# CS 101 Lab: Week # 1
It is planned to cover the following during the first week CS101 lab.
## Outline:
1. General introduction about computer and human interaction through **information**,
2. Programming = talking to your computer,
3. Demo of the IPython command line environnement as a calculator (number, arithmetic operations, then print and string). Command line = talking with a phone (one line input ==> one output),
4. Using basic functions : `type(3)`, `help(type)` etc,
5. Difference between `int` and `float` (integers and float numbers),
6. Example of all the maths operations: `+`, `-`, `/`, `//`, `*`, `**`, `%` etc.
7. Presentation of the *Spyder IDE*,
8. Writing our very first Python program with *Spyder IDE*: where to write, how to execute, where is the output. IDE = writing a letter, then sending it to the computer,
9. Using `print` or not `print`. Saving our file, opening it again etc,
10. Text editor in *Spyder IDE*: syntax coloration, error etc. Writing a bugged line ?