.. meta:: :description lang=en: Some free alternatives software to MATLAB :description lang=fr: Quelques logiciels alternatifs gratuits à MATLAB ########################################### Some free alternatives software to MATLAB ########################################### .. seealso:: `This other page about GNU Octave `_. `MATLAB `_ is great, but not free and not open-source. You might be interested by `Free and Open-Source `_ clones of MATLAB or MATLAB-like softwares? This page is here for this. List of alternative softwares for MATLAB ---------------------------------------- 1. **Julia** ~~~~~~~~~~~~ `Julia `_ is my new favorite open-source alternative to MATLAB. It's completely awesome, with a fastly growing community (+200% by year since 2015!), you should definitely check it out! .. seealso:: `This article by Nobel laureate Paul Romer `_, about the Jupyter notebook and the future of the research paper. .. seealso:: I gave a presentation at `IETR seminar 2018 `_ about Julia, with `Pierre Haessig `_. The slides are `available here! `_. .. raw:: html
2. **GNU Octave** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `GNU Octave `_ aims to be a full clone of MATLAB, and has been developed for the last 25 years. It works really well, and `now has a built-in GUI `_, very similar to the MATLAB one. However, it's really *slow*, and the community behind it is very small. 3. Python with scientific tools ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Python with the `Spyder IDE `_ (with `IPython `_), the `NumPy/SciPy packages `_ for computations and `MatPlotLib for plotting `_. Note that other good editors include `Visual Studio Code `_ (my new favorite!), `Sublime Text `_, `GNU Emacs `_, `vi/vim/gvim/neovim etc `_, and `JetBrains PyCharm `_. All this is included in the free `Anaconda `_ installer, which allow to install everything in two clicks (one file of 500 MB, free to download of course). .. seealso:: More `details on how to start learning and using Python `_ on this website. `This online course gives many details on how to learn using Python as a replacement for MATLAB `_ (on `RealPython.com `_). 4. SciLab ~~~~~~~~~ `SciLab `_, was originally developed by a French team, joint work of CNRS and INRIA. It has a syntax very close to the MATLAB and Octave one, and is still actively developed. 5. SAGE (Python SageMath) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ More details on their website: `SageMath.org `_. .. note:: "*Freeware*"? Each of the mentioned softwares are freely available, on Windows, most of the Linux distributions, or Mac OS. References ~~~~~~~~~~ For more details, and more alternatives (e.g., more specialized alternatives), you can for example refer to these pages: - `alternativeto.net/software/matlab/ `_, - `www.instantfundas.com/2008/10/3-free-open-source-alternatives-to.html `_, - `www.linuxbsdos.com/2013/07/14/2-free-software-alternatives-to-matlab `_. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Online interpreters? (on this website) -------------------------------------- .. seealso:: A list of `GNU Octave (v4) on-line interpreters `_, on *my* website. .. seealso:: `Python (v2.7) on-line interpreter `_, on *my* website, and even `another one for Python `_. .. seealso:: `OCaml (v3.12) on-line interpreter `_, on *my* website. .. (c) Lilian Besson, 2011-2021, https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/web-sphinx/