#!/usr/bin/env /bin/bash # A graphical utility to manipulate daily the ~/motd message # and a non graphical try (with dialog). ########## # README # ########## # If you wanna to use it, you can add one of those two entries on "Start up application": # (to set a new one each day, this work well with "echo -e \"$HOME/motd\"" in your $HOME/.bashrc !) # Name: Message of the Day # Commande: sleep 25; path_to_this_script/changemotd.sh --new # Commentary: Change the message of the day at each new graphical connection ! # # (to print the old one each day, and before logging out you can manually change it to your next connection) # Name: Message of the Day # Commande: sleep 25; path_to_this_script/changemotd.sh --display # Commentary: Display the message of the day at each new graphical connection ! # # Don't forget to ajust the "path_to_this_script" to the real value. # ####### #FIXME# ####### # User interface is in french. # TODO: Make a translation # TODO: interface with dialog to be used in a terminal ## ARG_all="$*" arg1="$1" # Colors escp="\033[" blue="${escp}01;34m" red="${escp}01;31m" green="${escp}01;32m" bright_blue="${escp}36m" yellow="${escp}01;35m" white="${escp}01;37m" # echo -e "${white}" ##################### ### Create a new motd makenew_zenity() { # save the ancient dateTD=`date "+ %d−%m - %Hh:%Mm:%Ss"` echo -e "\n## $dateTD daily backup of $HOME/motd" >> $HOME/.motd.backup cat $HOME/motd >> $HOME/.motd.backup old="`cat $HOME/motd`" echo -e "Votre ${red}vieux${white} message du jour est :" echo -e "${green}${old}${white}" # pick the new one (with Zenity) new=`zenity --entry --title="${USER}@${HOSTNAME} : nouveau message du jour ?" --window-icon=question --text="Renseignez un nouveau message du jour.\n\ L'ancien est : \n<\b>${old}." --entry-text="$old $1"` # Erase the old one echo -e "$new" > $HOME/motd echo -e "Votre ${green}nouveau${white} message du jour est :" echo -e "${green}`cat $HOME/motd`${white}" mail_ghost.py "Automatically sent by the machine $HOSTNAME.crans.org when changing the motd. The new one is `cat $HOME/motd`." "[LOG] $USER@$HOSTNAME : new motd" } ##################### ### Create a new motd makenew_dialog() { # save the ancient dateTD=`date "+ %d−%m - %Hh:%Mm:%Ss"` echo -e "\n## $dateTD daily backup of $HOME/motd" >> $HOME/.motd.backup cat $HOME/motd >> $HOME/.motd.backup old="`cat $HOME/motd`" echo -e "Votre ${red}vieux${white} message du jour est :" echo -e "${green}${old}${white}" # pick the new one (with dialog) dialog --backtitle "Naereen CORP. (c) 23-12-2012" --title "${USER}@${HOSTNAME} : Message of the Day toolbox" --inputbox "Please, enter a *new* message of the day.\n\ The old one is [${old}]." 0 0 "$old $1" 2> ~/motd echo -e "Votre ${green}nouveau${white} message du jour est :" echo -e "${green}`cat $HOME/motd`${white}" mail_ghost.py "Automatically sent by the machine $HOSTNAME.crans.org when changing the motd. The new one is `cat $HOME/motd`." "[LOG] $USER@$HOSTNAME : new motd" } ###################### ### Print the old one printold() { echo -e " Votre message du jour ${green}courant${white} est :" echo -e "\n${blue}`cat $HOME/motd`${white}" # cat $HOME/motd } ######################## ### Display the old one displayold() { zenity --info --title="${USER}@${HOSTNAME} : message du jour." --window-icon=info --text="`cat $HOME/motd`" } ######################## ### Notify the old one notifyold() { notify-send --icon=info --urgency=low "${USER}@${HOSTNAME} : message du jour." "`cat $HOME/motd`" } ####################### ### Erase the old one eraseold() { echo -e "$*" > $HOME/motd } # Argument testing case "$arg1" in print*|-p*|--p*) printold ;; display*|-d*|--d*) displayold ;; new*d*|-new*d*|--new*d*|-N*d*|--N*d*) shift makenew_dialog "$*" ;; new*z*|-new*z*|--new*z*|-N*z*|--N*z*) shift makenew_zenity "$*" ;; edit|--edit) nano ~/motd -Y rst shift ;; notify*|-notify*|--notify**|-n*|--n*) notifyold ;; help*|-help*|--help*|*) printold echo -e "\n${red}.change_motd.sh [OPTIONS]${white}\n\ An utility tool to operate over the __motd__ : the Message Of The Day.\n\n\ Warning : If possible, this script use mail_ghost.py to log about the motd.\n\ ${blue}OPTIONS${white}:\n\ =========\n\ ${yellow}--help${white} Print this help (default comportement),\n\ ${yellow}--print${white} Print the Message of the Day,\n\ ${yellow}--display${white} Display the Message of the Day on a pop-up window,\n\ ${yellow}--notify${white} Notify the Message of the Day,\n\ ${yellow}--newd ${blue}[MESSAGE]${white} Change the Message of the Day, starting with the value MESSAGE, using Dialog.\n\n\ ${yellow}--newz ${blue}[MESSAGE]${white} Change the Message of the Day, starting with the value MESSAGE, using Zenity.\n\n\ ${blue}COPYRIGHTS${white}:\n\ ===========\n\ ${red}Lilian Besson (C) 01-12-2013${white}\n\ ${green}http://perso.crans.org/besson/bin/changemotd.sh" esac