Guillaume BATOG

PhD student at Université de Nancy 2 - Third year
Teaching assistant at ENSEM
Working in VEGAS project-team, INRIA Nancy - Grand Est, France

E-mail : b a t o g [ A T ] l o r i a [ D O T ] f r
Phone : (+33) 3 83 59 20 21

Enseignements (Colles de maths, TD Maths pour l'ingénieur, Analyse complexe, TP Java, Pascal, Assembleur, Bases de données)

Research interests: Computational geometry, Discrete geometry, Algebraic geometry.


    Journal article(s)

  1. Inflating balls is NP-hard (pdf, slides)
    G. Batog and X. Goaoc.
    To appear in the International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications.

    Refereed conference(s)

  2. Admissible Linear Map Models of Linear Cameras (pdf, pictures)
    G. Batog, X. Goaoc and J. Ponce.
    Proc. 23rd IEEE Conference in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2010.


  3. From invariants to predicates: example of line transversals to lines (pdf, slides)
    G. Batog.
    EuroCG 2010.

  4. Événements visuels de polyèdres (pdf, slides)
    Master's thesis, September 2008.

Statuts des établissements d'enseignement supérieur et de recherche en France

Memento on cell-complexes

Last update: January 2011.