#!/usr/bin/env bash # Author: Lilian BESSON # Email: Lilian.BESSON[AT]ens-cachan[DOT]fr # Web version: http://perso.crans.org/besson/bin/MailExercice.sh # Web version (2): https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/bin/src/master/MailExercice.sh # Date: 22-03-2013 # # A small script to do send one random Maths Exercice, by email, every single day ! # Requires: Exercice.sh (http://perso.crans.org/besson/bin/Exercice.sh) # # Options (order matters): # cron to act as if launched with cron # html to send an HTML email instead of plain text, # # FIXED: use mail_html.py rather than mutt, gpg-agent is not available when launched with gnome-schedule # Requires: Exercice.sh (http://perso.crans.org/besson/bin/mail_html.py) # echo -e "${clear}${yellow}.: Lilian Besson presents :." echo -e "${cyan}Random Maths Exercice, v1.2${reset}" #echo -e "${DISPLAY}" ( notify-send "MailExercice: starting..." ) || echo -e "${red}Fail using notify-send${white}" # Exercice.sh télécharge l'exercice, le stocke dans /tmp/num.txt # FIXME: PATH to Exercice.sh may change ! numexo=$( $HOME/bin/Exercice.sh --static | grep -o "numExo=[0-9][0-9]*" | grep -o "[0-9][0-9]*" ) # Destinataire par défaut deflt=jarvis dmin=crans.org default=${deflt}@${dmin} SendEmail() { echo -e "${reset}SendEmail have been called... Processing the arguments..." # MUTT="/usr/bin/mutt-patched -F $HOME/.mutt/ens_nobcc.muttrc" MUTT="mail_ghost.py" subject="[agreg-a1] Exercice #${numexo}" if [ X"$1" = X"--html" ]; then shift # MUTT="/usr/bin/mutt-patched -F $HOME/.mutt/ens_nobcc_html.muttrc" MUTT="mail_html.py" subject="${subject} (HTML)" echo -e "${red}Sending a HTML email :)" fi file="$1" shift to="${@:-$default}" # echo -e "${magenta}Mutt Command: $MUTT" echo -e "${magenta}Command used to send a mail: $MUTT 'content of the file' 'subject'" echo -e "${cyan}Subject: $subject" echo -e "${blue}To: $to" echo -e "${white}Content: $file${reset}" less -f -B -i -J -w -W -~ -K -X -u -r "$file" #read ## $MUTT -s "${subject}" -- "$to" < "$file" \ for dest in "$to"; do $MUTT "$(cat "${file}")" "${subject}" "$dest" \ && echo -e "${green}Mail well sent to ${to}${white}..." done } SendExercice() { ## HTML (print a nice notification, rather than sending an email) echo -e "Exercice aléatoire du jour (plus de détails ici)\n" > "/tmp/${numexo}.zenity.html" cat "/tmp/${numexo}.txt" | grep -v "^$" >> "/tmp/${numexo}.zenity.html" echo -e "\n\nVous avez 3 minutes pour le résoudre, après quoi il sera envoyé par courriel\n-- \nAffiché via zenity --text et du balisage pango sur jarvis avec MailExercice.sh (script open-source)\n" >> "/tmp/${numexo}.zenity.html" echo -e "Soumettre un bug ?" >> "/tmp/${numexo}.zenity.html" ## Fake a google analytics call wget --quiet "https://ga-beacon.appspot.com/UA-38514290-15/exo/${numexo}/$(date '+%d-%m-%Y')?pixel" -O /dev/null >/dev/null 2>/dev/null if [ X"$1" = X"cron" ]; then shift echo -e "${red}Launched by cron (with gnome-schedule) so not interactive.${white}" else zenity --title="MailExercice" --timeout=180 --question --text="$(cat "/tmp/${numexo}.zenity.html")" ## Exit if user have seen and clicked on the notification ret=$? if [ $ret -eq 5 ]; then return 0 fi fi if [ X"$1" = X"html" ]; then shift ## HTML (send a nice email) echo -e "

Exercice aléatoire du jour

(plus de détails ici)
" > "/tmp/${numexo}.mail.html"
			cat "/tmp/${numexo}.txt" | grep -v "^$" >> "/tmp/${numexo}.mail.html"
			echo -e "

Envoyé par jarvis avec MailExercice.sh (script open-source)
" >> "/tmp/${numexo}.mail.html" ## echo -e "
\"GA\"" >> "/tmp/${numexo}.mail.html" echo -e "Soumettre un bug ?" >> "/tmp/${numexo}.mail.html" echo -e "
" >> "/tmp/${numexo}.mail.html" SendEmail --html "/tmp/${numexo}.mail.html" "$@" else ## PlainText echo -e "Exercice aléatoire du jour:\n(plus de détails ici : http://mp.cpgedupuydelome.fr/mesexos.php?numExo=${numexo})" > "/tmp/${numexo}.mail.txt" cat "/tmp/${numexo}.txt" >> "/tmp/${numexo}.mail.txt" echo -e "-- \nEnvoyé par jarvis avec MailExercice.sh\n(Script open-source: http://perso.crans.org/besson/bin/MailExercice.sh)" >> "/tmp/${numexo}.mail.txt" SendEmail "/tmp/${numexo}.mail.txt" "$@" fi } SendExercice "$@" && ( notify-send "MailExercice: done :)" ) || echo -e "${red}Fail using notify-send${white}"