.. meta:: :description lang=en: A short blog-roll list :description lang=fr: Une petite liste de blogs que je lis ######################## A short blog-roll list ######################## This page lists all blogs I have been reading in the last few years, sorted by categories. Feel free to `suggest me anything `_ ! .. note:: I subscribe to each of these blogs using `RSS `_, and not social media like Facebook and Twitter. RSS is an old but efficient standard, and it allows you to receive automatically the updates on a website, a blog, etc, without being tracked by said website or by your app or social media. If you are curious, please read `Why I Still Use RSS, by Marc on atthis.link (2021-02) `_. .. warning:: This list, like all lists on my site, is probably not perfectly up-to-date. Sorry, I'm just a human! It is maintained *manually*, and I try to improve it and complete it regularly, at least once a year. I do not want to set up a list of RSS feeds in my Thunderbird subscriptions, although it is possible to export this as `an OPML file `_, Because some of these flows are not intended to be public. .. seealso:: This other page list My YouTube subscriptions (unfortunately, it is no longer possible to receive as RSS feeds): ``_. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fun and web comics ------------------ In English, updated regularly. For geeks: - `"Coding Horror" `_, `RSS `_, - `"CommitStrip" `_, `RSS `_, - `"xkcd.com" `_, `RSS `_. For researchers: - `"PHD Comics" `_, `RSS `_. To have fun: - `"Dumbing of Age" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Oglaf! -- Comics. Often dirty." `_, `RSS `_, - `"Questionable Content" `_, `RSS `_, and the blog of the author, `"jephjacques.com" `_, `RSS `_. In French: - `"Projet Crocodiles" `_, `RSS `_. Science news ------------ - `"Data Analytics Post" in French `_, `RSS `_, - `"Our World in Data" `_, `RSS `_, - `"The Pudding" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Kinea" in French `_, `RSS `_. ---- Blogs of researchers -------------------- Maths: - `"Eli Bendersky's website" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Homepage of Gabriel Peyré" `_, `RSS `_, - `"John D. Cook" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Kevin London's blog" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Math ∩ Programming" by Jeremy Kun `_, `RSS `_. Computer science: - `"brain of Mat Kelcey" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Dan Luu" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Daniel Lemire's blog" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Dave's Data" `_, `RSS `_, - `"DDI" by Michael Nielsen `_, `RSS `_, - `"Peter Norvig" `_, `RSS `_, Machine learning: - `"Bandit Algorithms" `_, `RSS `_, - `"bayesjumping.net" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Chris Stucchio" `_, `RSS `_, - `"composition.al" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Embedded in Academia" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Erik Bernhardsson" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Felix Rieseberg" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Google Research Blog" `_, `RSS `_, - `"i am trask" `_, `RSS `_, - `"John Resig" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Julius Schulz blog" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Kamal Marhubi" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Kate Murphy" `_, `RSS `_, - `"math" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Matt Might's blog" `_, `RSS `_, - `"mdk.fr" `_, `RSS `_. ---- Technical company blogs ----------------------- - `"Bitbucket" `_, `RSS `_, - `"CodeAhoy" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Developer Blog - Washington Post Engineering" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Dropbox Tech Blog" `_, `RSS `_, - `"GitHub Engineering" `_, `RSS `_, - `"The GitHub Blog" `_, `RSS `_. Updates on software ------------------- - `"OCaml - Jane Street Tech Blogs" `_, `RSS `_, - `"OpenAI Blog" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Project Jupyter" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Project Nayuki" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Sublime Blog" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Xubuntu" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Visual Studio Code - Code Editing. Redefined." `_, `RSS `_, - `"TryAlgo" `_, `RSS `_. Training blogs -------------- - `"Codeception" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Code as Craft" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Dataquest" `_, `RSS `_, - `"interviewing.io blog" `_, `RSS `_, - `"life is short - you need Python!" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Make Art with Python" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Many things about OCaml" `_, `RSS `_, - `"My Tech Interviews" `_, `RSS `_, - `"OCaml Labs" `_, `RSS `_, - `"pydanny" `_, `RSS `_, - `"PyMOTW - Doug Hellmann" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Python Insider" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Real Python" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Runhe Tian Coding Practice" `_, `RSS `_. ---- Technical blogs --------------- Software development: - `"Better Dev Link" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Late Developer" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Programming in the 21st Century" `_, `RSS `_, - `"The Programming Butler" `_, `RSS `_, Specific technologies: - `"Allison Kaptur" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Armin Ronacher's Thoughts and Writings" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Artem Golubin" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Attractive Chaos" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Dan Dreams of Coding" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Command Line Fanatic" `_, `RSS `_, - `"zwischenzugs" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Ned Batchelder's blog" `_, `RSS `_, - `"SmallSureThing" `_, `RSS `_, Computer science: - `"Xuedong Shang" `_, `RSS `_, - `"I'm a bandit" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Pythonic Perambulations" `_, `RSS `_, - `"inFERENCe" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Elided Branches" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Machine Learning (Theory)" on hunch.net `_, `RSS `_, - `"WildML" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Random Thoughts - Matthias Bussonnier" `_, `RSS `_, - `"The Math Less Traveled" `_, `RSS `_, - `"CSE Blog - quant, math, computer science puzzles" `_, `RSS `_, Fun: - `"Accidentally Quadratic" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Brilliantly wrong" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Jazz, Linux & Vim" `_, `RSS `_, - `"IT Enthusiast" `_, `RSS `_, Others: - `"Hi. I'm Hilary Mason." `_, `RSS `_, - `"igvita.com" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Jacques Mattheij" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Joel on Software" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Lojic Technologies" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Olivier Lacan" `_, `RSS `_, - `"peteris.rocks" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Robert Heaton" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Robert Grinberg's blog" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Sophie Rapoport" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Squid's Blog" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Steve Hanov's Programming Blog" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Tall, Snarky Canadian" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Tavish Armstrong" `_, `RSS `_, - `"the blAAAAAAAg" `_, `RSS `_, - `"The hacker known as "Alex"" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Zero Wind :: Jamie Wong" `_, `RSS `_, - `"thoughts from the red planet" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Tom Preston-Werner" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Toni Cebrián" `_, `RSS `_. ---- Useless blogs ------------- - `"ADDI" `_, `RSS `_, - `"CJC - Brêves" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Club-Méta" `_, `RSS `_, - `"fuzzy notepad - blog" `_, `RSS `_, and `"fuzzy post-it" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Noticing" `_, `RSS `_, - `"SCEE – Signal, Communication & Embedded Electronics" `_, `RSS `_. Travelers blogs --------------- - `"Central'Indien" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Ruby on Wheels" `_, `RSS `_. Others ------ - `"🌯 Emoji Wrap" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Abstractivate" `_, `RSS `_, - `"okepi" `_, `RSS `_. ---- French blogs ------------ About history: - `"Actuel Moyen Âge" `_, `RSS `_, - `"On dit médiéval, pas moyenâgeux !" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Savoirs d'Histoire" `_, `RSS `_. About life: - `"Zero Waste France" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Viser la lune" `_, `RSS `_. Computer science and informatics: - `"binaire" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Interstices RSS" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Korben" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Scienti'Click" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Semidoc" `_, `RSS `_. Fun: - `"Donjon de Naheulbeuk" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Français de nos régions" `_, `RSS `_. My own blogs ------------ - `"Lilian Besson's RSS" `_, `RSS `_, - `"mloss.org SMPyBandits" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Objectif Zéro Déchet pour l'année 2018 - par Lilian Besson" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Recettes de cuisine - Lilian Besson" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Wikipedia - Naereen contributions [en]" `_, `RSS `_, - `"Wikipédia - Contributions de l'utilisateur [fr]" `_, `RSS `_. .. (c) Lilian Besson, 2011-2021, https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/web-sphinx/