Some free alternatives software to MATLAB

MATLAB is great, but not free and not open-source.

You might be interested by Free and Open-Source clones of MATLAB or MATLAB-like softwares? This page is here for this.

List of alternative softwares for MATLAB

1. Julia

Julia is my new favorite open-source alternative to MATLAB. It’s completely awesome, with a fastly growing community (+200% by year since 2015!), you should definitely check it out!

Voir aussi

This article by Nobel laureate Paul Romer, about the Jupyter notebook and the future of the research paper.

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I gave a presentation at IETR seminar 2018 about Julia, with Pierre Haessig. The slides are available here!.

2. GNU Octave

GNU Octave aims to be a full clone of MATLAB, and has been developed for the last 25 years. It works really well, and now has a built-in GUI, very similar to the MATLAB one. However, it’s really slow, and the community behind it is very small.

3. Python with scientific tools

Python with the Spyder IDE (with IPython), the NumPy/SciPy packages for computations and MatPlotLib for plotting. Note that other good editors include Visual Studio Code (my new favorite!), Sublime Text, GNU Emacs, vi/vim/gvim/neovim etc, and JetBrains PyCharm.

All this is included in the free Anaconda installer, which allow to install everything in two clicks (one file of 500 MB, free to download of course).

4. SciLab

SciLab, was originally developed by a French team, joint work of CNRS and INRIA. It has a syntax very close to the MATLAB and Octave one, and is still actively developed.

5. SAGE (Python SageMath)

More details on their website:


« Freeware »?

Each of the mentioned softwares are freely available, on Windows, most of the Linux distributions, or Mac OS.


For more details, and more alternatives (e.g., more specialized alternatives), you can for example refer to these pages:

Online interpreters? (on this website)

Voir aussi

A list of GNU Octave (v4) on-line interpreters, on my website.

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Python (v2.7) on-line interpreter, on my website, and even another one for Python.

Voir aussi

OCaml (v3.12) on-line interpreter, on my website.