#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Complete solution for the CS101 Programming Project about matrices. This file defines a class Matrix, designed to be as complete as possible. *Do not worry, I was not asking you to do as much.* Examples -------- Importing the module: >>> from matrix import * >>> from matrix import Matrix as M # shortcut Defining a matrix by giving its list of rows: >>> A = M([[1, 0], [0, 1]]) >>> A == eye(A.n) True >>> B = 2*(A**2) + 4*A + eye(A.n) >>> B [[7, 0], [0, 7]] >>> B == 7 * eye(A.n) True Indexing and slicing: >>> A[1,:] = 2; A [[1, 0], [2, 2]] >>> A[0, 0] = -5; A [[-5, 0], [2, 2]] Addition, multiplication, power etc: >>> C = eye(2); C [[1, 0], [0, 1]] >>> C + (3 * C) - C [[3, 0], [0, 3]] >>> (4 * C) ** 2 [[16, 0], [0, 16]] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Things that could still be worked on for this solution ------------------------------------------------------ .. todo:: Implement the **QR**, **SVD** and other **matrix decompositions**. .. todo:: More doctests for :py:func:`PLUdecomposition`, and implement the non-permuted LU decomposition. .. todo:: Try to add a randomized matrix decomposition (or any *less-original* matrix decomposition method)? .. todo:: Implement a nice wrapper for a linear equations solver (with LU). .. todo:: Add more doctests and examples for Gauss, Gauss-Jordan, Gram-Schmidt (:py:func:`gauss`, :py:func:`gauss_jordan`, :py:func:`gram_schmidt`). .. note:: Interactive examples? See the other file `tests.py `_ for *many* examples. - *Date:* Thursday 19th November 2015, 23:56:18, - *Author:* `Lilian Besson `_ for the `CS101 course `_ at `Mahindra Ecole Centrale `_, 2015, - *Licence:* `MIT Licence `_. .. seealso:: I also wrote a complete solution for the other project I was in charge of, `about numerical algorithms to compute integrals `_. """ from __future__ import division from math import factorial # For exp(A) # Experimental: computation with decimal numbers to improve decimal precision from decimal import Decimal as _Decimal class Decimal(_Decimal): """ Extended fractions.Decimal class to improve the str and repr methods. If there is not digit after the comma, print it as an integer.""" def __str__(self, *args, **kwargs): if int(self) == self: return "{}".format(int(self)) else: return _Decimal.__str__(self) __repr__ = __str__ # Experimental: computation with fraction to be exact and not numerically approximative ! from fractions import Fraction as _Fraction class Fraction(_Fraction): """ Extended fractions.Fraction class to improve the str and repr methods. If the denominator is 1, print it as an integer.""" def __str__(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.denominator == 1: return "{}".format(self.numerator) else: return "{}/{}".format(self.numerator, self.denominator) __repr__ = __str__ # ======================================================================== class Matrix(object): """ A class to represent matrices of size (n, m). M = Matrix(listrows) will have three attributes: - M.listrows list of rows vectors (as list), - M.n or M.rows number of rows, - M.m or M.cols number of columns (ie. length of the rows). All the required special methods are implemented, so Matrix objects can be used as numbers. Warning: all the rows should have the same size. """ def __init__(self, listrows): """ Create a matrix object from the list of row vectors M. >>> A = Matrix([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) >>> A.listrows [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] """ try: self._n = len(listrows) if self._n == 0: self._m = 0 else: self._m = len(listrows[0]) assert all(self.m == len(listrows[i]) for i in xrange(self._n)) # Now we do get a fresh copy of that list. #: self.listrows is the list of rows for self self.listrows = [[listrows[i][j] for j in xrange(self._m)] for i in xrange(self._n)] # FIXME We should forbid modifying these attributes from outside the class self._i0, self._j0 = 0, 0 except: raise ValueError("Matrix() accepts only a list of rows vectors (ie. list of lists) as its argument.") # This decorator @property makes this method an attributes # cf. https://docs.python.org/2/library/functions.html#property @property def n(self): """ Getter for the read-only attribute A.n (number of rows). >>> A = Matrix([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) >>> A.n 2 >>> A.rows == A.n True """ return self._n rows = n # This decorator @property makes this method an attributes # cf. https://docs.python.org/2/library/functions.html#property @property def m(self): """ Getter for the read-only attribute A.m (size of the rows, ie. number of columns). >>> A = Matrix([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) >>> A.m 3 >>> A.cols == A.m True """ return self._m cols = m # ==================================================================== # Methods for reading and accessing def __getitem__(self, (i, j)): """ A[i, j] <-> A.listrows[i][j] reads the (i, j) element of the matrix A. - *Experimental* support of slices: A[a:b:k, j], or A[i, c:d:l] or A[a:b:k, c:d:l]. - Default values for a and c is a start point of 0, b and d is a end point of max size, and k and l is a step of 1. >>> A = Matrix([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) >>> A[0, 0] 1 >>> A[0, :] [[1, 2, 3]] >>> A[-1, :] [[4, 5, 6]] >>> A[:, 0] [[1], [4]] >>> A[1:, 1:] [[5, 6]] >>> A[:, ::2] [[1, 3], [4, 6]] """ if isinstance(i, int): if isinstance(j, int): return self.listrows[i][j] elif isinstance(j, slice): # i is an integer, j is a slice object return Matrix([self.listrows[i][j]]) elif isinstance(i, slice): if isinstance(j, int): # i is a slice object, j is an integer return Matrix([[x[j]] for x in self.listrows[i]]) elif isinstance(j, slice): # i and j are a slice objects return Matrix([x[j] for x in self.listrows[i]]) # In case i and j are neither integers nor slice objects raise ValueError("Matrix.__getitem__ invalid argument. A[i, j] with i = {} (type(i) is {}) and j = {} (type(i) is {}).".format(i, type(i), j, type(j))) def __setitem__(self, (i, j), value): """ A[i, j] = value: will update the (i, j) element of the matrix A. - Support for slice arguments: A[a:b:k, j] = sub-row, or A[i, c:d:l] = sub-column or A[a:b:k, c:d:l] = submatrix. - Default values for a and c is a start point of 0, b and d is a end point of max size, and k and l is a step of 1. >>> A = Matrix([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) >>> A[0, 0] = 4; A [[4, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] >>> A[:, 0] [[4], [4]] >>> A[-1, :] = 9; A [[4, 2, 3], [9, 9, 9]] >>> A[1, 1] = 3; A [[4, 2, 3], [9, 3, 9]] >>> A[0, :] = [3, 2, 1]; A [[3, 2, 1], [9, 3, 9]] >>> A[1:, 1:] = -1; A [[3, 2, 1], [9, -1, -1]] >>> A[1:, 1:] *= -8; A [[3, 2, 1], [9, 8, 8]] """ fail = False if isinstance(value, Matrix): value = value.listrows # just the list of rows if isinstance(i, int): if isinstance(j, int): self.listrows[i][j] = value # This is the simple case, the one we use the most elif isinstance(j, slice): # i is an integer, j is a slice object j_value = 0 # for j0 in _slice_to_xrange(j): for j0 in xrange(*j.indices(self.cols)): try: self.listrows[i][j0] = value[0][j_value] # sub-column except Exception: try: self.listrows[i][j0] = value[j_value] # list except Exception: self.listrows[i][j0] = value j_value += 1 # End for loop j0 else: fail = True elif isinstance(i, slice): if isinstance(j, int): # i is a slice object, j is an integer i_value = 0 # for i0 in _slice_to_xrange(i): for i0 in xrange(*i.indices(self.rows)): try: self.listrows[i0][j] = value[i_value][0] # sub-row except Exception: try: self.listrows[i0][j] = value[i_value] # list except Exception: self.listrows[i0][j] = value i_value += 1 # End for loop i0 elif isinstance(j, slice): # i and j are a slice objects i_value = 0 j_value = 0 # for i0 in _slice_to_xrange(i): for i0 in xrange(*i.indices(self.rows)): # for j0 in _slice_to_xrange(j): for j0 in xrange(*j.indices(self.cols)): try: self.listrows[i0][j0] = value[i_value][j_value] # sub-matrix except Exception: try: self.listrows[i0][j0] = value[i_value] # list except Exception: self.listrows[i0][j0] = value j_value += 1 # End for loop i0 i_value += 1 # End for loop i0 else: fail = True if fail: # In case i and j are neither integers nor slice objects raise ValueError("Matrix.__setitem__ invalid argument. A[i, j] with i = {} (type(i) is {}) and j = {} (type(i) is {}).".format(i, type(i), j, type(j))) # row and col to access a row or a column def row(self, i): """ A.row(i) -> *extracts* the i-th row of A, as a new matrix. - Warning: modifying A.row(i) does NOT modify the matrix A. >>> A = Matrix([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) >>> A.row(0) [[1, 2, 3]] >>> A.row(1) [[4, 5, 6]] >>> r = A.row(0); r *= 3 >>> A # it has not been modified! [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] """ return Matrix([[self[i, j] for j in xrange(self.m)]]) def col(self, j): """ A.col(j) -> *extracts* the j-th column of A, as a new matrix. - Warning: modifying A.col(j) does NOT modify the matrix A. >>> A = Matrix([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) >>> A.col(0) [[1], [4]] >>> A.col(2) [[3], [6]] >>> c = A.col(1); c *= 6 >>> A # it has not been modified! [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] """ return Matrix([[self[i, j]] for i in xrange(self.n)]) # ==================================================================== # Special method for copying (not required in the project) #def __hash__(self): # """ hash(A) <-> A.__hash__() computes the hash of the matrix (just depends on A.listrows). # # - Is required if we want to be able to insert a matrix in a set or dictionary. # - FIXME: unhashable type: 'list' # """ # return hash(self.listrows) def copy(self): """ A.copy() -> a shallow copy of the matrix A. >>> A = Matrix([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) >>> B = A.copy() >>> A[0, 0] = -10; A [[-10, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] >>> B # It has not been modified! [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] """ return Matrix(self.listrows) # ==================================================================== # Length and shape def __len__(self): """ len(A) returns A.n * A.m. >>> A = Matrix([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) >>> len(A) 6 >>> len(A) == A.n * A.m True """ return self.n * self.m # This decorator @property makes this method an attributes # cf. https://docs.python.org/2/library/functions.html#property @property def shape(self): """ A.shape is (A.n, A.m) (similar to the shape attribute of NumPy arrays). >>> A = Matrix([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) >>> A.shape (2, 3) """ return (self.n, self.m) # ==================================================================== # Transposition def transpose(self): """ A.transpose() is the transposition of the matrix A. - Returns a new matrix! - Definition: if B = A.transpose(), then B[i, j] is A[j, i]. >>> A = Matrix([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) >>> A.transpose() [[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]] >>> A.transpose().transpose() == A True """ return Matrix([[self[j, i] for j in xrange(self.n)] for i in xrange(self.m)]) @property def T(self): """ A.T <-> A.transpose() is the transposition of the matrix A. >>> B = Matrix([[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]]) >>> B.T [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] >>> B == B.T.T True """ return self.transpose() # ==================================================================== # Methods for pretty-printing def __str__(self): """ str(A) <-> A.__str__() converts the matrix A to a string (showing the list of rows vectors). >>> B = Matrix([[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]]) >>> str(B) '[[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]]' """ try: return str(self.map(str).listrows).replace("'", "") except Exception: str(self.listrows) def __repr__(self): """ repr(A) <-> A.__repr__() converts the matrix A to a string (showing the list of rows vectors). >>> B = Matrix([[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]]) >>> repr(B) '[[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]]' """ return str(self) # Comparing def __eq__(self, B): """ A == B <-> A.__eq__(B) compares the matrix A with B. - Time complexity is O(n * m) for matrices of size (n, m). >>> B = Matrix([[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]]) >>> B == B True >>> B + B + B == 3*B == B + 2*B == 2*B + B True >>> B - B + B == 1*B == -B + 2*B == 2*B - B == 2*B + (-B) True >>> B != B False """ try: if self.n == B.n and self.m == B.m: return all(self[i, j] == B[i, j] for j in xrange(self.m) for i in xrange(self.n)) # return all(a == b for a, b in zip(self, B)) else: return False except Exception: return False def almosteq(self, B, epsilon=1e-10): """ A.almosteq(B) compares the matrix A with B, numerically with an error threshold of epsilon. - Default epsilon is $10^{-10}$ - Time complexity is O(n * m) for matrices of size (n, m). >>> B = Matrix([[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]]) >>> C = B.copy(); C[0,0] += 4*1e-6 >>> B == C False >>> B.almosteq(C) False >>> B.almosteq(C, epsilon=1e-4) True >>> B.almosteq(C, epsilon=1e-5) True >>> B.almosteq(C, epsilon=1e-6) False """ try: if self.n == B.n and self.m == B.m: return all(abs(self[i, j] - B[i, j]) < epsilon for j in xrange(self.m) for i in xrange(self.n)) else: return False except Exception: return False # ==================================================================== # Methods for computing # Sum (left and right) def __add__(self, B): """ A + B <-> A.__add__(B) computes the sum of the matrix A and B. - Returns a new matrix! - Time and memory complexity is O(n * m) for matrices of size (n, m). - If B is a number, the sum is done coefficient wise. >>> A = Matrix([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) >>> A + A [[2, 4, 6], [8, 10, 12]] >>> B = ones(A.n, A.m); B [[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]] >>> A + B [[2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7]] >>> B + A [[2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7]] >>> B + B + B + B + B + B + B [[7, 7, 7], [7, 7, 7]] >>> B + 4 # Coefficient wise! [[5, 5, 5], [5, 5, 5]] >>> B + (-2) # Coefficient wise! [[-1, -1, -1], [-1, -1, -1]] >>> B + (-1.0) # Coefficient wise! [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]] """ if isinstance(B, Matrix): # Sum of two matrices assert self.n == B.n and self.m == B.m return Matrix([[self[i, j] + B[i, j] for j in xrange(self.m)] for i in xrange(self.n)]) else: # Sum of matrix A and a number B return Matrix([[self[i, j] + B for j in xrange(self.m)] for i in xrange(self.n)]) def __radd__(self, B): """ B + A <-> A.__radd__(B) computes the sum of B and the matrix A. - Returns a new matrix! - Time and memory complexity is O(n * m) for matrices of size (n, m). - If B is a number, the sum is done coefficient wise. >>> A = Matrix([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) >>> 1 + A [[2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7]] >>> B = ones(A.n, A.m) >>> 4 + B # Coefficient wise! [[5, 5, 5], [5, 5, 5]] >>> (-2) + B # Coefficient wise! [[-1, -1, -1], [-1, -1, -1]] >>> (-1.0) + B # Coefficient wise! [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]] """ if isinstance(B, Matrix): # Sum of two matrices # (never used here : B + A <-> B.__add__(A)) assert self.n == B.n and self.m == B.m return Matrix([[B[i, j] + self[i, j] for j in xrange(self.m)] for i in xrange(self.n)]) else: # Sum of matrix A and a number B (coefficients wise) return Matrix([[B + self[i, j] for j in xrange(self.m)] for i in xrange(self.n)]) # ==================================================================== # Substraction (left and right) def __sub__(self, B): """ A - B <-> A.__sub__(B) computes the difference of the matrix A and B. - Returns a new matrix! - Time and memory complexity is O(n * m) for matrices of size (n, m). - If B is a number, the sum is done coefficient wise. >>> A = Matrix([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) >>> B = ones(A.n, A.m) >>> A - B [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]] >>> B - A [[0, -1, -2], [-3, -4, -5]] >>> A - 1 # Coefficient wise! [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]] >>> B - 2 # Coefficient wise! [[-1, -1, -1], [-1, -1, -1]] >>> A - 3.14 # Coefficient wise! [[-2.14, -1.14, -0.14], [0.86, 1.86, 2.86]] """ if isinstance(B, Matrix): # Sum of two matrices assert self.n == B.n and self.m == B.m return Matrix([[self[i, j] - B[i, j] for j in xrange(self.m)] for i in xrange(self.n)]) else: # Sum of matrix A and a number B return Matrix([[self[i, j] - B for j in xrange(self.m)] for i in xrange(self.n)]) def __neg__(self): """ -A <-> A.__neg__() computes the opposite of the matrix A. - Returns a new matrix! - Time and memory complexity is O(n * m) for a matrix of size (n, m). >>> A = Matrix([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) >>> -A [[-1, -2, -3], [-4, -5, -6]] >>> A - A == A + (-A) True >>> -(-A) == A True >>> -------A == -A # Crazy syntax! True >>> s = '-------' >>> len(s) % 2 == 1 # We check that we had an od number of minus symbol True """ return Matrix([[-self[i, j] for j in xrange(self.m)] for i in xrange(self.n)]) def __pos__(self): """ +A <-> A.__pos__() computes the positive of the matrix A. - Returns a new matrix! - Useless? - Time and memory complexity is O(n * m) for a matrix of size (n, m). >>> A = Matrix([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) >>> +A == A True >>> +-+-+-+-+++----+-+-+----++++A == A # Crazy syntax, again! True >>> s = '+-+-+-+-+++----+-+-+----++++' >>> s.count('-') % 2 == 0 # We check that we had an even number of minus symbol True """ return Matrix([[+self[i, j] for j in xrange(self.m)] for i in xrange(self.n)]) def __rsub__(self, B): """ B - A <-> A.__rsub__(B) computes the difference of B and the matrix A. - Returns a new matrix! - Time and memory complexity is O(n * m) for matrices of size (n, m). - If B is a number, the sum is done coefficient wise. >>> A = Matrix([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) >>> 1 - A # Coefficient wise! [[0, -1, -2], [-3, -4, -5]] >>> B = ones(A.n, A.m) >>> (-1) - B # Coefficient wise! [[-2, -2, -2], [-2, -2, -2]] >>> ((-1) - B) == -(1 + B) == -(B + B) True """ if isinstance(B, Matrix): # Sum of two matrices # (never used here : B - A <-> B.__sub__(A)) assert self.n == B.n and self.m == B.m return Matrix([[B[i, j] - self[i, j] for j in xrange(self.m)] for i in xrange(self.n)]) else: # Sum of matrix A and a number B (coefficients wise) return Matrix([[B - self[i, j] for j in xrange(self.m)] for i in xrange(self.n)]) # ==================================================================== # Product (left and right) def __mul__(self, B): """ A * B <-> A.__mul__(B) computes the product of the matrix A and B. - Returns a new matrix! - Time and memory complexity is O(n * m * p) for a matrix A of size (n, m) and B of size (m, p). - If B is a number, the product is done coefficient wise. >>> A = Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) >>> B = eye(A.n); B [[1, 0], [0, 1]] >>> A * B == B * A == A True >>> A * A [[7, 10], [15, 22]] >>> A * (A * A) == (A * A) * A True >>> A * 1 == A # Coefficient wise! True >>> A * 12.011993 # Coefficient wise! [[12.011993, 24.023986], [36.035979, 48.047972]] """ if isinstance(B, Matrix): # Product of two matrices assert self.m == B.n return Matrix([[sum(self[i, k] * B[k, j] for k in xrange(self.m)) for j in xrange(B.m)] for i in xrange(self.n)]) else: # Product of matrix A and a number B (coefficients wise) return Matrix([[self[i, j] * B for j in xrange(self.m)] for i in xrange(self.n)]) def __rmul__(self, B): """ B * A <-> A.__rmul__(B) computes the product of B and the matrix A. - Returns a new matrix! - Time and memory complexity is O(n * m * p) for a matrix A of size (n, m) and B of size (m, p). - If B is a number, the product is done coefficient wise. >>> A = Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) >>> 1 * A == A # Coefficient wise! True >>> 12.011993 * A # Coefficient wise! [[12.011993, 24.023986], [36.035979, 48.047972]] """ if isinstance(B, Matrix): # Product of two matrices # (never used here : B * A <-> B.__mul__(A)) assert self.n == B.m return Matrix([[sum(B[i, k] * self[k, j] for k in xrange(B.m)) for j in xrange(self.m)] for i in xrange(B.n)]) else: # Product of matrix A and a number B (coefficients wise) return Matrix([[B * self[i, j] for j in xrange(self.m)] for i in xrange(self.n)]) def multiply_elementwise(self, B): """ A.multiply_elementwise(B) computes the product of the matrix A and B, element-wise (Hadamard product). - Returns a new matrix! - Time and memory complexity is O(n * m * p) for a matrix A of size (n, m) and B of size (m, p). >>> A = Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) >>> B = eye(A.n) >>> A.multiply_elementwise(B) [[1, 0], [0, 4]] >>> A.multiply_elementwise(A) # A .^ 2 in Matlab? [[1, 4], [9, 16]] """ if not isinstance(B, Matrix): raise ValueError("A.multiply_elementwise(B): B has to be a Matrix object.") else: assert self.shape == B.shape return Matrix([[self[i, j] * B[i, j] for j in xrange(self.m)] for i in xrange(self.n)]) # ==================================================================== # Division (left and right) def __div__(self, B): """ A / B <-> A * (B ** (-1)) computes the division of the matrix A by B. - Returns a new matrix! - Performs true division! - Time and memory complexity is O(n * m * p * max(m,p)**2) for a matrix A of size (n, m) and B of size (m, p). - If B is a number, the division is done coefficient wise. These examples are failing in a simple Python console, but work fine in an IPython console... **But I do not know why!** >>> A = Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) >>> B = eye(A.n) >>> B.almosteq(A / A) True >>> C = B.map(float) >>> A / C == A * C == A True >>> A / B == A * B == A True >>> A / 2 # Coefficient wise! FIXME? [[0, 1], [1, 2]] >>> A / 2.0 # Coefficient wise! [[0.5, 1.0], [1.5, 2.0]] """ # print "self.__div__:", B, type(B) # XXX remove when debug is done. if isinstance(B, Matrix): # Product of two matrices return self * (B.inv()) else: # Division of matrix A and a number B (coefficients wise) # return Matrix([[self[i, j] / float(B) for j in xrange(self.m)] for i in xrange(self.n)]) return Matrix([[self[i, j] / B for j in xrange(self.m)] for i in xrange(self.n)]) def __floordiv__(self, B): """ A / B <-> A * (B ** (-1)) computes the division of the matrix A by B. - Returns a new matrix! - Time and memory complexity is O(n * m * p) for a matrix A of size (n, m) and B of size (m, p). - If B is a number, the division is done coefficient wise with an **integer division**. >>> A = Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) >>> B = eye(A.n); C = B.map(float) >>> A // C == A * C == A True >>> A // B == A * B == A True >>> A // 2 # Coefficient wise! [[0, 1], [1, 2]] >>> A // 2.0 # Coefficient wise! [[0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 2.0]] """ if isinstance(B, Matrix): # Product of two matrices return self * (B.inv()) else: # Division of matrix A and a number B (coefficients wise) return Matrix([[self[i, j] // B for j in xrange(self.m)] for i in xrange(self.n)]) def __mod__(self, b): """ A % b <-> A.__mod__(b) computes the modulus coefficient-wise of the matrix A by b. - Returns a new matrix! - Time and memory complexity is O(n * m) for a matrix A of size (n, m). >>> A = Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) >>> A % 2 [[1, 0], [1, 0]] >>> (A*100) % 31 [[7, 14], [21, 28]] >>> (A*100) % 33 == A # Curious property True >>> (A*100) % 35 [[30, 25], [20, 15]] """ return Matrix([[self[i, j] % b for j in xrange(self.m)] for i in xrange(self.n)]) def __rdiv__(self, B): """ B / A <-> A.__rdiv__(B) computes the division of B by A. - If B is 1 (B == 1), 1 / A is A.inv() (special case!) - If B is a number, the division is done coefficient wise. - Returns a new matrix! - Time and memory complexity is O(n * m * p) for a matrix A of size (n, m) and B of size (m, p). These examples are failing in a simple Python console, but work fine in an IPython console... **But I do not know why!** >>> A = Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) >>> B = eye(A.n) >>> 1 / B == B == B / 1 True >>> C = B.map(float) >>> 1 / B == B == B / 1 True >>> A.inv() == 1 / A # special case! True >>> 2 / (2*A) [[2.0, 1.0], [0.666666666667, 0.5]] """ # print "self.__rdiv__:", B, type(B) # XXX remove when debug is done. if B == 1: return self.inv() elif isinstance(B, Matrix): return B * (self.inv()) else: # Division of a number B and matrix A (coefficients wise) return Matrix([[B / self[i, j] for j in xrange(self.m)] for i in xrange(self.n)]) # ==================================================================== # Power, exponential and inverse def __pow__(self, k): """ A ** k <-> A.__pow__(k) to compute the product of the square matrix A (with the quick exponentation trick). - Returns a new matrix! - k has to be an integer (ValueError will be returned otherwise). - Time complexity is O(n^3 log(k)) for a matrix A of size (n, n). - Memory complexity is O(n^2). - Use A.inv() to (try to) compute the inverse if k < 0. - More details are in the solution for the Problem II of the 2nd Mid-Term Exam for CS101. >>> A = Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) >>> A ** 1 == A True >>> A ** 2 [[7, 10], [15, 22]] >>> A * A == A ** 2 True >>> B = eye(A.n) >>> B == B ** 1 == A ** 0 == B ** 0 True >>> divmod(2015, 2) (1007, 1) >>> 2015 == 1007*2 + 1 True >>> A ** 2015 == ((A ** 1007) ** 2 ) * A True >>> C = diag([1, 4]) >>> C ** 100 [[1, 0], [0, 1606938044258990275541962092341162602522202993782792835301376]] >>> C ** 100 == diag([1**100, 4**100]) True It also accept negative integers: >>> A ** (-1) == A.inv() True >>> C = (A ** (-1)); C [[-2.0, 1.0], [1.5, -0.5]] >>> C * A == eye(A.n) == A * C True >>> C.listrows # Rounding mistakes can happen (but not here) [[-2.0, 1.0], [1.5, -0.5]] >>> D = C.round(); D.listrows [[-2.0, 1.0], [1.5, -0.5]] >>> D * A == eye(A.n) == A * D # No rounding mistake! True >>> (C * A).almosteq(eye(A.n)) True >>> (A ** (-5)) == (A ** 5).inv() == (A.inv()) ** 5 False >>> (A ** (-5)).round() == ((A ** 5).inv()).round() == ((A.inv()) ** 5).round() # No rounding mistake! True """ if not isinstance(k, int): raise ValueError("A ** k: k should be an integer (here k = {}).".format(k)) elif k < 0: # A ^ k = (A ^ (-1)) ^ (-k) return (self.inv()) ** (abs(k)) elif k == 0: return eye(self.n) # This is a convention : a ** 0 = 1_n,n elif k == 1: return self.copy() # It is really import to get a copy ! elif k == 2: # Useless in fact return self * self elif k % 2 == 0: P = self * self return P ** int(k // 2) # A^(2k) = ((A**2) ^ k) elif k % 2 == 1: P = self * self return self * (P ** int((k-1) // 2)) # A^(2k+1) = A * ((A**2) ^ k) # Remark: this case is not tail recursive (we could have used an accumulator) else: # XXX should never happen! raise ValueError("A ** k: invalid value for the power k = {k}.".format(k=k)) def exp(self, limit=100): r""" A.exp() computes a numerical approximation of the exponential of the square matrix A. - Raise a ValueError exception if A is not square. - Note: $\exp(A) = \mathrm{e}^A$ is defined as the series $\sum_{k=0}^{+\infty} \frac{A^k}{k!}$. - We only compute the first `limit` terms of this series, hopping that the partial sum will be close to the entire series. - Default value for `limit` is 100 (it should be enough for any matrix). >>> e = 2.718281828459045 >>> import math >>> I = eye(10); I[0, :] [[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]] >>> I * e == I.exp() == diag([e] * I.n) # Rounding mistakes! False >>> (I * e).round() == I.exp().round() == diag([e] * I.n).round() # No more rounding mistakes! True >>> C = diag([1, 4]) >>> C.exp() == diag([e ** 1, e ** 4]) == diag([math.exp(1), math.exp(4)]) # Rounding mistakes! False >>> C.exp().almosteq(diag([e ** 1, e ** 4])) # No more rounding mistakes! True >>> diag([e ** 1, e ** 4]).almosteq(diag([math.exp(1), math.exp(4)])) True """ assert limit > 0 if not self.is_square: raise ValueError("A.exp() is only possible if A is a square matrix.") e = eye(self.n) for k in xrange(1, limit): e += (self ** k) * (1.0 / factorial(k)) return e def inv(self): """ A.inv() computes the inverse of the square matrix A (if possible), with the Gauss-Jordan algorithm. - Raise a ValueError exception if A is not square. - Raise a ValueError exception if A is singular. >>> A = Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) >>> A.inv() [[-2.0, 1.0], [1.5, -0.5]] >>> A * A.inv() == A.inv() * A == eye(A.n) # Rounding mistake can happen (but not here) True >>> Ai = A.inv().round() # No more rounding mistake! >>> A * Ai == Ai * A == eye(A.n) True >>> A.det -2 >>> O = Matrix([[1, 2], [0, 0]]) >>> O.is_singular True >>> O.inv() # O is singular! Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: A.inv() on a singular matrix (ie. non inversible). >>> O.det 0 """ if not self.is_square: raise ValueError("A.inv() is only possible if A is a square matrix.") else: try: _, inverse = self.gauss_jordan(inv=True) return inverse except Exception: raise ValueError("A.inv() on a singular matrix (ie. non inversible).") # ==================================================================== # Gauss elimination process (to get a row echelon form) def gauss(self, det=False, verb=False, mode=None, maxpivot=False): """ A.gauss() implements the Gauss elimination process on matrix A. When possible, the Gauss elimination process produces a row echelon form by applying linear operations to A. - If maxpivot is true, we look for the pivot with higher absolute value (can help reducing rounding mistakes). - If verb is True, some details are printed at each steps of the algorithm. - mode can be None (default), or 'f' for fractions or 'd' for decimal numbers. - Reference is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaussian_elimination#Definitions_and_example_of_algorithm - We chosed to apply rows operations only: it uses elementary operations on lines/rows: L_i' <-- L_i - gamma * L_k (method swap_rows). - Can swap two columns in order to select the bigger pivot (increases the numerical stability). - The function will raise a ValueError if the matrix a is singular (ie. Gauss process cannot conclude). - If det is true, the returned value is c, d with c the row echelon form, and d the determinant. Reference for this part is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaussian_elimination#Computing_determinants. >>> Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]]).gauss() [[1, 2], [0, -2]] >>> Matrix([[1, 2], [1, 2]]).gauss() [[1, 2], [0, 0]] >>> Matrix([[1, 2], [-1, -0.5]]).gauss() [[1, 2], [0, 1.5]] >>> Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]]).gauss(maxpivot=True) [[2, 1], [0, 1]] >>> Matrix([[1, 2], [1, 2]]).gauss(maxpivot=True) [[2, 1], [0, 0]] >>> Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]]).gauss(det=True) ([[1, 2], [0, -2]], -2) >>> Matrix([[1, 2], [1, 2]]).gauss(det=True) ([[1, 2], [0, 0]], 0) """ # We start with a fresh copy of self. c = self.copy() n, m = c.n, c.m currentdet = 1 if mode is None: # Trying to compute the mode ourself if all(isinstance(x, Fraction) for x in self): mode = 'f' elif all(isinstance(x, Decimal) for x in self): mode = 'd' elif mode == 'f': try: currentdet = Fraction(1) c = self.map(Fraction) except Exception as e: print "Failed to convert to Fraction:", e c = self.copy() elif mode == 'd': try: currentdet = Decimal(1) c = self.map(Decimal) except Exception as e: print "Failed to convert to Decimal:", e c = self.copy() for k in xrange(min(n, m)): if verb: print "\nTrying to find the {}-th pivot:".format(k) print "With these indeces:", range(k, m) print "And that array:", [abs(c[k, j]) for j in xrange(m)] if maxpivot: i_max = _argmax(range(k, m), [abs(c[k, j]) for j in xrange(m)]) else: i_max = k if c[k, i_max] == 0: for possible_i_max in xrange(k, m): if c[k, possible_i_max] != 0: i_max = possible_i_max break # We found the first i_max such that c[k, i_max] is not zero, or k if none are good if verb: # assert c[k, i_max] == max(abs(c[k, j]) for j in xrange(m)) print "_argmax has given i_max = {}, and c[k, i_max] = {} (with k = {}).".format(i_max, c[k, i_max], k) if c[k, i_max] == 0: currentdet = 0 # XXX Do we really have a singular matrix already ? # raise ValueError("A.gauss_elimination() called on a singular matrix.") if (not det) and verb: print "WARNING: A.gauss() might have been called on a singular matrix. FIXME remove these warnings" # return (c, 0) if det else c # XXX not yet ! # determinant is 0, that is sure at least else: if verb: print "c.col(i_max) is:", c.col(i_max) print "c.col(k) is:", c.col(k) print "i_max = {}, k = {}.".format(i_max, k) # c.swap_rows(i_max, k) c.swap_cols(i_max, k) # XXX Shouldn't we swap rows instead? I think not # Swapping two rows multiplies the determinant by -1 if i_max != k: if verb: print "We swapped two different lines ({} and {}), the determinant will be multiplied by -1.".format(i_max, k) currentdet *= -1 if k >= (min(n, m) - 1): if verb: print "For the last line, we swapped the {i_max}-th and {k}-th rows, but nothing else.".format(i_max=i_max, k=k) break # break the for loop RIGHT NOW if verb: print "Gauss Elimination: using the {k}th line (L_{k} = {l}).\n We use {pivot} as a pivot.".format(k=k, l=c.row(k), pivot=c[k, k]) # Do for all lines below pivot: for i in xrange(k+1, n): if mode == 'f': gamma = Fraction(c[i, k], c[k, k]) elif mode == 'd': gamma = Decimal(c[i, k]) / Decimal(c[k, k]) else: # gamma = float(c[i, k]) / float(c[k, k]) gamma = c[i, k] / c[k, k] if verb: print " Operation L_{i}' <-- L_{i} - gamma * L_{k}".format(i=i, k=k) print " with gamma =", gamma print " with old L_{i} = {l}".format(i=i, l=c.row(i)) # Do for all remaining elements in current line: for j in xrange(k+1, m): c[i, j] -= gamma * c[k, j] # We convert to integer if possible, it is prettier :) # FIXME isn't it a cause of rounding mistake? if int(c[i, j]) == c[i, j]: c[i, j] = int(c[i, j]) # Fill lower triangular matrix with zeros (because gamma is chosen like that): c[i, k] = 0 if verb: print " with new L_{i}' = {l}".format(i=i, l=c.row(i)) if det: # Product of the (-1)**(nb of swaps) * diagonal elements currentdet *= _prod(c[i, i] for i in xrange(min(n, m))) return c, currentdet else: return c # End of gauss() # ==================================================================== # Gauss-Jordan elimination process (to get a reduced row echelon form) def gauss_jordan(self, inv=False, verb=False, mode=None, maxpivot=False): """ A.gauss_jordan() implements the Gauss elimination process on matrix A. - If inv is true, the returned value is J_n, A**(-1) with J_n the reduced row echelon form of A, and A**(-1) the computed inverse of A. - If maxpivot is true, we look for the pivot with higher absolute value (can help reducing rounding mistakes). """ # We start with a fresh copy of self. c = self.copy() if mode is None: # Trying to compute the mode ourself if all(isinstance(x, Fraction) for x in self): mode = 'f' elif all(isinstance(x, Decimal) for x in self): mode = 'd' elif mode == 'f': try: c = self.map(Fraction) except Exception as e: print "Failed to convert to Fraction:", e c = self.copy() elif mode == 'd': try: c = self.map(Decimal) except Exception as e: print "Failed to convert to Decimal:", e c = self.copy() if inv: if c.n != c.m: raise ValueError("A.gauss_jordan(inv=True) is only possible if A is a square matrix.") cinv = eye(c.n) # print "OK, trying to produce the inverse of c also." # print "At first, c is:", c # print "Experimental construction of the augmented matrix of size (n, 2m) (with n = {}, m = {}).".format(c.n, c.m) # c = mat_from_f(lambda i, j: c[i, j] if j < c.m else int((i+c.m)==j), c.n, 2 * c.m) # # Reference is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Augmented_matrix # print "Now, c is:", c n, m = c.n, c.m r = -1 for j in xrange(m): if verb: print "\nj =", j, "=> current c is:", c if inv: print "INFO: Current cinv is:", cinv print "Looking for the pivot with r = {r}, j = {j}.".format(r=r+1, j=j) print "Indeces:", range(r+1, n) print "Values:", [abs(c[i, j]) for i in xrange(n)] # k = _argmax(range(r+1, n), [abs(c[i, j]) for i in xrange(n)]) if maxpivot: k = _argmax(range(r+1, n), [abs(c[i, j]) for i in xrange(n)]) else: k = r+1 if c[k, j] == 0: for possible_k in xrange(r+1, n): if c[k, j] != 0: k = k break # We found the first i_max such that c[k, i_max] is not zero, or k if none are good if verb: print "For r = {}, c[k, j] is the pivot (k = {}, j = {}), equals to {}.".format(r+1, k, j, c[k, j]) if inv and c[k, j] == 0: raise ValueError("A.gauss_jordan() called on a singular matrix.") if c[k, j] != 0: pivot = c[k, j] r += 1 if verb: print "Pivot is not zero ({}), so we divide the k-th (k = {}) row by the pivot.".format(pivot, k) # c[k, :] /= pivot # Divising the k-th row by the pivot for jjjj in xrange(m): # c[k, jjjj] /= pivot if mode == 'f': c[k, jjjj] = Fraction(c[k, jjjj], pivot) elif mode == 'd': c[k, jjjj] = Decimal(c[k, jjjj] / pivot) else: c[k, jjjj] /= pivot if inv: if verb: print "INFO: Same linear operation is applied to cinv: cinv[k, :] /= pivot" # cinv[k, :] /= pivot for jjjj in xrange(m): # cinv[k, jjjj] /= pivot if mode == 'f': cinv[k, jjjj] = Fraction(cinv[k, jjjj], pivot) elif mode == 'd': cinv[k, jjjj] = Decimal(cinv[k, jjjj] / pivot) else: cinv[k, jjjj] /= pivot if k != r: if verb: print "We swap the rows r = {} and k = {}.".format(r, k) print "Before: R_k =", c[k, :], "R_r =", c[r, :] c.swap_rows(k, r) # Swap the rows r and k # c.swap_cols(k, r) # Swap the columns r and k if inv: if verb: print "INFO: Same linear operation is applied to cinv: cinv.swap_rows(k, r)" cinv.swap_rows(k, r) # Swap the rows r and k # cinv.swap_cols(k, r) # Swap the columns r and k if verb: print "After: R_k =", c[k, :], "R_r =", c[r, :] for i in xrange(n): if verb: print "For i = {}.".format(i) if i != r and c[i, j] != 0: cij = c[i, j] if verb: print "Before: R_{i} =", c[i, :] print "R_{i} <-- R_{i} - c[{i}, {j}] * R_{r}. c[{i}, {j}] is {cij}".format(i=i, j=j, r=r, cij=cij) c[i, :] -= c[r, :] * cij if inv: if verb: print "INFO: Same linear operation is applied to cinv: cinv[i, :] -= cinv[r, :] * c[i, j]" cinv[i, :] -= cinv[r, :] * cij # R_i <-- R_i - c[i,j] * R_r if verb: print "After: R_{i} =", c[i, :] else: if verb: print "No modification here (i = r or c[i, j] = 0)." # Done if verb: print "Done ! c =", c # c = c.map(lambda x: int(x) if int(x) == x else x) # Pretty priting only if inv: if verb: print "Done ! cinv =", cinv return c, cinv else: return c # ==================================================================== # Applications of the Gauss elimination process @property def rank(self, verb=False): """ A.rank uses the Gauss elimination process to compute the rank of the matrix A, by simply counting the number of non-zero elements on the diagonal of the echelon form. - FIXME: the Gauss process has to be changed, and improved for singular matrices (when the rank is not maximum!). >>> Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]]).rank 2 >>> Matrix([[1, 2], [1, 2]]).rank 1 >>> zeros(7).rank 0 >>> eye(19).rank 19 """ c = self.gauss(verb=verb, det=False) return sum(c[i, i] != 0 for i in xrange(min(self.n, self.m))) @property def det(self, verb=False): """ A.det uses the Gauss elimination process to compute the determinant of the matrix A. - Note: because it depends of the number of elementary operations performed in the Gauss method, we had to modify the Matrix.gauss method... >>> Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]]).det -2 >>> Matrix([[1, 2], [1, 2]]).det 0 >>> zeros(7).det 0 >>> eye(19).det 1 """ _, d = self.gauss(det=True, verb=verb) if int(d) == d: d = int(d) return d # ==================================================================== # Extra methods (not required in the project) def count(self, value): """ A.count(value) counts how many times the value is in the matrix. >>> Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]]).count(2) 1 >>> Matrix([[1, 2], [1, 2]]).count(2) 2 >>> zeros(7).count(2) 0 >>> zeros(7).count(0) 49 >>> eye(19).count(1) 19 >>> eye(19).count(0) 342 """ return sum(self[i, j] == value for j in xrange(self.m) for i in xrange(self.n)) def __contains__(self, value): """ value in A <-> A.__contains__(value) tells if the value is present in the matrix. >>> 4 in Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) True >>> 4 in Matrix([[1, 2], [1, 2]]) False >>> O, I = zeros(7), eye(7) >>> 3 * I**2 + 2 * I + O ** 0 [[6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6]] >>> 6 in (3 * I**2 + 2 * I + O ** 0) True """ return any(self[i, j] == value for j in xrange(self.m) for i in xrange(self.n)) def map(self, f, *args, **kwargs): """ Apply the function f to each of the coefficient of the matrix A (returns a new matrix). >>> O, I = zeros(2), eye(2) >>> I.map(lambda x: x * 4) [[4, 0], [0, 4]] >>> O.map(lambda x: x + 6) [[6, 6], [6, 6]] >>> A = Matrix([[-1j, -2j], [-2j, -1j]]) >>> A.map(lambda z: abs(z)) [[1.0, 2.0], [2.0, 1.0]] >>> A.map(lambda z: int(abs(z))) [[1, 2], [2, 1]] >>> A.map(lambda z: z + 1j) [[0j, -1j], [-1j, 0j]] >>> A.map(lambda z: '"%s"' % str(z)) [["-1j", "-2j"], ["-2j", "-1j"]] >>> A.map(lambda z: "Look: %s" % str(z)) [[Look: -1j, Look: -2j], [Look: -2j, Look: -1j]] """ return Matrix([[f(self[i, j], *args, **kwargs) for j in xrange(self.m)] for i in xrange(self.n)]) def round(self, ndigits=8): """ A.round([ndigits=8]) -> rounds every coefficient to ndigits digits after the comma. >>> A = (1. / 3.) * eye(2) + 4 >>> A.round(0) [[4.0, 4.0], [4.0, 4.0]] >>> A.round(2) [[4.33, 4.0], [4.0, 4.33]] >>> A.round(7) [[4.3333333, 4.0], [4.0, 4.3333333]] """ return self.map(lambda x: round(x, ndigits)) # ==================================================================== # Iterating over a matrix def __iter__(self): """ iter(A) <-> A.__iter__() is used to create an iterator from the matrix. - The values are looped rows by rows, then columns then columns. - This method is called when an iterator is required for a container. This method should return a new iterator object that can iterate over all the objects in the container. >>> A = Matrix([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]) >>> list(A) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] """ for i in xrange(self.n): for j in xrange(self.m): yield self[i, j] # next and __next__ for iterating over the values of our matrix def __next__(self): """ Python 3 compatibility.""" return self.next() def next(self): """ Generator for iterating the matrix A. - The values are looped rows by rows, then columns then columns. >>> A = Matrix([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]) >>> for x in A: ... print x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 >>> for i, x in enumerate(A): ... print i, "th value of A is", x 0 th value of A is 1 1 th value of A is 2 2 th value of A is 3 3 th value of A is 4 4 th value of A is 5 5 th value of A is 6 6 th value of A is 7 7 th value of A is 8 8 th value of A is 9 """ if (self._i0 < self.n) and (self._j0 < self.m): v = self[self._i0, self._j0] if self._i0 < self.n - 1: self._i0 += 1 else: self._i0 = 0 self._j0 += 1 return v else: raise StopIteration() # ==================================================================== # To deal nicely with matrices of complex numbers @property def real(self): """ Real part of the matrix, coefficient wise. >>> A = Matrix([[-1j, -2j], [-2j, -1j]]) >>> A.real [[0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0]] """ return self.map(lambda z: z.real if isinstance(z, complex) else z) @property def imag(self): """ Imaginary part of the matrix, coefficient wise. >>> A = Matrix([[-1j, -2j], [-2j, -1j]]) >>> A.imag [[-1.0, -2.0], [-2.0, -1.0]] """ return self.map(lambda z: z.imag if isinstance(z, complex) else z) def conjugate(self): """ Conjugate part of the matrix, coefficient wise. >>> A = Matrix([[-1j, -2j], [-2j, -1j]]) >>> A.conjugate() [[1j, 2j], [2j, 1j]] """ return self.map(lambda z: z.conjugate() if isinstance(z, complex) else z) # ==================================================================== # Dot product and norm def dot(self, v): """ A.dot(v) <-> A . v computes the dot multiplication of the vector v. - v can be a matrix of size (m, 1), or a list of size m. >>> A = Matrix([[1, 1], [1, -1]]) >>> v = [2, 3] >>> A.dot(v) [[5], [-1]] >>> v = Matrix([[2], [-3]]) >>> A.dot(v) [[-1], [5]] >>> A.dot(v.T) # v.T is not a column vector! Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: A.dot(v): the vector v = [[2, -3]] is not a vector: v.m = 2 != 1. >>> v = Matrix([[2], [-3], [7]]) >>> A.dot(v) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: A.dot(v): the size of the vector v = [[2], [-3], [7]] should be compatible with the size of the matrix self = [[1, 1], [1, -1]]. Here self.m = 2 and v.n = 3, are different. >>> v = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] >>> A.dot(v) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: A.dot(v): the size of the vector v = [[1], [2], [3], [4], [5]] should be compatible with the size of the matrix self = [[1, 1], [1, -1]]. Here self.m = 2 and v.n = 5, are different. """ if isinstance(v, Matrix): if self.m == v.n and v.m == 1: return self * v elif v.m != 1: raise ValueError(("A.dot(v): the vector v = {} is not a vector: v.m = {} != 1.".format(v, v.m))) elif self.m != v.n: raise ValueError(("A.dot(v): the size of the vector v = {} should be compatible with the size of the matrix self = {}. Here self.m = {} and v.n = {}, are different.".format(v, self, self.m, v.n))) else: # Convert the iterator v to a list, then to a column vector try: vector_v = Matrix([[x] for x in list(v)]) except Exception: raise ValueError(("A.dot(v): impossible to convert v = {} to a column vector.".format(v))) return self.dot(vector_v) def norm(self, p=2): """ A.norm() computes the p-norm of the matrix A, default is p = 2. - Mathematically defined as p-root of the sum of the p-power of *modulus* of its coefficients. - If p = 'inf', the max norm is returned. - Reference is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matrix_norm#.22Entrywise.22_norms. >>> A = Matrix([[1, 2], [-3, -1]]) >>> A.norm() # (1)**2 + (2)**2 + (-3)**2 + (-1)**2 3.872983346207417 >>> 15**0.5 3.872983346207417 >>> A.norm('inf') 3 >>> A.norm(1) == 7 # (1) + (2) + (3) + (1) True >>> A.norm(3) 3.332221851645953 """ if p == 'inf': return max(abs(x) for x in self) else: result = sum(abs(x)**p for x in self) ** (1.0/p) return int(result) if int(result) == result else result def normalized(self, fnorm=None, *args, **kwargs): """ A.normalized() return a new matrix, which **columns vectors are normalized** by using the norm 2 (or the given function fnorm). - Will **not fail** if a vector has norm 0 (it is just not modified). - Reference is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orthogonalization. - Any extra arguments `args`, `kwargs` are forwarded to the function fnorm. >>> A = Matrix([[1, 2], [-3, -1]]) >>> A.normalized(p='inf') [[0.333333333333, 1.0], [-1.0, -0.5]] >>> eye(5).normalized(p='inf').map(int) # normalize then round to an int [[1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1]] >>> B = -eye(5) >>> (2*B).normalized() # each vector is divided by its norm = 2 [[-1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0]] >>> B.normalized(p='inf') [[-1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0]] It works also for a simple vector: >>> v = Matrix([[1], [-2], [3]]) >>> v.normalized() [[0.267261241912], [-0.534522483825], [0.801783725737]] >>> v.normalized(p=2) [[0.267261241912], [-0.534522483825], [0.801783725737]] >>> v.normalized() * (14**0.5) [[1.0], [-2.0], [3.0]] >>> v.normalized(p=1) [[0.166666666667], [-0.333333333333], [0.5]] >>> v.normalized(p=1) * 6 [[1.0], [-2.0], [3.0]] >>> 6 * v.normalized(p=1) [[1.0], [-2.0], [3.0]] """ if fnorm is None: def fnorm(x, *args, **kwargs): return x.norm(*args, **kwargs) c = self.copy() for j in xrange(c.cols): normofthiscol = fnorm(c[:, j], *args, **kwargs) if normofthiscol != 0: for i in xrange(c.rows): c[i, j] /= normofthiscol return c def __abs__(self): """ abs(A) <-> A.abs() <-> A.__abs__() computes the absolute value / modulus coefficient-wise. >>> A = Matrix([[-4, 2+2j], [0, 4j]]) >>> abs(A) [[4, 2.82842712475], [0, 4.0]] >>> B = -eye(2) >>> B.abs() [[1, 0], [0, 1]] """ return self.map(abs) abs = __abs__ # ==================================================================== # Trace and other special values def trace(self): """ A.trace() computes the trace of A. >>> A = Matrix([[-4, 2+2j], [0, 4j]]) >>> A.trace() (-4+4j) >>> eye(19).trace() 19 >>> zeros(20).trace() 0 >>> ones(100).trace() 100 """ return sum(self[i, i] for i in xrange(min(self.n, self.m))) # TODO: Try to find an algorithm to approximatively compute eigen values, and eigen vectors ? # ==================================================================== # Check if a matrix is square, symetric, anti-symetric, diagonal, skew-symetric (hermitian) etc @property def is_square(self): """ A.is_square tests if A is square or not. >>> A = Matrix([[-4, 2+2j], [0, 4j]]) >>> A.is_square True >>> v = Matrix([[-4], [0]]) >>> v.is_square False """ return self.n == self.m @property def is_symetric(self): """ A.is_symetric tests if A is symetric or not. >>> A = Matrix([[-4, 2+2j], [0, 4j]]) >>> A.is_symetric False >>> eye(30).is_symetric True """ return self.n == self.m and all(self[i, j] == self[j, i] for i in xrange(self.n) for j in xrange(self.m)) @property def is_anti_symetric(self): """ A.is_anti_symetric tests if A is anti-symetric or not. >>> A = Matrix([[0, 1], [-1, 0]]) >>> A.is_anti_symetric True >>> eye(30).is_anti_symetric False """ return self.n == self.m and all(self[i, j] == -self[j, i] for i in xrange(self.n) for j in xrange(self.m)) @property def is_diagonal(self): """ A.is_diagonal tests if A is diagonal or not. >>> eye(40).is_diagonal True >>> A = Matrix([[0, 1], [-1, 0]]) >>> A.is_diagonal False >>> A = diag(range(30)) >>> A.is_diagonal True """ return all(self[i, j] == 0 for i in xrange(self.n) for j in xrange(self.m) if i != j) @property def is_hermitian(self): """ A.is_hermitian tests if A is hermitian or not (A* == A, ie conjugate(A.T) == A). >>> A = Matrix([[1, 2j], [-2j, 1]]) >>> A.is_hermitian True >>> eye(30).is_hermitian True >>> (1j * ones(3)).is_hermitian False """ f = lambda z: z.conjugate() if isinstance(z, complex) else z return self.n == self.m and all(self[i, j] == f(self[j, i]) for i in xrange(self.n) for j in xrange(self.m)) @property def is_lower(self): """ A.is_lower tests if A is lower triangular or not. >>> A = Matrix([[8, 1], [0, 7]]) >>> A.is_lower False >>> A.T.is_lower True """ return all(self[i, j] == 0 for i in xrange(self.n) for j in xrange(i+1, self.m)) @property def is_upper(self): """ A.is_upper tests if A is upper triangular or not. >>> A = Matrix([[2, 0], [3, 4]]) >>> A.is_upper False >>> A.T.is_upper True """ return all(self[i, j] == 0 for i in xrange(1, self.n) for j in xrange(i)) @property def is_zero(self): """ A.is_zero tests if A is the zero matrix or not. >>> A = Matrix([[2, 0], [3, 4]]) >>> A.is_zero False >>> zeros(30).is_zero True >>> (0 * A).is_zero True """ return all(self[i, j] == 0 for j in xrange(self.m) for i in xrange(self.n)) @property def is_singular(self): """ A.is_singular tests if A is singular (ie. non-invertible) or not. - Computes the determinant by using the Gauss elimination process. >>> A = Matrix([[2, 0], [3, 4]]) >>> A.is_singular False >>> zeros(3).is_singular True >>> (0 * A).is_singular True >>> Matrix([[2, 0], [4, 0]]).is_singular True """ return self.det == 0 # ==================================================================== # Linear operations *in place* def swap_cols(self, j1, j2): """ A.swap_cols(j1, j2) changes *in place* the j1-th and j2-th *columns* of the matrix A. >>> A = Matrix([[2, 0], [3, 4]]); A [[2, 0], [3, 4]] >>> A.swap_cols(0, 1); A [[0, 2], [4, 3]] """ for i in xrange(self.rows): self[i, j1], self[i, j2] = self[i, j2], self[i, j1] def swap_rows(self, i1, i2): """ A.swap_rows(i1, i2) changes *in place* the i1-th and i2-th *rows* of the matrix A. >>> A = Matrix([[2, 0], [3, 4]]); A [[2, 0], [3, 4]] >>> A.swap_rows(0, 1); A [[3, 4], [2, 0]] """ for j in xrange(self.cols): self[i1, j], self[i2, j] = self[i2, j], self[i1, j] # ======================================================================== # Adjugate matrix (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adjugate_matrix) def minor(self, i, j): """ A.minor(i, j) <-> minor(A, i, j) returns the (i, j) minor of A, defined as the determinant of the submatrix A[i0,j0] for i0 != i and j0 != j. - Complexities: memory is O(n^2), time is O(n^3) (1 determinant of size n-1). """ return det(Matrix([[self[i0, j0] for j0 in xrange(self.m) if j0 != j] for i0 in xrange(self.n) if i0 != i])) def cofactor(self, i, j): """ A.cofactor(i, j) <-> cofactor(A, i, j) returns the (i, j) cofactor of A, defined as the (-1)**(i+j) times to (i, j) minor of A. - Complexities: memory is O(n^2), time is O(n^3) (1 determinant of size n-1). """ return (-1)**(i+j) * self.minor(i, j) def adjugate(self): """ A.adjugate() <-> adjugate(A) returns the adjugate matrix of A. - Reference is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adjugate_matrix#Inverses. - Complexities: memory is O(n^2), time is O(n^5) (n^2 determinants of size n-1). - Using the adjugate matrix for computing the inverse is a BAD method : too time-consuming ! LU or Gauss-elimination is only O(n^3). >>> A = Matrix([[2, 0], [3, 4]]) >>> A.adjugate() [[4, -3], [0, 2]] >>> A * A.adjugate() == A.det * eye(A.n) False >>> A * A.adjugate().T == A.det * eye(A.n) True """ return mat_from_f(self.cofactor, self.n) def type(self): """ A.type() returns the matrix of types of coefficients of A. """ return self.map(type) # End of that class Matrix # ======================================================================== # ======================================================================== # Utility functions def ones(n, m=None): """ ones(n, m) is a matrix of size (n, m) filled with 1. >>> ones(3, 2) [[1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1]] >>> ones(2, 3) [[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]] """ if not m: m = n return Matrix([[1 for _ in xrange(m)] for _ in xrange(n)]) def zeros(n, m=None): """ zeros(n, m) is a matrix of size (n, m) filled with 0. >>> zeros(3, 2) [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]] >>> zeros(2, 3) [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]] >>> ones(2, 3) == zeros(2, 3) + 1 True >>> zeros(2, 3) == ones(2, 3) * 0 True """ if not m: m = n return Matrix([[0 for _ in xrange(m)] for _ in xrange(n)]) def eye(n): """ eye(n) is the identity matrix of size (n, n) (1 on the diagonal, 0 outside). >>> eye(2) [[1, 0], [0, 1]] >>> zeros(18) == eye(18) * 0 True >>> eye(20).is_diagonal True >>> eye(20).is_singular False >>> eye(5).det 1 >>> eye(7).trace() 7 """ return Matrix([[1 if i == j else 0 for j in xrange(n)] for i in xrange(n)]) def diag(d, n=None): """ diag(d) creates a matrix from a list (or iterator) of diagonal values, or with n-times the value d if d is not an iterator and n is an integer. >>> D = diag(range(1,6)) >>> D[2, :] [[0, 0, 3, 0, 0]] We can check the usual properties of diagonal matrices: >>> D.trace() 15 >>> D.trace() == sum(range(1,6)) True >>> D.det 120 >>> from math import factorial >>> D.det == factorial(5) True Other examples: >>> diag([-1, 1]) [[-1, 0], [0, 1]] >>> diag([-4, 1]) + 3 [[-1, 3], [3, 4]] We can also use the optional argument `n`: >>> diag(3.14, 3) [[3.14, 0, 0], [0, 3.14, 0], [0, 0, 3.14]] >>> diag([3.14]*3) [[3.14, 0, 0], [0, 3.14, 0], [0, 0, 3.14]] """ if n: return diag([d]*n) else: n = len(d) return Matrix([[d[i] if i == j else 0 for j in xrange(n)] for i in xrange(n)]) def mat_from_f(f, n, m=None): """ mat_from_f(f, n, m=None) creates a matrix of size (n, m) initialized with the function f : A[i, j] = f(i, j). - Default value for m is n (square matrix). - WARNING: f has to accept two arguments i, j. - Remark: similar to ``Array.make`` (or ``Array.init``) in OCaml (v3.12+) or ``String.create`` (or ``String.make``). >>> mat_from_f(lambda i, j: 1 if i == j else 0, 3) == eye(3) True >>> mat_from_f(lambda i, j: 1, 3) == ones(3) True >>> mat_from_f(lambda i, j: i+j, 3) [[0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4]] >>> mat_from_f(lambda i, j: i*j, 3) [[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 2], [0, 2, 4]] """ if not m: m = n return Matrix([[f(i, j) for j in xrange(m)] for i in xrange(n)]) # ======================================================================== # Functions that are just wrappers around methods def det(A): """ det(A) <-> A.det computes the determinant of A (in O(n^3)). >>> det(eye(2)) 1 >>> det((-1) * eye(4)) 1 >>> det((-1) * eye(5)) -1 """ return A.det def rank(A): """ rank(A) <-> A.rank computes the rank of A (in O(n^3)). >>> rank(eye(2)) 2 """ return A.rank def gauss(A, *args, **kwargs): """ gauss(A) <-> A.gauss() applies the Gauss elimination process on A (in O(n^3)). """ return A.gauss_elimination(*args, **kwargs) def gauss_jordan(A, *args, **kwargs): """ gauss_jordan(A) <-> A.gauss_jordan() applies the Gauss-Jordan elimination process on A (in O(n^3)). """ return A.gauss_jordan(*args, **kwargs) def inv(A): """ inv(A) <-> A.inv() tries to compute the inverse of A (in O(n^3)). >>> inv(eye(2)) == eye(2) True """ return A.inv() def exp(A, *args, **kwargs): """ exp(A) <-> A.exp() computes an approximation of the exponential of A (in O(n^3 * limit)). >>> import math; e = math.e >>> C = diag([1, 4]) >>> exp(C) == diag([e ** 1, e ** 4]) == diag([math.exp(1), math.exp(4)]) # Rounding mistakes! False >>> exp(C).almosteq(diag([e ** 1, e ** 4])) # No more rounding mistakes! True >>> diag([e ** 1, e ** 4]).almosteq(diag([math.exp(1), math.exp(4)])) True """ return A.exp(*args, **kwargs) # ======================================================================== # The LU decomposition def PLUdecomposition(A, mode=None): """ matrix.PLUdecomposition(A) computes the permuted LU decomposition for the matrix A. - Operates in time complexity of O(n^3), memory of O(n^2). - mode can be None (default), or 'f' for fractions or 'd' for decimal numbers. - Returned P, L, U that satisfy P*A = L*U, with P being a permutation matrix, L a lower triangular matrix, U an upper triangular matrix. - Will raise a ValueError exception if A is singular. - Reference is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaussian_elimination#Definitions_and_example_of_algorithm - We chosed to apply rows operations only: it uses elementary operations on lines/rows: L_i' <-- L_i - gamma * L_k (method swap_rows). - Can swap two columns in order to select the bigger pivot (increases the numerical stability). """ assert A.is_square U = A.copy() n, m = U.n, U.m P, L = eye(n), eye(n) if mode is None: # Trying to compute the mode ourself if all(isinstance(x, Fraction) for x in U): mode = 'f' elif all(isinstance(x, Decimal) for x in U): mode = 'd' elif mode == 'f': try: U = U.map(Fraction) L = L.map(Fraction) except Exception as e: print "Failed to convert to Fraction:", e U = U.copy() elif mode == 'd': try: U = U.map(Decimal) L = L.map(Decimal) except Exception as e: print "Failed to convert to Decimal:", e U = U.copy() # Now we can start for k in xrange(n): # Find the pivot on the k-th row i_max = k # Is the pivot U[k, k] is zero, we find a possible better pivot if U[k, i_max] == 0: i_max = _argmax(range(k, m), [abs(U[k, j]) for j in xrange(m)]) # Is the pivot U[k, i_max] is still non zero, we cannot do anything, because the matrix is singular. if U[k, i_max] == 0: raise ValueError("PLUdecomposition() has been called on a singular matrix.") else: # U.swap_cols(i_max, k) U.swap_rows(i_max, k) # The matrix P will keep track of the permutations performed during the Gaussian Elimination process: # P.swap_cols(i_max, k) P.swap_rows(i_max, k) if k >= (min(n, m) - 1): break # break the for loop RIGHT NOW # Do for all lines/rows below pivot: for i in xrange(k+1, n): if mode == 'f': gamma = Fraction(U[i, k], U[k, k]) elif mode == 'd': gamma = Decimal(U[i, k]) / Decimal(U[k, k]) else: # gamma = float(U[i, k]) / float(U[k, k]) gamma = U[i, k] / U[k, k] # Do for all remaining elements in current line: for j in xrange(k+1, m): # Add - gamma times row k to row i of U U[i, j] -= gamma * U[k, j] # We convert to integer if possible, it is prettier :) # if int(U[i, j]) == U[i, j]: # U[i, j] = int(U[i, j]) # Fill lower triangular matrix with zeros (because gamma is chosen like that): if mode == 'f': U[i, k] = Fraction(0) elif mode == 'd': U[i, k] = Decimal(0) else: U[i, k] = 0 # The entries of L below the diagonal are gradually replaced by the negatives of multiples used in the corresponding row operations of type #1. L[i, k] = gamma # Moreover, any pair of entries that both lie below the diagonal # in these same two rows (i_max and k) of L must also be interchanged, # while entries lying on and above its diagonal need to stay in their place. for j in xrange(min(i_max, k)+1, m): L[i_max, j], L[k, j] = L[k, j], L[i_max, j] # L[j, i_max], L[j, k] = L[j, k], L[j, i_max] return P, L, U # End of PLUdecomposition() # ======================================================================== # Other functions def norm(A, p=2, *args, **kwargs): """ norm(A, p) <-> A.norm(p) computes the p-norm of A (default is p = 2).""" return A.norm(p, *args, **kwargs) def trace(A, *args, **kwargs): """ trace(A) <-> A.trace() computes the trace of A.""" return A.trace(*args, **kwargs) # ======================================================================== # Random matrix from random import randint as _randint, uniform as _uniform def rand_matrix(n=1, m=1, k=10): """ rand_matrix(n, m, k) generates a new random matrix of size (n, m) with each coefficients being integers, randomly taken between -k and k. >>> from random import seed >>> seed(0) # we want the example to always be the same >>> rand_matrix(2, 3) [[7, 5, -2], [-5, 0, -2]] >>> rand_matrix(3, 2, 40) [[23, -16], [-2, 7], [33, 0]] >>> rand_matrix(4, 4, 100) [[-44, 51, 24, -50], [82, 97, 62, 81], [-38, 46, 80, 37], [-6, -80, -13, 22]] """ assert k > 0 return Matrix([[_randint(-k, k) for _ in xrange(m)] for _ in xrange(n)]) def rand_matrix_float(n=1, m=1, k=10): """ rand_matrix_float(n, m, k) generates a new random matrix of size (n, m) with each coefficients being float numbers, randomly taken between -k and k. >>> from random import seed >>> seed(0) # we want the example to always be the same >>> rand_matrix_float(2, 3) [[6.8884370305, 5.15908805881, -1.58856838338], [-4.82166499414, 0.225494427372, -1.90131725099]] >>> rand_matrix_float(3, 2, 1) [[0.56759717807, -0.393374547842], [-0.0468060916953, 0.16676407891], [0.816225770391, 0.00937371163478]] >>> rand_matrix_float(4, 4, 20) [[-8.72648622401, 10.2321681663, 4.73475986701, -9.9797463455], [16.3898502387, 19.3114190415, 12.4086894399, 16.0866380176], [-7.59409722723, 9.19326993041, 15.9535315187, 7.35935727662], [-1.11429138189, -15.9719516773, -2.63312658185, 4.43547893775]] """ assert k > 0 return Matrix([[_uniform(-k, k) for _ in xrange(m)] for _ in xrange(n)]) # del _randint # Useful or not ? # ======================================================================== # 2 auxiliary functions used by the Gauss elimination process def _argmax(indexes, array): """ Compute the index i in indexes such that the array[i] is the bigger.""" besti, bestvalue = None, None for i in indexes: if array[i] >= bestvalue: # WARNING: Accessing array[i] does not check if i is a good index or not besti = i bestvalue = array[i] if besti is None: raise ValueError("argmax() arg is a non-valid sequence.") return besti def _prod(iterator): """ Compute the product of the values in the iterator. Empty product is 1.""" p = 1 for x in iterator: p *= x return p # 2 auxiliary functions for implementing the generalized __setitem__ method def _ifnone(a, b): """ b if a is None, else a. - Useful for converting a slice object to a xrange object. """ return b if a is None else a def _slice_to_xrange(sliceobject): """ Get a xrange of indeces from a slice object. - Thanks to http://stackoverflow.com/a/13855369. """ return xrange(_ifnone(sliceobject.start, 0), sliceobject.stop, _ifnone(sliceobject.step, 1)) # ======================================================================== # The Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process def innerproduct(vx, vy): """ Dot product of the two vectors vx and vy (real numbers ONLY). >>> vx = [1, 2, 3]; vy = [-1, 0, 4] >>> innerproduct(vx, vy) 11 """ assert len(vx) == len(vy) return sum(x * y for x, y in zip(vx, vy)) # XXX Typo in the subject def norm_square(u): """ Shortcut for the square of the norm of the vector u : ||u||^2 = . >>> u = [1, 2, 3] >>> norm_square(u) 14 """ return innerproduct(u, u) def vect_const_multi(vx, c): """ Multiply the vector vx by the (real) constant c. >>> vx = [1, 2, 3]; vy = [-1, 0, 4] >>> vect_const_multi(vx, 2) [2, 4, 6] >>> vect_const_multi(vy, -4) [4, 0, -16] """ return [c*x for x in vx] def proj(u, v): """ Projection of the vector v into the vector u (``proj_u(v)`` as written on Wikipedia). >>> u = [1, 2, 3]; v = [-1, 0, 4] >>> proj(u, v) # 11/14 * u [0.7857142857142857, 1.5714285714285714, 2.357142857142857] >>> proj(u, v) == [(11/14) * x for x in u] True """ nsqu = norm_square(u) if nsqu == 0: return [0] * len(u) else: # udotu = float(nsqu) # useless, I imported division from __future__ return vect_const_multi(u, innerproduct(u, v) / nsqu) def gram_schmidt(V, normalized=False): """ Basic implementation of the Gram-Schmidt process, in the easy case of Rn with the usual <.,.>. - The matrix is interpreted as a family of *column* vectors. - Reference for notations, concept and proof is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gram%E2%80%93Schmidt_process. - If normalized is True, the vectors are normalized before being returned. .. todo:: I am not sure about the correctness of this implementation. >>> V = Matrix([[1, 2, 3], [-1, 0, 4]]) >>> gram_schmidt(V) [[1, 2, 3], [-1, 0, 4]] """ n, m = V.n, V.m U = V.copy() for k in xrange(1, n): # U[k, :] -= sum_j(proj(U[j, :], U[k, :])) for j in xrange(0, k-1): p = proj(U[j, :], U[k, :]) for t in xrange(m): U[k, t] -= p[t] # Now u_{k} is orthogonal with all the previous u_{j} (j < k) ! if normalized: return U.normalized() else: return U # ======================================================================== # Adjugate matrix (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adjugate_matrix) def minor(A, i, j): """ minor(A, i, j) returns the (i, j) minor of A, defined as the determinant of the submatrix A[i0,j0] for i0 != i and j0 != j. - Complexities: memory is O(n^2), time is O(n^3) (1 determinant of size n-1). """ return A.minor(i, j) def cofactor(A, i, j): """ cofactor(A, i, j) returns the (i, j) cofactor of A, defined as the (-1)**(i+j) times to (i, j) minor of A. - Complexities: memory is O(n^2), time is O(n^3) (1 determinant of size n-1). """ return A.cofactor(i, j) def adjugate(A): """ adjugate(A) returns the adjugate matrix of A. - Reference is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adjugate_matrix#Inverses. - Complexities: memory is O(n^2), time is O(n^5) (n^2 determinants of size n-1). - Using the adjugate matrix for computing the inverse is a BAD method : too time-consuming ! LU or Gauss-elimination is only O(n^3). """ return A.adjugate() # ======================================================================== # TODO Solver for linear equation A.x = b # Use the pseudo-inverse ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moore%E2%80%93Penrose_pseudoinverse#The_iterative_method_of_Ben-Israel_and_Cohen # [http://mp.cpgedupuydelome.fr/cours.php?id=3805&idPartie=34487] # - Gauss elimination is better. # ======================================================================== # We are done if __name__ == '__main__': print "You can run the file 'tests.py' to see examples of use of this module 'matrix.py'." print "Testing every doctests in the module 'matrix'..." # Each function or method I wrote includes a doctest: import doctest doctest.testmod() print "\nMore details about doctest can be found on the Python documentation: \nhttps://docs.python.org/2/library/doctest.html" A = Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) # End of matrix.py