Not so personnal data about the user of this website

Cookies use policy

Using this site does not require you to send or give any personal data.

Every visitor is clearly informed that a cookie might be stored on his computer by visiting the website.

Such a cookie does not allow the website to personaly identify the user. Usually, a cookie can store any information regarding the browsing history of a user on one website (consulted pages, dates and hours of viewing etc), and that history can be read later for every visit.

But not here ! On my website, only two cookies are used :

  1. A really small text file called layoutstyle, to store the color style chosen by the user (a simple value, either “green”, or “orange” or the default one, “purple”). It is possible to change the color style of these pages by using the letters “s” or “S” on your keeboard. A small interactive window allow then to choose your favorite color (there is also a short message to recall that a cookie will be stored to save this choice). All this require javascript to be actived.

  2. An other incredibly small file is used by Sphinx to store a list of browsing parameters, now useless because I basically changed every single line in the default layout.html template file.

How to deal with cookies


More details

This website is dedicated to explain everything about cookies, and therefore is really more complete than the following explanation.

For instance, you can also check out

A user can decide to block cookies, and therefore no cookies will be stored (and, obviously, the related functionalities won’t work).

You should know how to do it by yourself on your computer, but there is a google research link to learn how to do it.

You can also simply display the cookies:

About (in French)

Ref 3: (in English).

Ref 1: (in French).

Ref 2: (in French).