#!/usr/bin/env bash # author: Lilian BESSON # email: Lilian.BESSON[AT]ens-cachan[DOT]fr # date: 21-01-2015. # web: https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/bin/src/master/tree_html.sh # # Generate a HTML file showing a depth indented listing of files, with colours and hyperlink. # # Help: tree_html.sh [depth] # # Requires: the 'tree' command (http://mama.indstate.edu/users/ice/tree/) # # Licence: GPLv3 (http://perso.crans.org/besson/LICENSE.html) # version="1.0" echo -e "tree_html.sh: starting..." function generateHTMLtree() { # Depth depth="${1:-1}" # echo -e "tree_html.sh: working with depth = '${depth}'." # File or not file ? Give the option '-a' for all files, '-d' for directories, nothing for default # option="${2:--d}" option="${2}" # echo -e "tree_html.sh: working with option = '${option}'." if [ X"${option}" = X"-a" ]; then baseoutputfile=".all" typeoflisting="Listing of all files" elif [ X"${option}" = X"-d" ]; then baseoutputfile=".dirs" typeoflisting="Listing of directories" else baseoutputfile=".files" typeoflisting="Listing of dirs and files" fi # echo -e "tree_html.sh: working with baseoutputfile = '${baseoutputfile}'." # Title if [ X"$(hostname)" = X"zamok" ]; then webpath="http://perso.crans.org/besson/" else webpath="http://jarvis/" fi defaulttitle="${typeoflisting} @ ${webpath} (depth ${depth})" title="${3:-$defaulttitle}" # echo -e "tree_html.sh: working with title = '${title}'." # Output file defaultoutputfile="${baseoutputfile}_${depth}.html" outputfile="${4:-$defaultoutputfile}" # echo -e "tree_html.sh: working with outputfile = '${outputfile}'." # Start tree -T "${title}" -q -p -h -D -F -t -C ${option} \ --charset UTF-8 -L "${depth}" -H . \ | sed s_"/"_"/
"_g \ | sed s_"

"_g \ | sed s@"


Generated the $(date)
By a free and open source Bash script, written by Lilian Besson.
"@ \ > "${outputfile}" \ && echo -e "- ${green}Success${white}: file '${blue}${u}${outputfile}${U}${white}' well written, option '${magenta}${option}${white}' and depth='${yellow}${depth}${white}')." \ | tee -a /tmp/tree_html.log } # Find the depth depth="${1:-1}" if [ $depth -gt 6 ]; then echo -e "${red}Please use a depth <= 6.${white}" depth=6 fi echo -e "${black}tree_html.sh${white}: a list of HTML files showing a depth indented (upto the depth '${yellow}${depth}${white}') listing of files, with colours and hyperlink will be produced in the directory '${blue}${u}$(pwd)${U}${white}'." # Use that function for i in $(seq 1 ${depth}); do generateHTMLtree "$i" -d && generateHTMLtree "$i" done echo -e "\ntree_html.sh: YES, a list of HTML files (from depth=1 to depth=${depth}) has been produced:" ls -larth .files_*.html .dirs_*.html .all_*.html 2>/dev/null echo -e "\ntree_html.sh v$version : (C) Lilian Besson 2015." # echo -e "Released under the term of the GPL v3 Licence (more details on http://perso.crans.org/besson/LICENSE.html)." # echo -e "In particular, tree_html.sh is provided WITHOUT ANY WARANTY."