# CS 101 Lab: Week # 6 <ul class="pager"> <li><a href="../w05/">← Previous lab</a></li> <li><a href="../w07/">Next lab →</a></li> </ul> CS101 Lab Week 6 : week of the First Mid Term Exam (9-13 of Feb). For the three labs of Thursday and Friday 12th and 13th, the syllabus is the same as the one of <a href="../w07/">previous week 5 and next week 7</a>. --- This exam covered everything seen during the lectures and the lab sessions, from the beginning of the course to the last lecture and lab before the exam. A more precise syllabus has been given, see below (the points /40 are for Problem 1, the MCQ): - Basic knowledge of history of computers and computing (covered by Prof. Dhande) : 4/40 - What is a programming language, an editor, a console (terminal), and examples with the Python language, the Spyder editor and the IPython console : 2/40 - All the elements of syntax and language of Python covered in the labs and the lectures: values, operations, functions, comments, strings, etc. An almost complete list is: arithmetic operations, print statement, help and type functions, variables, different data types for numbers, strings, boolean values, boolean operators (`and`, `or`, `not`) and boolean testing : 26/40 - Conditional blocks: `if`, `elif` and `else` (concept, syntax, use, limitation, possible errors etc) : 4/40 - Conditional loop `while`, and iterative loop `for` (concept, syntax, use, limitation, possible errors etc) : 4/40 - Functions: concept, use, examples (`help`, `type`, `abs`, `len` etc), and how to define a function (e.g. `def f(x, y): return cos(x + y)`). --- <ul class="pager"> <li class="previous"><a href="../w05/">← Previous lab</a></li> <li class="next"><a href="../w07/">Next lab →</a></li> </ul>