## YouTube Video of these lectures > If you want to rewatch the lectures of the first part of the [CS101 course](../../), here is the [complete playlist](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO5B9U03swgffdmpY2fmTCxGJWukZzJmp) on YouTube. > And here is [the outline of the CS101 course](./Lectures_0_4__Outline__CS101__2015.en.pdf). ### [Lecture 1](./Lecture_1__Introduction_to_Computing__CS101__2015.en.pdf) : **Introduction to Computing** (CS101 - 2015)
### [Lecture 2](./Lecture_2__Pioneers_of_CS_and_Methods_of_Problems_Solving__CS101__2015.en.pdf) : **Pioneers of CS and Methods of Problems Solving** (CS101 - 2015)
### [Lecture 3](./Lecture_3__Elements_of_a_computer__CS101__2015.en.pdf) : **Elements of a Computer** (CS101 - 2015)
### [Lecture 4](./Lecture_4__Homeworks_and_constructs__CS101__2015.en.pdf) : **Homework 1 and constructs** (CS101 - 2015)
---- ## Copyrights? These slides were made by [Professor Sanjay Dhande](http://www.mahindraecolecentrale.edu.in/faculty.php?fid=23), (C) [Mahindra Ecole Centrale](http://www.mahindraecolecentrale.edu.in/), 2015.