#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ A simple (beta) Python tool to plot graphics from Wikipédia statistics. .. warning:: Copyleft 2013 - Lilian Besson. .. warning:: License GPLv3. .. sidebar:: Last version? Take a look to the latest version at https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/bin/src/master/wikistats.py --- Examples -------- >>> wikistats.py --help Gives help >>> wikistats.py "Professeur Xavier" fr Will produce a graphic of visiting statistics for the page https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Professeur_Xavier for the last 30 days ------ .. note:: This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. wikistats.py is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License v3 along with wikistats.py. If not, see . """ # Pour détecter le langage par défault import os # Default values language_default = os.getenv("LANG")[0:2] def lang_to_text(lang, exception=False): """ lang_to_text(lang, exception=False) -> str Convert a Wikipédia language code (two letters) to a English version of the language. Example: >>> lang_to_text("en") 'english' >>> lang_to_text("fr") 'french' """ if exception: try: # TODO improve this ! return {"en": "english", "fr": "french"}[lang] except: "unknown" else: return {"en": "english", "fr": "french"}[lang] latest = 30 # also 60 or 90 are available template_url_default = "http://stats.grok.se/json/{language}/latest{latest}/{page}" template_output_default = "{page}.{language}.json" def download_json(page="JSON", language=language_default, template_output=template_output_default, template_url=template_url_default): """ download_json(page="JSON", template_output=template_output_default, language=language_default, template_url=templateurl_default) -> str Download a JSON file. @page: tell which Wikipédia page to lookup to. @template_output: template string for the output JSON (.json) file. @language: language to use for downloading the JSON. @template_url: online page to use a format to download the JSON. Example: >>> download_json(page="France", language="en", template_output="{page}.en.json") 'France.en.json' >>> download_json(page="France", language="fr", template_output="out_{page}.fr.json") 'out_France.fr.json' """ from sys import stderr # To download the JSON file from the web # WARNING: https might not be supported import urllib2 # To move the destination file to "/tmp/" if it is already there. import distutils.file_util url_to_download = template_url.format(page=page, language=language, latest=latest) outfile = template_output.format(page=page, language=language) try: stderr.write ("\nWarning: The destination file '{outfile}' was already present in the current directory, now it is in {newfile}.\n".format( outfile=outfile, newfile=distutils.file_util.copy_file(outfile, "/tmp/")[0])) except distutils.file_util.DistutilsFileError: stderr.write("Perfect, apparently the destination file '{outfile}' is not there.\n".format(outfile=outfile)) url_request = urllib2.urlopen(url_to_download) distutils.file_util.write_file(outfile, url_request.readlines()) return outfile def outfile_to_json(outfile_name): """ outfile_to_json(outfile_name) -> dir Try to dump and return the content of the file @outfile. """ outfile = open(outfile_name) # To convert the content of this file in a Python dictionnary. import json try: json_obj = json.loads(outfile.readline()) except ValueError: import string json_obj = json.loads(string.join(outfile.readlines())) return json_obj def plot_stats_from_json(json_obj, graphic_name=None, graphic_name_template="{title}.{lang}.{ext}", ext="all", title=None): """ plot_stats_from_json(json_obj, graphic_name=None, graphic_name_template="{title}.{lang}.{ext}", ext="png") -> None Plot a couple of PNG/SVG/PDF statistics. .. warning:: Beta ! """ assert(ext in ["png", "svg", "pdf", "all"]) title = title if title else json_obj["title"] lang = json_obj["project"] rank = json_obj["rank"] if rank == "-1": rank = "NA" if not graphic_name: graphic_name = graphic_name_template.format(title=title, lang=lang, ext=ext) views = json_obj["daily_views"] try: import datetime today = datetime.date.today() year, month, day = today.year, today.month, today.day except ImportError: year, month, day = "2014", "12", "02" # stats = {} data = [] # We sort the keys by increasing dates for year_month_day in sorted(views, key=lambda s: s[-5:-3]+s[-2:]): # newkey = year_month_day[-5:-3] + "-" + year_month_day[-2:] # stats[newkey] = views[year_month_day] data.append([year_month_day, views[year_month_day]]) # print "On {year}, the {date} the page \"{title}\" (lang={lang}) had {number} visitor{plural}.".format(date=newkey, number=stats[newkey], # title=title, lang=lang, year=year, # plural=("s" if stats[newkey]>1 else "") ) # Now make a graphic thanks to this data print "A graphic will be produced to the file \"{graphic_name}\" (with the type \"{ext}\").".format(graphic_name=graphic_name, ext=ext) # We use numpy for the data manipulation and pylab for plotting (à la Matlab). import numpy import pylab data_old = data try: data = numpy.array(data) except: # durty, almost impossible ! print "Unable to convert data to a numpy array. Exiting now..." exit() # Just the numbers numbers = data[::, 1].astype(numpy.int) nbnumbers = numpy.size(numbers) print "The page \"{title}\", with language {lang}, has been ranked {rank}th on the {month}th month of {year}, for a total of {total} views.".format(title=title, lang=lang_to_text(lang, exception=True), rank=rank, month=month, year=year, total=sum(numbers)) # # Sort decreasingly (bad idea here) # ind = numpy.argsort(numbers) # data = data[ind] # numbers = numbers[ind] # Graph options pylab.xlabel("Dates from the last 30 days (at the {today})".format(today=datetime.date.today())) pylab.ylabel("Number of visitors") try: lang_name = "(in " + lang_to_text(lang, exception=False).capitalize() + ")" except KeyError: lang_name = "(unknown language)" pylab.title(u".: Visiting statistics for the Wikipedia page '{title}' {lang_name} :.\n (Data from http://stats.grok.se, Python script by Lilian Besson (C) 2014) ".format(title=title, lang_name=lang_name)) # X axis pylab.xlim(1, nbnumbers+1) pylab.xticks(range(nbnumbers+1), [ s[-2:] for s in data[:,0] ] , rotation=70) # Y axis pylab.ylim(numbers.min()*0.95, numbers.max()*1.05) pylab.grid(True, alpha=0.4) # # Compute (and plot) an (invisible) histogram # # xvalues, bins, patches = pylab.hist(numbers, range(nbnumbers+1), alpha=0.0) bins = numpy.arange(start=1, stop=nbnumbers+1) # We keep the days with visitors idc = numbers >= 0 pylab.plot(bins[idc], numbers[idc], 'go--', linewidth=.5, markersize=5) # Tweak spacing to prevent clipping of ylabel pylab.subplots_adjust(left=0.15) # bottom=0.5 # pylab.show() # only if interactive will testing # Plot the histogram on 3 files (png, svg, pdf) if ext == "all": graphic_name = "{title}.{lang}.".format(title=title, lang=lang) for ext in ["png", "svg", "pdf"]: pylab.savefig(graphic_name + ext, format=ext, dpi=600) print "Ploting the statistics on an histogram on the file \"{graphic_name}\".".format(graphic_name=graphic_name + ext) pylab.draw() # Otherwise use only the one given by the user else: pylab.savefig(graphic_name, format=ext, dpi=400) print "Ploting the statistics on an histogram on the file \"{graphic_name}\".".format(graphic_name=graphic_name) pylab.draw() pylab.clf() return views, data, data_old, numbers def main(argv): """ main(argv) -> None Main function. Use the arguments of the command line.""" # print "argv: ", argv if "-h" in argv or "--help" in argv: print "wikistats.py --help|-h | page [language_code]" return 1 language = argv[1] if len(argv) > 1 else language_default page = argv[0] if len(argv) > 0 else "Professeur Xavier" outfile = download_json(page=page, language=language) json_obj = outfile_to_json(outfile) views, data, data_old, numbers = plot_stats_from_json(json_obj, title=page) return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": from doctest import testmod # testmod(verbose=False) import sys sys.exit(int(main(sys.argv[1:])))