import inspect import os import subprocess from ft.types import T_STRING, T_ARRAY, T_BOOL, T_PATH, T_INT, T_VOID, TypeConversionError, \ dynamic_cast from ft.internal import TypedValue, add_dynamic_type from ft.error import panic function_list = {} def register(*names): if len(names) == 0 or not isinstance(names[0], str): panic("Called @register without arguments") def wrap(fn): global function_list for n in names: function_list[n] = fn return wrap def typed(type_in, type_out): def wrap(fn): def fn_typecheck(*args): inp = args[-1] if type_in is not None: try: inp = type_in.create_from(inp) except TypeConversionError as e: panic("Incompatible input type: expected '{}', got '{}'".format(e.type_to, e.type_from)) if len(args) > 1: result = fn(*args[0:-1], inp=inp.value) else: result = fn(inp=inp.value) if type_out is None: return TypedValue(result, inp.fttype) elif type_out == "returned": return result return TypedValue(result, type_out) fn_typecheck.type_in = type_in fn_typecheck.type_out = type_out fn_typecheck.inner_argspec = inspect.getargspec(fn) return fn_typecheck return wrap @register("strip") @typed(T_STRING, T_STRING) def strip(inp): return inp.strip() @register("append") @typed(T_STRING, T_STRING) def append(suffix, inp): return inp + dynamic_cast(T_STRING, suffix).value @register("prepend") @typed(T_STRING, T_STRING) def prepend(prefix, inp): return dynamic_cast(T_STRING, prefix).value + inp @register("take") @typed(T_STRING, T_STRING) def take(count, inp): count = dynamic_cast(T_INT, count).value return inp[0:int(count)] @register("drop") @typed(T_STRING, T_STRING) def drop(count, inp): count = dynamic_cast(T_INT, count).value return inp[int(count):] @register("capitalize") @typed(T_STRING, T_STRING) def capitalize(inp): return inp.capitalize() @register("to_lower") @typed(T_STRING, T_STRING) def to_lower(inp): return inp.lower() @register("to_upper") @typed(T_STRING, T_STRING) def to_upper(inp): return inp.upper() @register("substr") @typed(T_STRING, T_STRING) def substr(start, end, inp): start = dynamic_cast(T_INT, start).value end = dynamic_cast(T_INT, end).value return inp[start:end] @register("replace") @typed(T_STRING, T_STRING) def replace(old, new, inp): old = dynamic_cast(T_STRING, old) new = dynamic_cast(T_STRING, new) return inp.replace(old.value, new.value) @register("starts_with", "startswith") @typed(T_STRING, T_BOOL) def starts_with(pattern, inp): pattern = dynamic_cast(T_STRING, pattern).value return inp.startswith(pattern) @register("split") @typed(T_STRING, T_ARRAY) def split(separator, inp): separator = dynamic_cast(T_STRING, separator) return map(add_dynamic_type, inp.split(separator.value)) @register("join") @typed(T_ARRAY, T_STRING) def join(separator, inp): separator = dynamic_cast(T_STRING, separator).value vals = map(lambda x: T_STRING.create_from(x).value, inp) return separator.join(vals) @register("index", "at") @typed(T_ARRAY, T_STRING) def index(idx, inp): idx = dynamic_cast(T_INT, idx).value try: return T_STRING.create_from(inp[idx]).value except IndexError: panic("array index out of range") @register("length", "len") @typed(T_STRING, T_INT) def length(inp): return len(inp) @register("basename") @typed(T_PATH, T_PATH) def basename(inp): return os.path.basename(inp) @register("abspath") @typed(T_PATH, T_PATH) def abspath(inp): return os.path.abspath(inp) @register("dirname") @typed(T_PATH, T_PATH) def dirname(inp): return os.path.dirname(inp) @register("replace_ext") @typed(T_PATH, T_PATH) def replace_ext(new_ext, inp): new_ext = dynamic_cast(T_STRING, new_ext).value (base, ext) = os.path.splitext(inp) if ext != "": return base + "." + new_ext return inp @register("strip_ext") @typed(T_PATH, T_STRING) def strip_ext(inp): return os.path.splitext(inp)[0] @register("has_ext") @typed(T_PATH, T_BOOL) def has_ext(ext, inp): ext = dynamic_cast(T_STRING, ext).value (_, file_ext) = os.path.splitext(inp) file_ext = file_ext[1:] # strip leading dot return file_ext == ext @register("split_ext") @typed(T_PATH, T_ARRAY) def split_ext(inp): parts = os.path.splitext(inp) return [TypedValue(parts[0], T_STRING), TypedValue(parts[1][1:], T_STRING)] @register("id", "identity") @typed(None, None) def id(inp): return inp @register("const") @typed(None, "returned") def const(value, inp): return value @register("add") @typed(T_INT, T_INT) def add(num, inp): num = dynamic_cast(T_INT, num).value return inp + num @register("sub") @typed(T_INT, T_INT) def add(num, inp): num = dynamic_cast(T_INT, num).value return inp - num @register("mul") @typed(T_INT, T_INT) def mul(num, inp): num = dynamic_cast(T_INT, num).value return inp * num @register("duplicate") @typed(T_STRING, T_ARRAY) def duplicate(inp): return [TypedValue(inp, T_STRING), TypedValue(inp, T_STRING)] @register("run") @typed(T_ARRAY, T_VOID) def run(command, inp): command = dynamic_cast(T_STRING, command).value args = map(T_STRING.create_from, inp) args = list(map(lambda v: v.value, args)) print("Running '{}' with arguments {}".format(command, args))[command] + args) @register("exists") @typed(T_PATH, T_BOOL) def exists(inp): return os.path.exists(inp) @register("is_dir") @typed(T_PATH, T_BOOL) def is_dir(inp): return os.path.isdir(inp) @register("is_file") @typed(T_PATH, T_BOOL) def is_file(inp): return os.path.isfile(inp) @register("is_link") @typed(T_PATH, T_BOOL) def is_link(inp): return os.path.islink(inp) @register("contains") @typed(T_STRING, T_BOOL) def contains(substring, inp): substring = dynamic_cast(T_STRING, substring).value return substring in inp @register("nonempty", "non_empty") @typed(None, T_BOOL) def nonempty(inp): if type(inp) == list: return bool(inp) elif type(inp) == str: return inp.strip() != "" return True @register("equal", "equals", "eq") @typed(None, T_BOOL) def equal(other, inp): return other.value == inp @register("not_equal", "not_equals", "ne") @typed(None, T_BOOL) def not_equals(other, inp): return other.value != inp @register("greater", "greater_than", "gt") @typed(T_INT, T_BOOL) def greater_than(i, inp): i = dynamic_cast(T_INT, i).value return inp > i @register("greater_equal", "greater_equals", "ge") @typed(T_INT, T_BOOL) def greater_equals(i, inp): i = dynamic_cast(T_INT, i).value return inp >= i @register("less", "less_than", "lt") @typed(T_INT, T_BOOL) def less_than(i, inp): i = dynamic_cast(T_INT, i).value return inp < i @register("less_equal", "less_equals", "le") @typed(T_INT, T_BOOL) def less_equals(i, inp): i = dynamic_cast(T_INT, i).value return inp <= i