#!/bin/bash # Volume control script for https://github.com/Naereen/GMusicBrowser-FullScreen-WebApp # MIT Licence, https://lbesson.mit-license.org/. # A bash script to control amixer volume through the command line. # Colors escp="\033[" blue="${escp}01;34m" red="${escp}01;31m" green="${escp}01;32m" yellow="${escp}01;35m" white="${escp}01;37m" [ -f ~/.color.sh ] && . ~/.color.sh volume() { e=$(amixer sget 'Master',0 | grep 'Mono:' | grep -o '[0-9]*%') echo "${e}" } volume_value() { e=$(volume) echo "${e%\%}" } if [ "$*" = "" ]; then # Simply print the volume ! echo -e "${green}Information about the volume : ${blue}$(amixer sget 'Master',0 | grep \"Mono:\")${white}.\n\tVolume=${red}$(volume)${white}" notify-send --icon=sound "Volume.sh" "Information about the volume : $(amixer sget 'Master',0 | grep \"Mono:\")." exit 0 fi # Argument testing for arg in "$@"; do case "$arg" in -h|--help) echo -e "${red}Volume.sh [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]${white}\n\n\ A bash script to control the volume (with amixer) through the command line.\n\ All command, except for value, print useful colored infos, and notify the user (use notify-send).\n\ ${blue}OPTIONS${white}:\n\ =========\n\ ${yellow}-h, --help${white} Print this help,\n\ ${blue}COMMAND${white}:\n\ =========\n\ ${yellow}value${white} Return the numerical value of the volume (as a percentage : useful with other scripts),\n\ ${yellow}notify${white} Print and notify informations about the Main volume (value, percentage, gain, on/off),\n\ ${yellow}up${white} Increase the volume by 5%,\n\ ${yellow}down${white} Decrease the volume by 5%,\n\ ${yellow}mute${white} Mute (turn off),\n\ ${yellow}unmute${white} Unmute (turn on) ${red} FIXME : doesn't work yet ${white},\n\ ${yellow}VALUE|PER${white} Set the volume to VALUE, or to the percentage PER (example: 'Volume.sh 30%', or 'Volume.sh 20'),\n\ ${blue}COPYRIGHTS${white}:\n\ ===========\n\ ${red}Lilian BESSON (C) 11-01-2013${white}\n\ Check out the last version online : ${green}http://perso.crans.org/besson/bin/Volume.sh${white}" exit 0 ;; value*) volume_value exit 0 ;; notify*) echo -e "${green}Information about the volume : ${blue}$(amixer sget 'Master',0 | grep \"Mono:\")${white}.\n\tVolume=${red}$(volume)${white}" notify-send --icon=sound "Volume.sh" "Information about the volume : $(amixer sget 'Master',0 | grep \"Mono:\")." exit 0 ;; mute*) echo -e "${green}Mutting the volume${white} (command mute)..." amixer sset 'Master',0 0% # | grep "Mono:" ## notify-send --icon=sound "Volume.sh" "Information about the volume : $(amixer sget 'Master',0 | grep \"Mono:\") (after mutting)." ;; unmute*) echo -e "${green}Unmutting the volume${white} (command unmute)..." #vol=$(volume_value) #amixer sset 'Master',0 unmute 2> /dev/null > /dev/null #amixer sset 'Master',0 on 2> /dev/null > /dev/null amixer sset 'Master',0 20% # | grep "Mono:" # amixer sset 'Master',0 -- -42.75dB | grep "Mono:" ## notify-send --icon=sound "Volume.sh" "Information about the volume : $(amixer sget 'Master',0 | grep \"Mono:\") (after unmutting)." ;; down*|-|moins*) vol=$(volume_value) newvol=$((vol-5)) if [ "$newvol" -lt 0 ]; then echo -e "${red}Volume negative...${white}" newvol=0 fi echo -e "${green}Decreasing the volume${white} by 5% ($vol -> $newvol) (command down)..." amixer sset 'Master',0 $newvol% | grep "Mono:" ## notify-send --icon=sound "Volume.sh" "Information about the volume : $(amixer sget 'Master',0 | grep \"Mono:\") (after decreasing by 5%)." ;; up*|+*|plus*) vol=$(volume_value) newvol=$((vol+5)) if [ "$newvol" -gt 100 ]; then echo -e "${red}Volume negative...${white}" newvol=0 fi echo -e "${green}Increasing the volume${white} by 5% ($vol -> $newvol) (command up)..." amixer sset 'Master',0 $newvol% | grep "Mono:" ## notify-send --icon=sound "Volume.sh" "Information about the volume : $(amixer sget 'Master',0 | grep \"Mono:\") (after increasing by 5%)." ;; *) echo -e "${green}Setting the volume to ${blue}$arg${white} (command PER% or VAL)..." amixer sset 'Master',0 "$arg" | grep "Mono:" notify-send --icon=sound "Volume.sh" "Information about the volume : $(amixer sget 'Master',0 | grep \"Mono:\") (after running $arg)." ;; esac done # DONE