles).
- Intermediate:
BASIC, Matlab & GNU/Octave and C (sequential computation), nVidia CUDA (parallel computation on GPU);
- Basic:
Maple, HTML, Assembly (Intel x86, MIPS, TI-83+), XML, Javascript;
Computer skills¶
- Operating Systems:
Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Android, GNU/Linux (with Ångström, Ubuntu, Debian and OpenWRT);
- Text processing:
LyX, LaTeX & LaTeX Beamer, Open Office & Libre Office & Microsoft Word, Markdown & reStructuredText;
- Text editors:
Expert with gEdit & GNU Nano (Linux, Windows), Jota Text Editor (Android);
- Documentation generators:
OCamlDoc for OCaml, PyDOC & Sphinx for Python;
- System administration:
experience with net hardware and software, and net monitoring with GNU/Linux.
- Personal skills:
good theoretical and practical background in maths, computer science, physics and chemistry;
problem-solving and communication skills;
good understanding and use of the actual web and generic technologies;
eager to learn and develop new skills;
passionate about new technologies;
- International experience:
some trips in Portugal, Netherlands, Greece, Iceland, India, Spain, Germany, Sweden, Italy, UK, Ireland, USA, Canada, Switzerland, Luxembourg (since 2004);
- Work away:
Professionnal experiences abroad, in the UK (2013), India (2014-15), and Switzerland (2016), for research and teaching;
- Other experiences:
🍴 Amateur (French) cook, see this blog 🎂 🍸 🍝 (in French, 🇫🇷 📒).
💚 Motivated ecologist who tries to produce the least possible amount of 🍃 non-recyclable waste. See this blog (in French, 🇫🇷 📒).
- Entertainment:
theater, video games, cinema, programming, fantasy literature and poetry, cooking;
- Health:
perfect health (up-to-date vaccines, even exotic ones), and I’m wearing glasses!
- Sports:
climbing, trek, mountain bike, kick-scooter, swimming, hitchhiking, badminton, football, footing.
Not as up-to-date as the PDF version!
Reference contacts (if needed)¶
Professors at ÉNS de Cachan (2011/2016)¶
Nicolas Vayatis (CMLA and MLMDA)
Former internship advisors (2012 and 2013 and 2015)¶
Jules Villard (ICL, ex UCL),
Peter O’Hearn (UCL),
Florian de Vuyst (CMLA and ÉNS de Cachan).
ENS Rennes (since 2016 and main employer since 2019),
Inria (associate PhD student 2016-2019, associate researcher, since 2019),
CentraleSupélec (main employer 2016-2019),
ENSAI (in 2016, 2017),
Lycée Lakanal (in 2016, 2017),
EPFL (in 2016),
École Centrale de Paris (in 2014-2015),
Mahindra École Centrale (in 2014-2015),
Corrections Rue d’Ulm (occasional, in 2014, dead website),
Cours Thalès (in 2013-14),
ENS Cachan (in 2011-2016).
Academic Education¶
Below there is a precise description of what I studied, year by year, from my Baccalaureat in 2009.
2016-2019: PhD¶
For my Ph.D., my research is in applied machine learning, focused on low-cost online learning algorithm with limited feedback (bandit feedback), mainly applied to cognitive radio problems for Opportunistic Spectrum Access and setting up reliable network access protocol for the future Internet of Things networks. By studying and applying classical and recent Multi-Armed Bandit algorithms to carefully designed radio models, we are able to prove some performance guarantees, both numerically in simulations and theoretically with statistical proofs.
For more details, and a list of publications, see the page research.
2015-2016: second year of Msc (Master)¶
I graduated and ranked 1st (among 115 students) from the MVA master program (at ENS de Cachan), in applied Maths, mainly in machine learning and numerical optimization.
I was also teaching regularly in Maths. and in Computer Science in a prep” school for national competitive exams for French Engineering Schools (« Grandes Écoles »), at « Lycée Lakanal » in Sceaux (near Paris).
All the documents written during this year for the MVA Master are on this public folder.
I also worked on 6 small research projects, all published on my bitbucket, open-source under the MIT license.
For the 1st trimester (Fall 2015):
Parcimonie and Compressed Sensing : « Random factorization for low-rank matrices » (« finding structure with randomness »), graded 19/20;
Probabilistic Graphical Models : « Hidden semi-Markov Models » (comparison to Hidden Markov Models and Gaussian Mixture Models), graded 16/20;
Reinforcement Learning / Graphs in Machine Learning : « Multi-Expert board-game Inference », graded 18/20;
For the 2nd trimester (Spring 2016):
To conclude my M.Sc., I was doing an internship¶
I was working in the BIG/LIB research team, at EPFL (in Lausanne, Switzerland), on convolution operators and steerable operators (amongst other topics)!
- Theme:
theoritical functional analysis, applied to inverse optimization problem, mainly appearing in medical imaging.
- Duration:
april 2016 to August 2016 (research internship in applied mathematics);
- Locations:
Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Rapport:
Check out the git repository for my internship (my Master thesis is finished) !
2014-2015: teaching for one year in India¶
Assistant professor at the (very new) Mahindra École Centrale (at Hyderabad, in India). Full time teaching faculty, in Mathematics (MA101 course in the first semester August-December 2014, MA102 course in the second semester January-May 2015) and in Computer Science (cours CS101 during the second semester).
2014-2015 : Second-year MSc (Master)¶
Still normalien student at ÉNS de Cachan, in third year. I kept studying both Mathematics and Computer Science.
I ranked 23rd on the national competitive exam to become a mathematics teacher in Frence (« agrégation »), with a major in Maths and minor in Computer Science.
2012-2013: First-year MSc (Master)¶
Mathematics MSc (Sept. 2012 to August 2013)
- Universities:
ÉNS de Cachan & Paris Diderot University (Paris VII);
- Domains:
Complex analysis, functional analysis and numerical optimization, exterior calculus, Partial Differential Equations approximation.
- Mark:
14.4/20, magna cum laude.
Computer Science MSc (Sept. 2012 to August 2013)
- Universities:
ÉNS de Cachan & Paris Diderot University (Paris VII);
- Domains:
Functional programming and typing, cryptographic protocols, compilation, Markov chains and random algorithms, net programming, maching learning, logic.
- Mark:
15.25/20, magna cum laude.
- Title:
« Towards modularity for planning and robot programs verification »;
- Supervisor:
Jules Villard, and Peter O’Hearn;
- Description:
I worked on Artificial Intelligence, verification and mainly the need for modularity for these domains. My report (in English): rapportM1Info13.pdf, and my slides (in French): slidesM1Info13.pdf.
2011-2012 : third-year BSc (Bachelor, licence in French)¶
Mathematics BSc (Sept. 2011 to July 2012)
- Universities:
ÉNS de Cachan & Paris Diderot University (Paris VII);
- Domains:
Functional analysis, integration, algebras, arithmetic, partial and ordinary differential equations, topology, differential geometry;
- Mark:
14.27/20, magna cum laude.
Computer Science BSc (Sept. 2011 to July 2012)
- Universities:
ÉNS de Cachan & Paris Diderot University (Paris VII);
- Domains:
Logic, semantics, cryptography, algorithmic, graph theory, lambda calculus, compilation, parallel computation, formal calculus;
- Mark:
14.7/20, magna cum laude.
TOEIC (English test) got with the mark 900/990.
- Title:
« Finite volumes method on nVidia graphic cards, applied to solve the compressible Euler problem »;
- Supervisor:
- Description:
Math internship at CMLA (Centre des mathématiques et de leurs applications, ÉNS de Cachan math lab research), 5 months (February 2012 to July 2012).
- Abstract:
General study of numerical solvers for differential equations and partial differential equations. Liner solver, first and second order, 1 2 and 3 D, with the VFFC method. Numerical simulation, sequential using :C: and VTK, and parallel using nVidia CUDA. Interactive 2D simulation with openGL.
- Published:
On my web page, the bachelor thesis, in French.
2010-2011 : second-year BSc & Classe Préparatoire¶
Classe Préparatoire, second year (MP*)
- Universities:
Lycée Thiers (Marseille, France) & Aix-Marseille 1 University;
- Studying:
maths, chemistry, physics, engineering, computer science, philosophy, literature, English and Spanish;
- Mark:
- Rank:
Accepted and matriculed at École Normale Supérieure de Cachan (July 2011)
- Rank:
- Matriculated:
at the maths department, student with the special French status élève-normalien.
Accepted at École Polytechnique (July 2011)
- Rank:
Acceptance refused.
Accepted at École Centrale (Paris, Lyon, Marseille), Supélec, Supoptique (July 2011)
- Rank:
Acceptance refused.
Accepted at École Télécom Sud-Paris (July 2011)
- Rank:
Acceptance refused.
2009-2010 : first-year BSc & Classe Préparatoire¶
Classe Préparatoire, first year (MPSI)
- Universities:
Lycée Thiers (Marseille, France) & Aix-Marseille 1 University;
- Studying:
maths, chemistry, physics, engineering, computer science, philosophy, literature, English and Spanish;
- Mark:
- Rank:
Accepted at École des Mines (at Alès) (July 2011)
- Rank:
- Mark:
Acceptance refused.
Other diplomas¶
Driving license, got in Briançon (February 2012).
High-school certificate (French Baccalaureat) (June 2009) (as precised here on bankexam.fr)
- University:
Lycée d’Altitude (Briançon);
- Mark:
15.7/20, magna cum laude;
- Options:
Scientific high-school certificate with specialization in mathematics, and intensive theater.
Other research experience¶
Not up-to-date, I should add the projects done since 2013…
MPRI Bomberman : a multiplayer Bomberman game with formal semantics and a open protocole (MPRI lecture 1-21.). On-line here on Bitbucket lbesson/mpri-bomberman, or on thise web site publis/Bomberman.
ANSI Colors : a
Python 2
script and module to use colours in a terminal (now also available onPython 3
, cf. https://pypi.org/project/ansicolortags). Available for download on PyPi (about 3000 download by now, see here download stats for May 2013). Or also here on Bitbucket lbesson/ansi-colors, or on thise web site publis/ansi-colors/.French translation of the website bitbucket.org (March 2013), with Transifex.
Kaggle Titanic ML project, here lbesson/projet-kaggle or publis/kaggle.
A small
game (with an automatic puzzle resolution), in OCaml, involving graphical programming and precise algorithmic work (second semester project);
: an enhanced toplevel and an experimental IDE for OCaml, written in Bash and OCaml (for Windows and GNU/Linux). This project is dead now;
: compiler from a subset ofC
assembler, with formal semantics, written in OCaml (first semester project);For Android apps :
Syntactical coloration and collaboration for Jota Text Editor (about 8 millions downloads!);
Collaboration with Romain Vernoux for his OCaml Toplevel on Android app, a non-official project for the OCaml language, approved by the French institute in charge of the project (INRIA).
- Title:
« Tropical algebras and linear systems applied to mobility problems »;
- Supervisors:
Agnès Borel (Lycée Thiers) & Pr. Glenn Merlet (Aix-Marseille I University);
- Abstract:
general study of tropical algebras, time processes (Petri nets and Markov chains). Dikjstra algorithm, tropical and time dependant implemented with Maple 12.
- Title:
« The Chess board, a dynamic surface »;
- Supervisors:
Dr. Yassine Dakhli (Lycée Thiers);
- Abstract:
implementation of a two players chess game, and of a simple AI (quite inefficient, naive and slow, but functional). About 7000 lines of TI-Basic code, one of the biggest project for TI-82 calculator (an old one : 6 MHz, 28 Ko of RAM!).