# CS 101 Lab: Week # 6
CS101 Lab Week 6 : week of the First Mid Term Exam (9-13 of Feb).
For the three labs of Thursday and Friday 12th and 13th, the syllabus is the same as the one of previous week 5 and next week 7.
This exam covered everything seen during the lectures and the lab sessions, from the beginning of the course to the last lecture and lab before the exam.
A more precise syllabus has been given, see below (the points /40 are for Problem 1, the MCQ):
- Basic knowledge of history of computers and computing (covered by Prof. Dhande) : 4/40
- What is a programming language, an editor, a console (terminal), and examples with the Python language, the Spyder editor and the IPython console : 2/40
- All the elements of syntax and language of Python covered in the labs and the lectures: values, operations, functions, comments, strings, etc. An almost complete list is: arithmetic operations, print statement, help and type functions, variables, different data types for numbers, strings, boolean values, boolean operators (`and`, `or`, `not`) and boolean testing : 26/40
- Conditional blocks: `if`, `elif` and `else` (concept, syntax, use, limitation, possible errors etc) : 4/40
- Conditional loop `while`, and iterative loop `for` (concept, syntax, use, limitation, possible errors etc) : 4/40
- Functions: concept, use, examples (`help`, `type`, `abs`, `len` etc), and how to define a function (e.g. `def f(x, y): return cos(x + y)`).