#!/bin/sh # From ANSIColors.py module, auto generated with -g option. (*i.e.* the command './ANSIColors.py --generate') # About the convention for the names of the colors : # * for the eight colors black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white: # * the name in minuscule is for color **with bold** (example 'yellow'), # * the name starting with 'B' is for color **without bold** (example 'Byellow'), # * the name starting with a capital letter is for the backgroung color (example 'Yellow'). # * for the special effects (blink, italic, bold, underline, negative), **not always supported** : # * the name in minuscule is for **activate** the effect, # * the name starting in capital letter is for **desactivate** the effect. # * for the other special effects (nocolors, default, Default, clear, el), the effect is **immediate** (and seems to be well supported). # About: # Use this script with other GNU Bash scripts, simply by importing him with # $ . ~/.color.sh # Copyrigths: # (c) 2013-14, Lilian Besson # #List of colors: #=============== export black="\033[01;30m" export red="\033[01;31m" export green="\033[01;32m" export yellow="\033[01;33m" export blue="\033[01;34m" export magenta="\033[01;35m" export cyan="\033[01;36m" export white="\033[01;37m" export Bblack="\033[02;30m" export Bred="\033[02;31m" export Bgreen="\033[02;32m" export Byellow="\033[02;33m" export Bblue="\033[02;34m" export Bmagenta="\033[02;35m" export Bcyan="\033[02;36m" export Bwhite="\033[02;37m" export Black="\033[40m" export Red="\033[41m" export Green="\033[42m" export Yellow="\033[43m" export Blue="\033[44m" export Magenta="\033[45m" export Cyan="\033[46m" export White="\033[47m" export Blink="\033[06m" export blink="\033[05m" export nocolors="\033[0m" export default="\033[39m" export Default="\033[49m" export italic="\033[3m" export Italic="\033[23m" export b="\033[1m" export B="\033[2m" export u="\033[4m" export U="\033[24m" export neg="\033[7m" export Neg="\033[27m" export clear="\033[2J" export el="\r\033[K" export reset="\033[0;39;49m" export bell="" export title="\033]0;" export warning="\033[01;31m\033[4m/!\\033[24m\033[39m" export question="\033[01;33m\033[4m/?\\033[24m\033[39m" export ERROR="\033[0;39;49m\033[01;31mERROR\033[39m" export WARNING="\033[0;39;49m\033[01;33mWARNING\033[39m" export INFO="\033[0;39;49m\033[01;34mINFO\033[39m" #DONE